Chapter 1

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"How have you been holding up?" Wu asks, a sad smile barely visible in the darkness. Silence was the only reply he got from Misako. She stares off into the horizon, where a barely visible sun is glowing with its few rays. Also staring at the sun, is her niece, Sophie. Her back turned to everyone. Sophie may look normal, but her pale skin said so otherwise. Even her freckles look sad. A sharp pain goes through her head, and Sophie grabs onto it, feeling sick.

Misako looks longingly at her, wishing she could help or just say something, but she's too afraid. Afraid of Sophie losing herself to the Overlord, afraid of being the cause that brings him back. Yet...wouldn't that mean that she's afraid of Sophie?

Wu sighs, tears dotting his vision. He wiped them away quickly, attempting to be strong. He has to be strong, everyone expects it from him. He couldn't afford to not be strong. It's just a must.

"Aren't you guys gonna come inside?" Kai questions, making his way to them. "Shouldn't you all be asleep?" Wu asks, looking confused. "I made sure everyone else was asleep first. They also ate dinner, and now I'm here to make you guys sleep and eat too," Kai answers. His big brother side showing clearly. A small smile forms on both, Wu and Misako.

"You've gotten more into the big brother role, I see," Wu notices. Kai's seriousness doesn't change. "I don't know if I should leave," Misako hints towards Sophie. "I know that we should support her through this, but we can't. She's unstable, and that's something that you have to figure out on your own," Kai replies. Looking gloomy, Misako peels her eyes away from Sophie and follows Wu and Kai inside.

Sometimes it felt as if something is missing.

And sometimes it felt as if...something is gone.

The atmosphere of the dojo is gloomy. Everyone busing themselves with a task. Jay, with building. Nya, with building as well. Zane, cooking many dishes at a time. Cole, eating those dishes and cake while doing sit-ups. Lloyd, doing push-ups. Kai, punching the punchbag. No one is really talking to each other. They weren't sure where this situation is leading them, or what to expect. It all seems uncertain. Not to mention, weird.


"Shouldn't we try?" Nya asks, setting down her spoon on her plate. "Huh?" Everyone gives her a blank face. "Shouldn't we try? To make things less....awkward?" Nya asks again. "Oh...that," Kai mumbles. "We can't do anything about it," Jay adds. "We've tried. It only makes it worse," Lloyd says. "But we haven't tried! All we ever did was talk to her from a distance! How does that count?" Nya argues. "We may just end up being the cause of the Overlord returning ," Cole says.

"If we aren't willing to try then doesn't that mean that we're afraid of Sophie?" Nya questions, looking accusingly at everyone. Everyone stops their eating.

"We aren't afraid." Lloyd says.

"We aren't scared." Jay mumbles.

"We just don't want to be the cause." Cole adds.

"And that's being afraid! Why can't you see that!?" Nya stomps her foot.

"Nya, just what exactly do you want us to do?! Without having Sophie lose control of herself and we have the Overlord running around free?!" Kai argues.

"..." Nya sits down, not too sure how to reply. She sighs in frustration. "Tch. I can't do anything...can't I?" Nya mumbles to herself.


An awkward dinner later....

Nya stares at the blank roof, from her bed. She couldn't sleep. It just felt weird. Sighing, Nya grabs her phone and scrolls through nothing in particular. She accidentally plays a video.

"Hey is this on?" Sophie's voice plays. Her face pops up, her green/purple eyes looking straight into the camera. "It's o-what are you doing?" Nya questions, taking the phone. "I just wanted to see how you people record videos," Sophie answers, tilting her head to one side. "Oh. Well this is how...although there's usually a reason for recording. Like a memorable moment or something," Nya explains. "Cool! Let's go record everyone then!" Sophie exclaims, almost jumping up and down.

"Well, here's Jay," Nya's voice says. It shows Jay, drinking water after a workout. "Say hi Jay!" Sophie exclaims, rather excited about recording. "Hi!" Jay says enthusiastically, as he waves at the camera.

Then, it shows both girls moving. "This is Kai," Nya introduces him. "Are you recording?!" Kai asks, then covers the camera with his hand. "Ewww!!! Get your sweaty hands off my phone!" Nya cries, taking his hand off. "Why don't we leave..." Sophie's voice trails off, from sensing the attacking feeling from those two.

"Well, here's Zane," Nya says, looking relieved. "Hey Zane! What are you making?" Sophie asks. The camera showing Zane stirring something on the stove. "I'm making Spaghetti today," Zane answers. "Yummy!" Both girls say in unison. Then laugh. "Well, we'll leave ya to it," Nya says.

The camera then shows then walking. Laughing, and talking and just having a good time. Then it shows Lloyd, who's meditating. "Better not interrupt this," Nya warns. "Already have. What's up?" Lloyd asks, opening his eyes and lying on the ground. "That seems comfy," Sophie says and joins him. "It is," Lloyd replies. "If Sophie were to cut her hair and dye it blonde and get rid of the freckles, she would look exactly like you Lloyd," Nya notices. "Well, we are cousins," Lloyd replies.

The video then shows Cole, eating cake. "It's chocolate!" Sophie exclaims and takes a piece from it. "Hey! That's my cake!" Cole cries and tries to grab the piece. Sophie moves it out of his reach, while laughing. Then splits it in half and gives it to Nya. "Have some cake, you may never get it again," Sophie laughs. Nya laughs too. "I'll savor every moment," Nya replies. "You're mean," Cole interjects. "This is chocolate you're talking about! I LOVE chocolate!" Sophie argues.

The video ends with that and Nya is fast asleep, the phone on her stomach. And with a smile on her face.

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