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What's the point of school?

Really, all they do is keep us in a place for 8 hours, 5 days of the week, and tell us how we should think, act, speak, and answer. Giving us only a little time to eat, then they take us back to our cages. They claim that they're trying to make us independent and creative, but my creativity and independence were washed away the minute I stepped into my first classroom in kindergarten. But what if we d-

Cut it out you're overreacting Violet, It's only Monday.

I stopped being a drama queen and continued getting ready for school. Grabbing my backpack and an apple, I leave the house and start walking my way to prison.

I felt something in my pocket, a paper. I grabbed that piece of paper and opened it, my bucket list. I wrote that yesterday when I came home from the beach.

Is it really worth it?

I haven't told anyone about it yet because I know that after a few weeks I'll chicken out and throw it away. It would be nice not to get in trouble, but it would be even nicer to finish it right?

Whatever, I fold it and put it back in my pocket.

I'm only one block away from school, and my first period doesn't start until after 19 minutes, I thought I had enough time so I stopped at a coffee shop.

"Welcome to Cup O' Joe! may I take your order?" the barista that's called Miya said cheerfully to me.

"One black coffee, please. No cream and no sugar" I said.

"Okay, that'll be 4 dollars and 50 cents," she said way too cheerfully again, god. Is it possible to be that cheerful at 7 in the morning?

I gave her the money and told her to keep the change. then I heard a voice behind me say "How come a sugar so sweet like you order something so bitter?"

I turned around and saw a tall boy that is probably my age, with beautiful emerald/ blue-ish eyes and black hair. He was giving me one of those "boyish" smiles. yeah, so not getting me.

"You might think I'm sugar, but don't confuse sugar with salt, pretty boy" damn, when did Violet Skyes become so sassy? I thought, giving myself a mental pat on the shoulder for shading someone I barely even knew.

The un-named boy was about to say something, but Miya, the cheerful barista screamed once again cheerfully "One black coffee ready to go"

That's my cue, I thought to myself as I walked to grab my little cup of heaven.

Something in me made me turn around, and when I did, I saw him there smirking at me. Creep much?

After our little eye contact that I broke I left the coffee shop. 8 minutes 'til the first period. Oh, I'm gonna be late.

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