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"Peyton, wake up" Zachs voice reaches my ears blissfully.

"5 more minutes." I groan immaturely.

"No, get up now. You have to move you things in."

Even though my eyes are shut, if they were open, I would be rolling them.

"Fine, damn. Let me get dressed, then we can go."

"We?"he asks bitterly.

"Yeah, we, how do you expect me to move all of my stuff alone?" I ask dumbly.

"I have to work. I always have to work. You should know that by now. Work comes first." He said that last part slowly, as if I were dumb.

"So what does work coming first have to do with me moving furniture alone?"

"It means that I cannot help you. Aaron's gonna come help you. Not alone though, not in hell would I let that happen. Josh is gonna help you too."

"Oh okay." I respond.

"Shoot, I'm late. See you later." he says quickly before rushing out the door.

I quickly shower, then I put on a pair of old skinny jeans, and a grey tank top, under an unbuttoned flannel shirt that I found in Zach's closet. I quickly put my hair into a cute, messy bun, and applied the minimal amount of makeup.

I got a text from Allison later that read:

Josh and Aaron are gonna meet you at your apartment at 11. Wish I could come, but i have to work. See ya Friday though. xx

I responded with a simple, 'thanks Alli. See you Friday!

I glanced at the clock, noting that I had an hour before I had to be at the apartment.

I spent the next 45 minutes watching reruns of the golden girls, while drinking orange juice.

At about 10:45, I got my lazy ass up off of the couch, grabbed my phone, and my 'wedding ring', before heading out the door. I had to walk. My car is at the complex. Damnit.

The walk was only about 10 minutes.
When I arrived, I swiftly knocked on the door, knowing well that me key was occupying the dining room table on the other side of this door. Jessy opened the door with a wide smile before pouncing on me.

"I haven't seen you in like 2 days, and I'm having my withdrawals." she says loudly.

I laugh, hugging her. She was my best friend.

I head In where Aaron and josh are already packing. Wow,productive.

"Hey, hotstuff" Aaron greets cheekily.
"Peyton, how are you."
Josh greets politely.

"I'm good. Thanks so much for helping. Im not taking any furniture, I'm leaving it for Jessy. I can see that your already packing my clothes. perfect. I'll need all of them. I also need to pack all of my photo albums, jewelry, accessories, shoes, books oh yes, can't live without books. Also I'm going to need all of my feminine, and hygiene products. Oh and my grandmother crocheted a few pillows and blankets for me, i'll need those. While your at it can you also pack my jewelry box, it was my mothers and it's really important to me."

They stare at me blankly as I smile. Then I added,

"Would you like anything to drink."


Later that day, I found out that
The 'few' things I had asked to be packed for the move, were actually really time consuming.4 hours of constant bickering, folding, tossing, and taping later, we were finally done.

"I'm so gonna miss having you around." Jessy states sadly. Then she adds, "but I'm also super happy for you. Your getting married!" she winks one of her forest green eyes at me. she knows this is a deal.

"Yes, and your gonna be my maid of honor right?" I ask.

"YES,YES OF COURSE." She yells jumping up and down,her blond mane of curls bouncing every which way.

"Good. I'll come visit you soon, or maybe we can get coffee. Later babe." I say while exiting as she responds with a 'later.'

I thankfully grabbed my car keys, and I show Aaron and josh to my car, so that they can load boxes into it.

It was a tight fit. Cramming all of those boxes into my black Camry. But we did it and I was now heading 'home.'


Josh, Aaron and I had been unpacking my things for the past two hours, joking around, getting to Know each other, and having a good time. That was until Zach marched in, shutting the door loudly before storming to his room.

"I'll go talk to him." I say while making my way to his room, well our room now."

As soon as I'm I the room, I'm greeted by zach pacing the room. Then he walks over to me and says simply,

"I can tell Aaron isn't completely buying this act, I've known him forever, and I can read the glint in his eyes. We need to make this look real, so I stormed in, making everyone think I'm mad, so that you would follow me in here. Now were gonna make each other look like horny teenagers" he says simply

"Um o-okay." I respond, and before I can finish, he takes my hair out a bun, making it look messy. Then he messes up his own hair.

Next he unbuttons the top 5 or 6 buttons of his shirt.

"Oh, I'm gonna need to give you a hickey real quick." he adds.

"Like hell you are." I respond.

"Relax, not a real one. Im just gonna push you against the wall, so that they can hear it, then your gonna scrub your neck really hard with a wet washcloth, until it looks like a hickey."

Sure enough,he pushed me against the wall, being sure to make a sound that Aaron and josh could hear. I scrub my skin with the cloth, and let me tell you, it stings. Zach was really going above and beyond. He really wanted his friends to be convinced. While I was making my 'hickey', he even took off his belt, being sure that he made a clanking sound.

I finished my 'hickey' and Zach smirked down at me. "You look great, just take off this flannel"and I did as he said.

He fluffed out both mine, and his hair a little more before wrapping his arm around my waist and leading me out the door.

We exit and hear a snicker.

"What were you two up to?" Josh asks cheekily.

I respond "painting"
At the same time Zach responds "algebra."

"Hmm okay, and what's that on your neck, Peyton? Is that a hickey I spy? Or perhaps you call it a love bite."

I squeak out a maybe before Aaron walks over patting Zach's head.

"Well done, man. She's a keeper. You went in madder than a hornet, and you came out looking like you just did it for the first time. Bravo man. She must be good if you did it that quick-" before Aaron could finish I interrupt,

"Yeah, yeah Well we have some work to do. Thanks for your help though. So much, you too josh. I think we've got it from here though. Thanks guys. See you all on Friday.". We bid out goodbyes, and then Zach and I go to bed like nothing even happened.


Sorry if its no good

Sorry for the mistakes.

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