🌼(Our)Happy Place🌼

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You walkthrough the forest, past all the broken branches and trees from when Tom turned into his monster form. You find the lake in the heart of the forest and sit on a rock. You pull out a picture album from your backpack. "Let's see," you flip through the pages and stop at a purple bookmark. There were a bunch of photos of Tom in half of his other form. Mainly photos you snuck and took when he wasn't looking or when he did notice, and there's just a big purple claw covering the camera lense. You smile and take one photo out of its sheet. He actually posed for this one, even if he wasn't to happy about it.

You stand up and walk to a group of trees. There were pixie lights and a few photos of you and Tom pinned on the trees. You smile and take a pin out of your coat pocket. You take the picture and pin it onto the tree. Stepping back and smiling, you felt a rather hot feeling rush over you. Like when you're very happy about something and you feel pure.

That's because this, is your happy place.

No one else knows about it. No one else can know. Where you feel free, and happy.

You take your coat off and tie it around your waist. "Okay. When he gets out the hospital I'll show him." You start to feel flustered. "Ahh!!! But what if he finds it weird!?" You start to pace around, holding your head with your hands. You take a deep breath and slow down. "No. If he really loves me, he won't mind! ...... right?"

You start to bang your head on a tree. That is, until you hear a rustle coming from a bush. You freeze, your eyes not leaving the rustling leaves. Ringo meows as she leaps from the bush. You sigh with relief and walk to her, stooping down to her level and picking her up. "Mew!" You pet her head. "Hey girl. I guess a bunch of cops and investigators are at home, huh?" She purrs in reply.

You weren't the slightest bit surprised that she found you. She's like a boomerang. She can leave randomly but no matter what or how find you and any of the boys on her own. "I wonder..." Ringo pats your nose with her paw. "Meow." You smile. "Alright. Maybe I should go visit him. But visiting hours don't start up for another hour. I guess I'll ask Edd if he wants to hang out." Ringo purrs in agreement. With that you smile and adjust your backpack on your shoulder. She lays on your shoulder and with one hand you hold her tush. "Welp, let's go see mama Edd."


Edd was standing infront of the house, chatting with the head builder. He seemed a little shaky about something. You walk across the street and head for the house. He notices you and you both exchange a smile and a wave. "Ey Edd!" You greet, walking up to him. "You seem off. Everything alright?" He furrows his eyebrows. "Well the builders don't seem to know how to do their job.."

"Marshall I said to the left!" One man yells to another. "To the right!? But that's where the rulers are!" The other man facepalms, shaking his head in disappointment. He takes off his safety glasses. "I'm goin' on break..." "Break the wall!? Okay, if you say so!!"

You and Edd stare at each other. "Ah jeez..." You mutter. "We might just have to move...again." I rub my forehead with both hands. "Eh, what? Why!? It was only damage to the wall and the closet at the end of the hall!" Edd groans. "Exactly."

Ringo leaps into his arms and purrs. "Hey man, how about the three of us hangout? It'll let you relax a bit." Edd let's out a long sigh of relief. "Yes, please!" I wrap my arm over his shoulder. "Asdf land? I heard their somehow still open and are now a year around horror carnival." We head down the sidewalk, passing the car and the commotion. "Sure. We should pick up some cola on the way, too."

Tom-about a hour later

Tom sat up in the hospital bed, gazing out the window. The nurse was across the room getting a syringe together. He waited for her to walk over. She sits down beside the bed. "Alright, Mr. Ridgewell, I'll be giving you this shot to help with the sudden insomnia you've been facing. Don't worry, it's common from stress, you just need to rest." She sucks a liquid into the syringe. "Alright-" he quickly grabs it from her hand and sticks it into her. "Sorry." He whispers, as she passes out on the chair. He detaches everything and hops out of the bed, still in his gown. He glances at the window before running out the room.

He sees a few doctors in the hallway who take a few seconds upon noticing him. "H-hey! What are you doing!?" Tom curses under his breath and picks up speed, heading for the elevator. The doctors and a few nurses were chasing after him, calling for him to come back...as if that ever works. Tom runs faster, reaching the elevator and rapidly clicking the lobby button. "Hey, sir! Come back here!!" The doors slide apart and Tom jumps in, the doors closing just as the group of people reach him.

He lays down in the corner, catching his breath. Y/n and Edd had departed from each other, Edd going to check on Matt and the others with Ringo. Since asdfland wasn't to far from the hospital, Y/n decided to walk over. Visiting hours weren't open just yet, so she was ready to wait.

Tom finally made it to the lobby, and without hesitation ran out of the hospital, heading for home.

Y/n was about to cross the street, looking on her phone as she waited for the light to turn.

A few doctors rushed out of the doors, catching Y/n's attention as she walked over. She questioned them silently, wondering what the problem was. "Where the hell did he go!?" One hisses, her hands on her head and she frantically looked around. "Is everything alright?" Y/n asks, walking up to them. "Ah, um, sort of. We have an escapee patient from room 564..."

Y/n's eye twitches. 'That's Tom's room!' She starts to walk backwards. "Aha, I see. Well, I hope you find him." She says sweating, before quickly taking off in a sprint. "Great."

Tom was behind a tree, peeking over. He notices Y/n running his way, and as soon as she runs by he grabs her, accidentally making them both fall. "Ack! Owww! What the h- TOM!?" She yells, quickly holding her mouth. He gives a weak laugh and hugs her tightly. "What are you doing? Shouldn't you be in the hospital?" She asks. Tom sighs happily. "You talk to much." "I wha-" he kisses her, and moves away, holding her hands and standing them both up.

"Tom!" She quickly unties her coat and puts it over him. "Great, your lending me your coat. It should be the other way around." He puts his arms through the sleeves and buttons it up. "Is this...my old co-" Y/n quickly grabs his hand and pulls him along in the direction of the forest. "Now you talk to much!" She laughs. He sighs and smiles.

"Where to?"

"My happy place!"

Story isn't over yet! I'm in a super good mood today...I think it's the Lofi Hip Hop...hmmm. Anyway!

Tom x Reader [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now