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Someone....please help me.....

I groaned as Grell dragged me around England talking about how we were on a 'wonderful' date. I was right. I am regretting agreeing to this shit. This had started in the middle of the damn day yesterday. You know how many times I've had to kiss this crazy ass red headed reaper? More times than I'd ever admit to. We happened to pass by that gold eyed demon at some point. I don't think that's a good sign but I don't really give a damn about that at he moment.

"(F/n)-chaaaannnnn!!!! Why aren't you paying attention to your lovely lover?!" Grell called out dramatically, comically crying and causing everyone around us to stare. I glared at all of them and then looked back at the reaper.

"Just thinking of how unfortunate I am right now." I grumbled as I tried to rip my hand away from his sudden iron grip. He giggled and bear hugged me.

"Oh you're just too silly, (F/n)~." He kissed me and then grabbed my hand, walking down the street again. He suddenly stopped and pointed at a pastry store. "Hey, can you buy me a snack?" And now I have to spend more money. I sighed and nodded. It's not like I couldn't just run away with my amazing skills but I promised and I sorta don't like breaking promises. We walked into the quiet store and I went up to the counter.

"Can we get..." I looked over to Grell and he pointed to a strawberry...thing and I just motioned to it. The lady behind it nodded and put it in the paper bag before looking back at me.

"Is there anything else that you want?" She asked, putting her chin in her hand as she leaned on the counter top with, what I'm guessing was supposed to be, a seductive smile.

"Yeah, I'm absolutely sure." I deadpanned. She deflated and gave me the bag, telling me how much it was. I handed her the money and walked out. Well, not before Grell stuck his tongue out at her and intertwining his fingers with mine as we walked out. "Don't think I said that because of you."

"Suuurrreee you didn't. I love it when a man is shy~" he purred, effectively creeping me out. I shivered and checked my watch for the thousandth time since the 24 hours had started. A grin crept onto my face and I could see the dread come onto Grell's.

"Well, I've had an awful time! See ya never ya crazy redhead!" I said as I jumped through one of my portals. I don't even care where this one takes me. Anywhere could be better than here. I should not have said that. I ended up landing right between the legs of some tanned skinned purple haired guy. I blinked and rolled off of him, looking around. Everyone was already in this room for some reason and there was another unfamiliar face. "Uh, what's going on?"

An awkward cough came from behind me and I looked back at the purple haired guy. He stood up and jabbed a thumb to his chest. "I am Prince Soma from the Bengal Kingdom looking for a girl that was taken from me," he said and then motioned toward the other guy,"and that is my guard. Who might you be?" He asked me.

"(F/n) (L/n)." I answered. I looked towards Ciel and raised a brow at him. His eye twitched as he looked at the Indian man. I chuckled, seems like he's mad. Serves him right. I yawned. Grell is tiresome. "Well, I'm gonna take a nap. Wake me up tomorrow." I said, heading to Ciel's room.


"Time to wake up Master Ciel." Eh. That's not my name. I rolled over, letting go of Ciel, and shoved my face into a pillow.

"Master Ciel?" I heard Ciel mumble to himself. I felt him sit up. The guard guy from yesterday said something and then Ciel tripped over me and fell out of the bed, getting me to sit up too.

"Oh, I didn't know you were in a relationship with (F/n)-San." Soma mumbled to Ciel. I guess they didn't see me cuz I was under all the sheets. Ciel suddenly went into tsundere mode and kicked the guy in the face, only to land on the floor. I laughed at him and he sat up and glared at me with his cherry red face.

"I am not in a relationship with this idiot!" He said as he pointed to me. I clutched my chest and stared at him in fake offense.

"Oh Ciel how you injure me!" I cried, flopping back into the bed. I then sat back up and looked at Soma. "Don't worry, I'm just dating Sebastian." Ciel smacked me on the back of my head and I pouted, reaching to soothe the nonexistent pain. Sebastian showed up not too much later and he and Ciel left to do...something I don't know. I don't care either. The two guys walked out and I just decided to sleep again. When I woke up I walked into the room where I heard all the talking coming from. They were doing fencing I think.

I grinned and grabbed my sword from my back. "So we're sword fighting now? Cuz that's my type of thing." I said. They all looked towards me and shook their heads. I deflated and watched as the Prince and Ciel dueled. The guard guy interrupted and jabbed Ciel's arm, making it go limp.

Soma busted out laughing. "Agni you protect me well! I give you my praise." He said, throwing his arm forward. "Agni is my khansama and belongs to me. Therefore the win was mine!"

"Boooo!" I shouted from my spot on the floor.

"My, my. Looks like you have to take your master's revenge Mr. Butler." Lau said with a smile as he bent the sword and flung it over to Sebastian. He caught it and said a few words before him and Agni started sparing. The foils broke and they called it a draw. This human is weirdly strong, I can't believe Sebastian couldn't beat him to a pulp.

We all walked out of the room and the two butlers walked towards what I think is the kitchen. I have a feeling Sebastian is gonna be one-upped. I shrugged and walked along with Ciel.

"(F/n)." I hummed in reply. "Aren't you a part of Ciel's servants?" My eye twitched. Ciel giggled and I glared down at him. He smirked at me.

"No. I am not one of his servants. Just...a sorta friend." I said. I honestly don't know what to call myself. Haha other than a man-whore, but I have no shame. He looked at me strangely before he stopped walking. Ciel also stopped so I just followed after them.

"I would like you to work for me then." He said. I blinked. What? I looked at Ciel. He was glaring at Soma.

Finny suddenly popped up from behind me and smiled. "Dinner's ready!" He chimed, grabbing my hand and telling the other two to follow.

I'm busy, and I'm tired so I'm not even gonna finish this chapter right now, maybe tomorrow or something. Dunno

Reapers (Black Butler x Seme!Male!reader) [discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now