24- rated R. Or 13. Kids are weird these days

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Yep. You're warned.

I groaned and leaned back in my chair. Ya know what? Imma just do it. Just like the Nike sign keeps telling me too.. if Nike existed in this time. Which it doesn't. What's Nike? I don't know. A mythical goddess. Wonder if those exist in this universe. I guess not since there's demons and angels. Which aren't included in mythical-

I'm getting off topic.

I stood from my seat and walked over to William, picking him up and placing him in my lap after I had sat down in his chair. He stared at me, not moving from his position, but stared at me as if this was something normal. Now trust me, I'm a very horny guy, I mean- I'm over here fucking people for the simple feeling of pleasure when I'm already dead- but I have never actually fucked William before. Unless I have and I've just forgotten. I don't really have the greatest memory. I've lived for a while and I can't even remember what I said for the past few chapters. Seriously, no idea.

I woke up from my random space out session just now from a smack to the head by William. I blinked a few times before zoning in on him and putting my hands on his hips, slowly rubbing them in circles and placing my forehead on his shoulder.

"(M/n).." William muttered, putting his hands on my shoulders. His tone was a bit softer than it usually was, the usual being commanding and condescending. I liked this tone. It was soothing and mine, as I was probably the only one to hear it. I like it when things are just mine and no one else's. I hummed in response to his call. "How did you become a reaper?" He asked. A sigh escaped my mouth and I lifted my head to look at him. He had a look of pure curiosity and a grin slipped onto my face.

"Maybe one day I'll actually tell you, Will. But today is not that day oh dear friend of mine." I said, chuckling as he rolled his eyes at me with all the sass he could possibly muster. I put my hand at the back of his head and brought his lips to mine. He tilted his head to the side and moved his lips against mine. I ran my hand up and down his thigh, sensually squeezing it. He hummed against my mouth, soon opening his for me. I pushed my tongue past his lips and coiled my it around his. He moaned into my mouth, sucking at the slick muscle I had pushed into his mouth.

I pulled away, my breathe fanning over his lips. "Something is poking me. I wonder what that could be," Will muttered, a sly smirk taking over his slightly swollen lips.

"Yes I wonder," I hummed, grinning as I reached and grabbed his own boner. "Oh. What ever could this be?" I asked him, pecking his lips right after. His jaw clenched as he gripped onto my shoulders, slightly bucking into my hand. I undid his pants and slowly stroked him. He moaned and panted, unconsciously grinding his hips down onto my cock (have you guys ever met a "Mike Hawk"? Sounds like "My Cock" out loud haha). I groaned and rubbed my thumb around his slit, gripping his member with the rest of my hand. He let out a loud breathy moan and I only got harder from it. "Damn you are so sexy..."

"F-fuck off.. just.. j-just stick it i-in already, damnit..." he breathed out, licking his saliva covered lips. His pale face was flushed red and his eyes were half lidded. No matter how submissive he may look he still finds a way to boss me around. I thought I was his boss. "What.. what are you looking at?" He mumbled, trying to scowl at me but failed as his eyes widened from my grip on his member getting tighter and stroking painfully slow, a loud, erotic moan breaking from his throat.

I bet I'm the only one that's made him make that lustful expression on his face. Feels damn good. I didn't even get a warning before he let loose on the both of us, just a low groan while it happened. I shrugged as he looked away from me. Probably embarrassed. I kissed him briefly, picking him up so I could stand.

"Where in hell are you going?" He asked, still slightly out of breathe. I looked back at him, shrugging.

"Well, I kinda should get back to the story line." I said.

Whoops. I'm leaving for a few months for personal reasons. No one died. Everybody is good. Be mad all you want, when I come back I'll start the sequel for my other story and continue this one

Cool? Yea alright I don't care what you say anyway. See ya

Reapers (Black Butler x Seme!Male!reader) [discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now