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I opened my eyes and unwrapped my arms around Ciel, sitting up. Or, rather trying to sit up until I was pulled back down by Ciel who continued to sleep cuddled up to my side. Well now I can mess with him later since he's the one that always pushes away from me when he wakes up. I chuckled and just laid there, waiting for him to wake up and either push me off the bed or fall off the bed himself. He started nuzzling his face into my chest when he opened his eyes slowly.

"Since when are pillows warm...." he mumbled. He rubbed his eye with one hand and kept his other arm latched onto me.

"They aren't." I said, answering him. He jumped and o was shoved off the bed. I sat up from the floor and grinned at him. "What? Didn't expect me in the bed when you were the one who made me be here?" I teased him. I got back on the bed and got on top of him between his legs, pining his arms next to his head. His cheeks turned scarlet and he weakly struggled against me. I smirked widely and leaned down to his face, licking over his lips.

"What....what are you doing?" He asked and tried to move his face away from mine. I connected our lips and he didn't do anything for a while before pushing his lips back against mine. Without asking for permission, I slipped my tongue into his mouth. "Mmmmnnnn~..."

I backed away from him. His eyes were wide and his mouth was agape. "Did you just moan?" I asked, laughing at his surprised face. I don't think he expected it either. While I was distracted he sighed and tugged his arms out of my loosened grip and wrapped them around my neck. I stopped making fun of him and focused back onto him. I opened my mouth to say something before he slammed his lips back against mine. I immediately kissed back and massaged his hips, slowly grinding into him. I don't know what it is about staying with these people but I've been a hell of a lot more...active if ya know what I mean.

"Master." He jumped and pushed me off the bed for the second damn time. He looked to the door along with me and we saw Sebastian standing there with a blanket and a basket. He motioned out the door and Ciel got up from the bed, letting Sebastian dress him while I stared at his body.

The next thing I noticed was that Sebastian was giving me a death stare. I innocently smiled at him and got up, walking out of the door where I found the servants leisurely leaning against the walls waiting to get out of this place. Mey-Rin ran up to me as soon as she saw me through her foggy glasses. Well, she tried to run into she tripped on nothing. I caught her and she turned red before getting up and dusting herself off.

"Wh-what were you and Master Ciel doing in there." She asked, her glasses fogging up even more and steam coming off her red face. Looks like she likes man on man action.

"Whoa whoa WHOA! No one here wants to hear about that!" Baldroy butted in, making an 'X' with his arms.

"That's not true, obviously Mey-Rin wants to know. And now Finnian does because he's to innocent for his own good." I said. He deflated and Tanaka laughed his weird little laugh before the door to Ciel's room opened. We all started walking out of the doors of the castle thing that we were staring in and Angela came along with us. I don't like this lady, she seems almost...inhuman.

Ciel saw in a chair on top of a blanket, reading a book, with Sebastian next to him. Baldroy, Finny, and Mey run were all playing in the water, and Angela and tanaka were sitting on a separate blanket. I was taking off my shirt to go in the water when I was stopped by a hand grabbing on of mine. It was Angela. I raised a brow at her, watching as she took my hands away from my already unbuttoned shirt which showed the skin of my torso.

"You...you shouldn't undress in front of other people...." she said, still holding my hands. She is being really weird right now.

"Uh...but I want to get in the water, and not get these clothes wet." I said and pulled my hands away from her's. She said sorry a couple of times before going back with Tanaka. "Can you believe this lady? She doesn't think I should take my clothes off. It's not like I'm a girl." I complained to the closest person who just happened to be a demon.

I didn't get a response and I looked back at him only to find that he was staring at my exposed skin. I facepalmed and shook my head. The servants gathered at Angela's blanket and started eating until some villagers came running down the path yelling about a bad dog. Then I noticed that Sebastian had disappeared. Probably went out to do some stuff for Ciel like the good little butler he is. We all started walking to where the villagers were heading and found this dog chained up to a wooden pole. They let four other dogs beat the shit out of it before Finnian got triggered and smacked the dogs away from the other one. This is some messed up stuff right here. I let everyone get captured while I watched from a distance. What? I'm not some damn hero here to save everyone. That's what Sebastian is here for. Or rather he's hear to take this kid's soul but it still counts I guess. Sebastian showed up and smacked the dogs away, and brought up evidence about how the guy in charge of this town killed everyone with a fake dog. The village turned on the guy and he smiled was lifted up and carried away.

I broke the chains and ripped the ropes of everyone who was locked up. "I'm exhausted!" Baldroy said, stretching. He suddenly turned to me and gave me the stink eye. "And why didn't you help when we were getting CAPTURED?" He asked, throwing his hands in the air dramatically. I shrugged to answer him and he sighed, shaking his head like he was disappointed in me. I rolled my eyes and then looked at Finnian who started walking to the dog.

The blonde kneeled down next to the dog and pet him. "You're incredible. You tried so hard! So hard!" He cried, hugging the limp body of the animal. I sighed and walked up to the blonde, rubbing his back and he let go off the dog, hugging me instead. My shoulder was getting soaked from his tears.

"This is why I hate dogs." Sebastian stated. I looked back at him with a deadpan.

"No one asked you." I grunted. He blinked and looked away from me. We all started heading back to the castle thing, Finnian sitting on my shoulders as we walked back. He was smiling again so I guess I helped a little today. Accomplishment achieved I guess.

"(F/n)." I heard the oh-so-familiar voice of Sebastian say behind me while I was walking down the hall. I sighed and turned around to face him. He has been glaring at me the whole damn day and now I'm going to find out why from the way he addressed me.

"What do you want?" I asked, crossing my arms. He walked up to me and stared into my eyes.

"I hate you. You should only be touching me." He growled, his eyes turning a red pink type of color. I smirked and wrapped my arms around his waist.

"You know, every time that you say 'I hate you' it just seems like you're a tsundere. And I think you are one, demon." I said against his lips. He grabbed my shoulders and tried to bring me closer but I didn't budge. I moved my lips towards his ear and licked the shell. "I am no one's Sebastian. Not unless I say so." I growled before kissing down to his neck and leaving a hickey that I'm sure will fade away so he won't complain.

While I was walking a hand reached out and grabbed my sleeve. I looked at the owner connected to the hand and saw that it was Mey-Rin. I laughed at myself for not noticing her in the hallway before now. She was blushing bright red with what I suppose would be a serious face.

"I ship (F/n) and Sebastian more than I ship (F/n) and Ciel." She said, nodding at her words. "But I think Grell and (F/n) should be given a chance too! And also Finny! And-" I placed a finger over her lips to shush her.

"People are sleeping Mey." I chuckled. She smiled and grabbed my hand, leading me down some halls. "Where are we going?"

"O-Oh, I was hoping that you would come with me to go see that guy in the cellar, yes." She said, stopping to look at me for approval. I nodded and she grabbed my hand and led me down more halls before we went down some stairs only to see blood splattered behind the bars and a large hole in the wall behind it. She shrieked and fell onto me, gripping my arm. Baldroy, Tanaka, and Finnian came running down the stairs.

"What is it Mey-Rin?" Baldroy asked. With her other hand she pointed at the cellar. And with this, all I could say is one thing.

"Ah fuck, looks like we're not leaving."

There. It's done. There are probably some errors but I'm lazy af so I'm not gonna fix them. This is gonna be a really long ass book just so you guys know. I'll see you over the rainbow when this shit is done.

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