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After the awkward dinner and Ciel walking out, Lau played cards with Ciel since the kid was rejected by Somma. When the two foreigners came back to the mansion Somma went to sleep and Ciel was still playing cards with Lau. I heard the front door open and I walked to the main entrance. No one was there which means someone must have left. I waited a few seconds and headed out the door after that. While I was walking out I saw Sebastian looking into the room where Lau and Ciel were. They would be following him too so I should just go ahead.

After a long walk, Agni walked into a different mansion. I jumped onto one of the window sills, finding that the window happened to be unlocked. These people are insanely stupid. I opened the window and jumped in. Of course, since they were stupid, there was no guards inside the mansion. I walked down a few halls and saw Agni enter a room, leaving the door open. Smart. Real smart. I shook my head and just peered through the open door, seeing that he sat down with a blonde guy. Well, the blonde guy was standing but you get my point.

"(F/n)! What in bloody hell are you doing here?!" I heard the oh-so-familiar voice of Ciel whisper shout at me. Looked behind me and just shrugged at him. He shook his head and peered through the door with me. As soon as Agni mentioned the name 'Meena', Somma stood up and went into the room. Ciel was about to go after him when Sebastian held him back, saying that their faces were well known.

Somma ran up to Agni and gripped his collar, shaking him back and forth. "You know where Meena is?!" He asked.

"Oh, so this is your master." The blonde guy said, catching Somma's attention.

Somma let go of his right hand man and turned towards the blonde man. "You're the one who took Meena aren't you? Agni, rough this man up!" When he didn't do anything, Somma looked back at him. "Agni what are you doing?"

"Agni, strike the prince down." Blondie said, pointing at Somma. Agni, with hesitance, brought his right hand up to hit the prince.

"Oooohhhh plot twist!" I shouted, jumping into the room. They all stopped and and gave me a look that said I was ruining the moment. Sebastian jumped in when the action started again with a dear mask on. I busted out laughing and the two Indian men raised a brow at him.

"Deer?" They both question. The blonde man deadpanned before jumping back and pointing at the demon.

"Is this guy the abominable deer-man or something?!" I just could not stop laughing when the stranger said that. I was dying.

"I have come to pick up the prince. I am Deer." Sebastian said, introducing himself. I breathed in and out, calming myself. What the hell is even happening anymore?

After Agni smashed pretty much everything in the room, Deer decided to break the window by jumping through it while Lau and Ciel ran out the other way. I was left alone with Agni and the blonde after that. They stared at me and I stared right back.

"Well. I guess I should get going." I mumbled, jumping out a different window just to piss the blonde off. He shouted at me as I escaped.

When I got back to the mansion everyone was having tea. They just instantly forgot about me huh. Somma had a tantrum and threw the tea set off the table after a while of them talking. This guy is so whiny. I caught the tea set and set it back down on the table.

"It seems that the prince needs to be redisciplined." Sebastian said looking at where the male had run off to. I grinned, seeming to catch the demon's attention. "Not by you."

Pouting, I watched ass Ciel and Sebastian started walking towards the door. Ciel looked back to me and sighed. "I'll meet you back in my room." He mumbled before walking down the hall. I deflated and sulked down the hall, heading to Ciel's room. I ran into Baldroy on the way back and he grimaced at me.

"Oh don't give me that look. You know you love me." I said, grinning again. He let out a groan and tried to walk past me. Tried. I caught his arm and trapped him between the wall and myself. He stared at me, a scowl printed onto his face which had no effect on me since a blush had become apparent on his face, turning his ears red too. "You know...I have my messed with anyone in a while. I could..." I trailed off brushing my lips against his neck. He didn't even try to fight back. I chuckled. This man is so confusing. I pulled back and pecked his lips before walking down the hallway again. I could feel him burning holes into my back. Before I walked into Ciel's room I looked back, seeing him glaring at me from the same spot with his cigarette on the floor. I blew him a kiss and his face caught on fire before he ran around a corner out of my line of sight.

I peeled off my shirt, finding it hot in here. Honestly, its winter and it's still hot in the room. I guess it's because the door is always closed and the sine is always on this side. I laid on the bed, looking at the ceiling. The door opened again and I could hear shuffling, probably Sebastian changing Ciel, and the mattress move. I looked up finding that it was indeed Ciel. He took off his eyepatch and looked at me from behind his hair. I smiled, letting my head fall back into the pillow. I have been neglecting so much work, I don't even think being a reaper should be counted as punishment anymore. Unless you're like William who follows all those damned rules.

"....why don't you have a shirt on." Ciel says, breaking me from my thoughts. I shrugged. He rolls his visible eye and rolls back onto his side, facing away from me. I scoot to him and pull him next to me. He tenses, felling my naked torso pressing against him. He let my hand travel up his night shirt, moaning when I caressed his sides. He slapped a hand over his mouth and I chuckled at his timidness. Even if he is the queen's dog it doesn't mean he's not innocent in...some things. I nuzzled my face into his neck and he slowly relaxed. I took my hands from under his shirt and wrapped them around his torso. "I hate you. I hope you know that." He grunted.

"I love you too, buddy." I grinned tiredly, kissing the skin of his exposed neck before falling asleep.

Some of you may be wondering "why the hell is there no chapter 11?" Or "wtf, why haven't impaled someone's ass with my dick this whole time."

First, I reject the number I skipped now which is why there is no number. For the other shit, as soon as someone says "oh I wanna fuck -------." The character with most votes gets to be fucked first I guess.

Reapers (Black Butler x Seme!Male!reader) [discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now