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You woke up to the sound of sirens. An explosion had happened and Patryk bursted into your room. "You need to evacuate, now!" Scared, you fell out of bed. "W-what happened!?" You asked. He helped you up and ran out the room with you behind. "3 men in blue overcoats have been spotted with harpoon-guns and other weapons." You started whistling. 'Tom could've at least been stealthy.' As you and your brother were running to....somewhere, he also picked up your new pals. Marco was freaking out. Gracie tried calming him down. "Marco, I'm sure there'll be a half off  sale at all your favorite stores after this!" She stated. Jean glared at her. (I can't...I'm so sorry)...(not)

Paul ran towards Patryk, making all of you stop. "Boss needs you." "All of us?" Everyone asked in unison. Paul coughed. "Y-yeah." Everyone but Patryk walked passed him. Pat stopped and scolded him. "Stop smoking!!!!" Once all of you got to Tord's office, he immediately pinned you to a wall. "What did you do?" He asked, his voice rough. You awkwardly slid from under his arms, Tord still looking at you. "Um, I may have given Tom the base address." You replied, trembling. Tord pulled out a gun and held it against Sasha's forehead. "And I guess your the reason all this happened." You pushed him off of her. "I asked! It was my fault Mr. Anger Issues..."

There was another explosion, causing everything to shake. Tord got a bigger gun and walked out. "Paul, Patryk, get ready for battle." The two men followed him, guns in hand. "We all need to leave. Tord may be fighting for the base, but there's no chance that it may not blow up because of him." Gracie announced, picking up her kit and leading everyone out. None of them were soldiers, Miki was strong, but she didn't exactly qualify. All you hoped is that Patryk was okay.

You made it to a jet, your friends getting on. All but you. "What's wrong Y/n?" Jean asked, leaning out. "You guys go to england. I'll see you there, but my ride is with the enemy." Marco also leaned out. "Tord?" Miki banged her head against the wall of the jet. "Marco, her boyfriend." Everyone waved and started flying off.

You went to find a gun, though not really knowing how to use it. You shrugged it off and ran out side. The wind made your h/l hair flow in the wind, along with your clothes. You spotted Matt. He was throwing mirrors at a group of soldiers. Their bullets bounced back off the mirrors and at them, making them have to dodge. But it was to risky to go to him. You looked around for Edd, he was in a tank fighting off another, also not a good option. That meant the only option left was...Tom.

When you looked for him, he had one of his AK-47s that he kept under his bed. All until a big bad someone pushed through the shooting soldiers. Tord shot Tom in the arm, an agonizing scream echoing. Your eyes widened and tears started building up. You held up the gun and tried to shoot at Tord, but the rocks on the hill that you were standing on crumbled, causing you to tumble down, though you most likely shot someone in the back of the leg. You looked up, sighing in relief once you saw it was your brother. He helped you up and hugged you. "You need to go. Your boyfriend is hurt and your other friends need you. Be safe, I'll be okay and I'll see you again." He said, pushing you forward. You bumped into Tord, who ducked, making you fall over him. Patryk quickly informed him that the place was collapsing. Tord still held out his gun and was about to shoot you, not ready to back down. That is until Tom picks you up and throws a harpoon between Tord's legs, causing him to fall back. You felt gooey black stuff flowing onto you. Tom's eyes were leaking due to his injury, that was bleeding. He ran into the plane and sat you down. Edd and Matt ran in as well. "Tom! Are you okay!?" All of you asked in unison. Before he could answer, he passed out, but the flowing didn't stop. Edd went to the pilots seat and started to turn on the plane. Tord started shooting again, causing Edd to quickly start flying. You were putting a bandage on Tom's arm, his scream rewinding in your mind. You sighed and kissed his forehead, taking a nap beside him.

Time skip-back at home

Edd parked the plane in the backyard. Tom had woken up and was walking with you. You took a deep breath. "Good to be home." A mini van pulled up in the road in front of the house. You and Matt ran to see who it was. Gracie pulled down the window and waved, everyone else inside waved aswell, overwhelmed with joy to see all was okay. "We got a house a bit down the street!" Sasha explained, leaning out of a window. You smiled and waved back, but your phone notification sound went off...

Patryk: Everything is fine! Tord just needs to cool down. Take care of that boyfriend.

You: Ok ok! Take care of Paul.

Patryk: It's...not like that. But okay.

You laughed and waved back at your friends. They drove to their house and you walked into yours. You, Matt, and Edd flopped onto the floor. "That's enough adventure for one day!" Matt groaned. Tom walked past. "Really? Cuz' I feel great." Edd sighed. "Toomm! Your tracking goo in the house!" He whined. "Oh, I didn't notice." He said, taking a swig of Smirnoff.


Tom x Reader [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now