Most Loved, Most Wanted

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"Hah haaa! You thought I wouldn't find out? Well you were wrong. I followed Lila here, and it wasn't hard." Tord says, walking over. Tom leaps up and grabs Tord by the hoodie. "Get out!!" He yells, ready to punch him. "Your not wanted! Leave Lila alone!" Tord laughs, rolling his eyes. "Oh but Y/n, I am wanted. By so many people. But no one has been able to turn me in." Tom slams him against the door. "Well that's about to change. Y/n get the ph-"

Before Tom can finish, Tord takes his arm and twists it back, in a lock motion. He takes out rope and ties Tom's arms together. "Did you really think that would work on me? Classic stupid Tom! Still as naive and dumb as ever," He walks closer to you. "Because you see, I can care less about Lila and those others. I came back for you, Y/n." You back up. "Wait, what?" Tord laughs. "I came back for you. You know, when I first met you, I thought you were a spy or something, but then, well. I found out you were so much more. So why not just leave this low life behind and-" He reaches his hand out, and you slap it.

Quickly moving from him, you start to untie Tom. "Oh, come on! Are you really going to put up a fight?" Tord walks over, shoving you aside from Tom. He holds him by the collar of his hoodie. "I should've done this a long time ago." He growls, taking out a dagger. You react quickly and grab a can of cola out the fridge. You run over and open it, the soda spraying Tord in the eyes. "Fuck!!" You take the dagger out of his hands, cutting the rope Tom was in.

Tom gets a glass bottle and hits it against Tord's head, only nocking him out (though it wasn't his intention.) Tom pulls him in the closet down the hall and locks the door. You were already calling Lila and the gang. "They'll be here soon," You say in a shaky voice. "Are you okay?" Tom nods and kisses your head. "I'm fine if you are." You smile in relief.

The door bursts open, Lila, Edd, and the others at the door. "WHAT HAPPENED!!!!???" Lila yells, running to you and shaking your shoulders. "Tord happened." Tom says, anger in his voice. Lila sighs. "I'm sorry, maybe I shouldn't have came here..." She says sadly, letting you go, but you hug her. "Its not your fault. Your our friend, we're glad your here. Its just that-"

"Your dad is mentally insane and has a lot of issues." At first everyone looks at Tom, but he shrugs. Edd clears his throat, indicating that he said it. Surprising. But everyone agreed. "Where's Matt and GG, we need to make sure they're safe." Miki says. "At the hospital. GG gave birth." Edd says nonchalantly. You and Lila freak out. "WHAT!!!??? I DIDN'T KNOW!!??" The two of you say in unison. "Just be glad they're safe. We need to deal with Tord. For all we know, the whole red army could be coming." Jean warned. And he was right. No one was safe. Especially you and Tom.

"Hey, where's Tom?" Lila chirps. You turn around, noticing his absence. You heard the sound of a hammer coming from down the hall. Everyone walks over to see. Tom was about to board up the closet with wooden planks. You can't blame him. Edd goes over to help. But before they can even hammer down one nail, the door starts to move, as if being kicked from the inside. The quickly try to stop it from opening, Marco, Jean, Mikki, and Lila all pitching in. You, Sasha, and Gracie grab weapons just in case.

"I don't think we can hold him off any-ACK!!!" The door bursts open, pushing everyone back. Mikki was stubborn. She put up a fight and pushed Tord back. He grabbed her and shoved her up against the wall. "Mikki!" Marco and Sasha went to her side. Jean didn't know how to react, he stood there in traumatized silence. Edd was to shocked to say anything. Gracie lost it and bailed, running off to get authorities.

Tom moved from behind the closet door and tackled Tord from behind, hitting him against the wall. You threw Tom the bat you held. He was ready to take a swing, but Tord caught the end, and punched Tom in the face. You didn't know what to do. Lila was crying, Jean couldn't move, Mikki was passed out, Marco was silently singing, no one knew what to do.

"Classic stupid Tom! I should've ended this a long time ago," Tord gets out a dagger, stabbing Tom in the side.

For a moment, just for a moment, the world stopped. Time froze. Your body was burning up on the inside, engulfed with rage, hatred, sadness, and most of all...fear.

And that's when it clicked. This isn't the end. There's never an end.

You move swiftly, kicking Tord off of Tom. You turn and hold Tom close, his holes flowing.

Sirens filled your ears, as you told Tom everything was going to be alright.

But you weren't sure if that was true.

This is only the beginning

Tom x Reader [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now