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Ciel stared at me from his place on my lap like I had two heads before he leaned forward. I met his lips half way and tugged at his bottom lip playfully to which he groaned at me for. I slipped my tongue in his mouth and he followed my lead, intertwining his with mine. I slipped my hand from his waist to his ass. He jumped and glared at me and I gave him a shit eating grin. Kissing down his neck, I created hickeys as he ran his hands through my hair.

"Excuse me." I waved my hand in dismissal to whoever was standing in our door frame. Ciel didn't even seem to hear them, he just continued and started grinding on me. His breathe was hot on my neck as he reached for the hem of my shirt. I think the person had enough of us ignoring him or her because he coughed loudly to get both of our attention. Ciel heard it this time and jumped, looking behind him to see who it was. I groaned in irritation and looked over his shoulder to see that it was Sebastian. That bastard...cock blocking me. I glared at him as he stood there with that fake and annoying smile, acting like he wasn't pissing anyone off. "Was I interrupting something?"

"No." I grunted, putting Ciel back on the bed who had a bright red face.

"What are you doing in here? I thought you were serving the king." The youngest in the room muttered. Sebastian gave a closed eye smile and bowed with his hand over his non-existent heart.

"I am only checking on our lovely guests." He replied before turned around and waking out of the room and closing the door behind him. I got up and opened the door to look at his retreating figure.

"Fucking cock block!" I called to him. He put up a hand in goodbye and he turned a corner. I went back into the room to see Ciel laying in bed with a scowl on his face. "Well, that ruined the mood. And I bet he'll walk right back in here too so we'll continue this some other time." I grumbled before getting under the sheets. He only mumbled something in reply before he fell asleep.

The next morning went by surprisingly fast while me and Ciel basically did nothing but talk to the 'king' of England. Ciel did most of the talking because I really didn't care about the blonde kid... or old man. I don't really know what to call him. I mean, he's 400 and something years old but still looks like a kid. Sebastian rang a gong, wherever he got the from, and we all headed to the dinner table. An obnoxiously long dinner table where me and curl sat at the complete opposite side. When Sebastian was setting our food in front of us, Ciel asked him if he found out anything.

"I must ask our guest to please mind his manners. It's common courtesy to make pleasant conversation with the dinner next to you." Was Sebastian's reply. I chuckled, turning to Ciel with a smile on my face.

"What would you like to talk about, Ciel?" I asked playfully. He looked at me with a sneer in which I ignored completely. "Maybe the intrusion we had last night or maybe what we were doing, or even-"

I was cut off by Sebastian who had an edge to the words he spoke even with the smile on his face. I smirked to myself. He's jealous and I think Ciel knows it because he had a bit of amusement in his eyes too. I think that just made Sebastian even more irritated. "It would be more polite if you spoke to the owners of the house." He said.

Me and Ciel deadpanned, turning our heads so we could see the people who were across the room. Yes, very practical for conversation. Ciel instantly voiced my thoughts. "How can I make pleasant conversation with someone so far away?!" He shouted, throwing a hand out to motion to the two blondes on the other side of the table.

The 'king' made a comment right after his outburst. "I wonder what our guest is making such a fuss about."

"I simply asked if my butler was behaving politely." Ciel replied, regaining his composure. The little brother looked at the skull in his hands and said that Sebastian was their butler. "Oh, that's right..."

After a while, Sebastian brought out some kind of purple drink and filled everyone's cup. Except for Ciel's. I knew Sebastian was salty but that was surprising. While filling the king's cup, Sebastian said something that I couldn't hear because he was so far away. I'll never know either. The blonde help up his cup and smiled.

"To our new friends and our new butler." He said, loud enough for me and Ciel to hear. When Ciel didn't raise his cup, the king questioned him. "What's the matter, Phantomhive?" Ciel simply dismissed the question and the king only shrugged it off. I drank from my cup and looked at the eyepatched male, smiling cheekily at him. He grunted and looked to the side. I drank the rest of the liquid, its taste lingering in my mouth. After dinner me and Ciel went back to the room. He sat on the bed and watched me as I undressed him. I might as well take Sebastian's place in this situation, right? I put in sensual touches on his skin here and there while  undressing and dressing him just to make him blush.

When I was done I looked up, face to face with him. "Would you like to try the drink that you never got?" I asked teasingly. He raised a brow at me.

"And how exactly could I do that?" He mumbled, still mad that he didn't get any. I pushed my lips against his, forcing my tongue into his mouth. I rubbed my tongue against his, hearing his muffled moans against my lips. I let him feel around in my mouth while I did the same to his, pulling away a few moments after. "It...i-it tastes really good." He mumbled against my lips. I chuckled. "Can...can I get some more?" He asked. I studied his face. His eyes were half lidded and his cheeks were red. I nodded. He pushed his lips back against mine, moving them slowly and letting me into his mouth. The door opened. Ciel was facing the door this time so he pulled away just as soon as he saw it open.

"Bloody hell! Can you please stop interrupting us? I'd like to not keep my dick in my pants anymore!" I said in complete and utter frustration as I looked away from Ciel and to the demon who was smiling at the door. "Two nights in a damn row!"

"It isn't polite to have intimate time with your partner in someone else's house." He said, unaffected by what I just said. Sebastian walked away after that and me and Ciel just climbed into bed. We were about to fall asleep until Ciel heard footsteps in the hallway. Of course we just had to follow them so I helped Ciel put on the set of clothes on the chair. We ended up in the library where the king had oh so kindly let us follow him to.

Sebastian showed up with a key not even five seconds after Ciel discovered that the book case was fake. He opened the entrance to a secret passageway after a quarrel with Ciel. How the hell did the blonde get through here so fast? The book case opening took more than 5 minutes to open and he just walked right through. Probably because he's a ghost.

The chamber that the library led to was filled with bones. When Ciel stepped on one, the king showed up with his ghost powers and started explaining that this was a dungeon. A dungeon that was filled with souls that even my kind forgot to pick up. I am going to get in so much trouble for this. While they were talking, I quietly materialized my sword in my hand and started collecting souls. I'm counting this as work. Their life movie things weren't appearing, but I'm pretty sure that it's just because they were left here for so long. When I looked back up, there was no one in the dungeon any more. I deadpanned. They just left me. I stood up straight and walked out of the dungeon. I just realized that I could have taken those two kids out of their misery just by hitting them with my sword. Oh well, I don't think it matters.

No one was even in the castle. I felt around for Ciel's soul and then created a portal to him. I stepped through and saw the two brothers being carried away by an old friend across the water. I shouldn't say old friend, that guy hates me. "So," I started, catching Sebastian's and Ciel's attention. "What are we gonna do with the castle?"

Ciel ended up tearing down the castle. I'm pretty sure that he promised to that guy that he was gonna keep it the same cuz there was this creepy voice that said 'liar' while we watched people take it apart. I looked at Ciel. "That is just cold." I said, chuckling. He shrugged and started to walk away, me and Sebastian following.
Yep. Another chapter after, what, maybe three weeks now? I'm pretty sure that you guys saw all the interruptions coming, you just fucked Sebastian, do you think he's gonna want you to fuck someone else when he can help it? Fuck no.

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