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"'Good morning, sunshine." Zach says sleepily.

"You're so cheesy." I reply in return to his 'good morning,sunshine' remark.

"Yeah but you love cheese" he responds and I laugh.

To be so smart, he sure could act stupid.

"Whatever, lets get ready." I remind him.

"Shower with me?" he asked hopefully.

I laugh at that.
"Yeah right."

He looks at me pleadingly. "Come on it'll be fun." He steps close to me and whispers in my ear "and sexy."
Then he starts kissing my jaw slowly.

"Zach.." I trail of not having a response.

"Peyton..." he mocks me in between kisses.

"Fine. But you can't look at me. And no funny business." I respond.

He laughs and looks at me with humor.

"Babe, I've seen you naked before." he says.

"I know, but I don't want to be tempted. I want to save myself until marriage." I respond.

"You won't be tempted.. maybe a little tempted, but I won't make you do anything you don't want to do." he said sincerely.

"Fine. Lets go." I said, grabbing his hand and pulling him to the shower with me.

I hastily strip down, and step into the hot shower covering myself. Zach steps in behind me moments later. We stand under the comfortable, hot water for a few moments until Zach speaks up. "I want to wash you."

I blush in response, but nod an 'okay'.

He rubs lavender scented body wash between his hands before running them along my body. His soap covered hands massage into my skin deeply and thoroughly. It was intimate, pleasurable, and relaxing all at the same time.

When he was done, I decided to speak my mind.

"That was fun. We should do that more often."

He smirks and says, "oh we will."

I smack him lightly on the chest.

"Turn around and face the wall, I want to wash you now." I demand and he complies.

I grab a manlier scented body wash and lather him in the thick suds. His muscles felt hard under my touch.

After I was done washing him, I pressed a soft kiss to his back, and turned the shower off, stepping into a big fluffy towel.

"Well, I'm gonna blowdry my hair and get dressed, but i'll probably take longer than you to get ready so it's fine if you just stay in the shower." I tell him.

"Eh, I'll just go ahead and get out." he responded.

He was about to get out when I fake coughed and blushed.

"What?" he asked confused.

"Um, well, little Zach seems excited."
I said motioning to the prominent bulge under his towel.

He blushes furiously and turns around so that he's not facing me.

"You don't even want to know how many cold showers I've had to take because of you, babe." He said

I blush and laugh, leaving the room and I hear him start the shower again.

I put on my favorite pair of maroon jeans and a black and white striped sweater. I slip a pair of black boots on my feet and then start blowdrying my hair.

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