warming events!

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For~ lilastorm87 and GGmadge!!

I put mario cart in its box. The boys were out together, while me, Lila and GG played the Wii U. "What next?" I ask. Lila slides off the couch. "I'm hungry!!" GG pokes her cheek. "Agreed. What's close by?" I thought for a moment. "There's a Applebee's just 10 minutes from here." GG perks up. She runs outside to the car. "LETS GO!!!"

Me and Lila laugh. "We're coming." I lock the door and get in the car. "I'll drive!" GG says, getting in the driver's seat. "You don't even know where it is!" Lila says, happily squirming in her seat. "I'll use the GPS." "Your brother messes that thing up. It's absolutely useless." She groans and sits in the back. "Stupid Edd."


"Yes! We've arrived! Take my money and give me food!!" Lila yells, high-fiving me and GG. "Le go!" After waiting 3 minutes to be seated, we pick out our drinks. "I'll be back!" Our waiter says, walking away. Lila makes a building with the sugar packets. I play with the coasters.

"Guys," GG says out of the blue. "I-I'm thinking about ha-having a kid with M-matt." Lila's building falls, and I drop my coaster. "Wait, what!?" Lila bangs her head on the wall repeatedly. "Are you serious!? That's great!" I exclaimed, holding her hand with one of mine while trying to stop Lila with the other. "A BABY!?!" Lila yells. "Hey! Don't be so loud!!" GG hides her face in her hoodie.

The waiter comes back and gives us are drinks. "Is everyone ready to order?" We nod and tell him. He takes our menus and walks away. "Babies are so cute and chubby like sumo wrestlers! And it may be a lil ginger! We need more gingers!" Lila pulls out a random gun. "I can teach it how to be the best soldier ever!!!" I take the gun from her. " Y-yeah! It'll be super cute and a new little member! It can wear a hoodie, and you'd make a great mom! Go for it!" I tell her. She smiles. "Yeah. And a baby will make life a lot more better, brighter, and happier!"

•(In ASDF land)•

"Edd, Tom. If I die killing these zombies here with you, give little Tom to GG, and tell her I wanted to start a family with her!" Matt says dramatically, a tear going down his cheek. "Wait, what? HOLD IT! PAUSE!" Edd yells, making the zombies stop. "You want to have a kid with my sister!?" He asks, throwing down his gun. Matt starts sweating. "Y-yeah. Something wrong with that?" Edd shakes his head. " Matt, Matt, Matt. My gingery, gingery friend. Marry and love my sister all you want! But kids are no goes!" Tom places a hand on his shoulder. "Yeah. They're annoying, whiny, stubborn, and to much responsibility! I'd never have kids." Matt rethinks everything. "I guess you guys are right. But what if GG wants to?" Edd shrugs. "Figure it out with her. But we're warning you." He picks his gun back up and starts killing zombies again.

(Back at A.B's)

"But what if Matt doesn't want to?" Lila shrugs. "Figure it out. But were telling you. It's a great idea." I finish eating. "But, marriage should be the first step of course." GG turns pale. "Crap..." Lila leaves a tip and I pay. "I need to go home." We get up and go back home, surprisingly at the same time the boys do. GG hugged Matt and was about to go to her home with Lila, until Matt stopped her.

"GG, I've been thinking. The guys gave me reasons to protest," Tom and Edd cough. "But I know I'm ready." Matt knelt down and grabbed GG's hands. "GG, I would like to start a family with you." "WOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!" Me and Lila dance while GG breaks out crying. "Matt! Yes oh yes oh yes!!!" Matt then reaches in his pocket. Lila and I stare intensely as Matt pulls out a small black box. "But, before you go back home, I have another question. Will you marry me?" I roll around on the ground, Lila takes pictures, and I can hear GG cry her heart out while weakly saying yes repeatedly. Edd and Matt comfort her. Tom stands there, face as if he's thinking really hard about something. He walks in the house...

Yo! Sorry it's been a while! I have a lot of chapter ideas so there will be a butt ton!!!! I hope you guys like this chapter which will lead off to the next! Try guessing what will happen!! Boi!!!!

Have a fabulous day, night, etc!!!

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