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"Fuuccckkkkkk." I groaned, dodging a foot that was heading towards my stomach. I just wanted to lay here a little longer. I peeled an eye open and my vision focused on an unamused Will. "What in bloody fucking hell do you want?"

He threw something into the air, catching it, and pointed it at my face. Wait...is that my sword? Oh no. I rolled out of the way again and fell off the bed that I had made out of the papers William had in his little office thing. William swung the sword at me again and I caught it between my hands. He glared down at me and I smiled, tugging the weapon away from his grasp and grabbing the handle.

"Why don't you just leave me alone. Never come back." He grunted, walking back to his seat. Did he seriously just wake me up violently for no apparent reason? Whatever. I'll just go bother some other people.

"Fine. I won't come back." I said as I shrugged. He stared at me as I opened the portal. "I-"

"(F/N)-CHAAAANNNNNN~! I've come to see you~!" I dived head first into the portal at the voice of the red head, not even looking back. There is no way I'm staying for that. I fell into a carriage and looked up to see Ciel standing over me. I sat up and looked to the side waving at Sebastian. I wheezed seconds later as a body slammed onto me. "(F/n)-chan I can't believe you would leave me like that!"

"I can't believe you just jumped out of the portal when it was closing." I said, my words strained. "Half of your damn body could have been torn off if it closed while you were half ya through."

He threw his arms around my neck and started kissing all over my face. "AWE! My (F/n)-chan care about me~!" He cooed. What did I do for me to have this red leach hanging onto me? Ok he's not that bad, he's funny, but still. I ripped a portal open and threw the red head in after unlatching him, hoping the portal opened where Will was.

"That was quite the entrance." Ciel commented, an amused smile placed on his lips. I sat next to him and casually put my arm around the kid's shoulders to which he scowled at me for. So long to that smile he had just a second ago. "What do you think you're doing?"

"I am sitting, breathing, talking, existing. I could go on but who even wants to hear that?" I asked, leaning on him like I didn't just meet him about a month or so ago. I took in my surroundings and saw that we were on a road in the middle of no where.

"LOOK!" A younger voice suddenly shouted from the side of me. I looked in the speaker's direction and saw that it was the same blonde boy from before with the two red pins in his hair. This kid doesn't look half bad if ya know what I mean. I then realized that he was pointing at me and the other two servants looked in my direction too. "It's the guy we caught doing stuff with Sebastian!"

That seemed to have caught Ciel's attention and Sebastian's too. I looked back at the servants and the female nodded. "Yes yes, that's him!" She pushed up her glasses and blushed a bright red before looking away from me.

"Hey! Why were you gettin' it on with Sebastian back then? We all know that wasn't just some friendly gesture." The oldest one said with the cigar hanging between his lips as he spoke.

"Well, isn't it obvious? Because-"

"Ok, that's enough out of you (F/n)." Sebastian butted in, interrupting me. I looked back at him and met his gaze.

"If you ask me there isn't enough out of me. I know someone catches what I'm throwing here." I said, again making a joke that the innocent do not get. Sebastian shook his head, chuckling and continuing to steer the carriage.

"What is this I hear between you and (f/n), Sebastian?" Ciel asked, crossing his legs. He's got some sexy legs. I don't know, maybe I'm just weird.

"You never asked, master." Sebastian answered, a smirk on his face. That's true, and I don't think Ciel will suddenly ask Sebastian about the his sex life. I think about some weird things....

We stopped at an old lady who was pushing a baby stroller. I didn't sense any life from the stroller so when Finny, Sebastian informed me of their names, picked up the stroller and put it down it was no surprise there was a dog in there. A while later we came into view of a lake with a small village built next to it. Sebastian started talking about his hatred for dogs when we made it to a fork in the road. We took the path to the right and pulled up to a mansion sort of building. A woman with white hair walked up to the carriage and looked to Sebastian.

"The Earl Phantomhive, I presume." She said, bowing when Sebastian replied with a 'yes'. "Welcome to Barrymore Castle. My master awaits your arrival."

Wait...what color is her hair? Is that white, a light blue, or a gray? What the hell? Whatever, that's not really the important part. I let Ciel and Sebastian go off on their own while I stayed back with the other three. Er, four... I keep forgetting about Tanaka. He's one of my favorites of the servants and I keep forgetting him. I grabbed some of their luggage and looked around the 'castle' as they led us to where we were going to stay. Once I put their luggage down, Mey-Rin came up to me.

"Thank you for carrying most of the stuff." She said, smiling and blushing before running back to the other two. I was grabbed out of the room and to another where Ciel as staying. Some crap about the demon hound happened and I simply stayed inside. That is incredibly stupid, why would a demon hound ever do some rich guy's dirty work, that guy is a human. I sighed and pulled Ciel to my chest, making myself fall asleep to pass time.

That was some shitty work. I'm tired so it wasn't the best, but who gives a fuck I have updated.

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