Chapter 13

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Acheron wakes up, quickly making breakfast. He moves quickly on his feet, trying to prepare for the attack on the ninja. Alter wakes up to the smell of some meat cooking.

Rubbing her eyes sleepily, Alter pokes her head out of her tent. "What are you making?" She asks, stepping out. Alter takes a hair tie and swiftly puts her hair up.

"Just some breakfast. It's Overlord's favorite meal," Acheron muses, humming and takes the meat away from the fire.

"Interesting, let's try this," Alter takes the meat, looking hungrily at it. She takes a bite, savoring the flavor.

"My god this is good!" Alter exclaims, stuffing her face at this point.

Acheron takes out the fire, laughing. "Glad you like it," he says, "let's get going. I'm itching to attack."

"Same here. I'm done, did you eat?"

"Yes, now, let's give them a surprise attack," Acheron smiles evilly.


Over at the ninja's side, they all has just finished up breakfast.

"Be on guard. Acheron may attack at any given moment," Wu reminds them all, his face showing worry.

"We know, what we need is a plan," Cole brings up.

"Yeah we cant go headfirst into battle like this," Lloyd adds. Both of them being leaders, or a leader at one point, made them more anxious to make a plan to go by.

"Relax you two. All we need to do is go in there and punch and end of story. All we need is fire," Kai lights his hand on fire.

"You must be an idiot if you think that's gonna work," Nya grumbles.

"I was just joking," Kai shrugs.

"Well, I don't see any other way to do this battle," Jay brings up, looking on edge.

"There are multiple ways we can go with this Jay. What Kai said is an option but Cole and Lloyd both bring up a valid point about this battle being hard. Nya is right to reject Kai's idea since it would most likely end with us getting beat. So, the best thing we can do is have some sort of plan and be prepared for anything," Zane analyzes. His thoughtful expression looking over his family.

"He's he-" Wu gets cut off by blocking a magic ball with his staff.

Everyone's eyes widen. Lloyd quickly dashes to his mom, standing in front of her.

"Haha, you gotta be prepared for things like that too," Acheron laughs, throwing around magic balls while everyone dodges them.

"Don't let your guard down!" Lloyd yells, putting up a shield to block an attack.

"Keep an eye out for Sophie!" Cole reminds everyone, remembering what had happened when he had to battle Sophie. Or her alter ego.

After hearing that sentence, everyone looks around looking more paranoid than ever. Wu took it upon himself to take care of Acheron. Who, for some reason, seems to enjoy fighting Wu.

Misako decided to take things into her own hands after a while of being defended by Lloyd. Much to his dismay, Misako ran over to help Wu. While Lloyd keeps an eye out for Sophie.

Alter comes up behind him, almost managing to punch his back when Lloyd grabs her arm and throws her towards the ground. Alter quickly shifts herself to land on her feet. She pushes off on her foot and gets her hand ready to punch Lloyd.

Lloyd grabs her fist, a look of knowing in his emerald green eyes.

"I know what it feels like to think you need to be don't have to be," Lloyd starts, his face showing a bit worry.

"Ha, just give it up already," Alter jumps back, letting out a laugh. "The time for that kind of talk was long ago. You missed that chance Green Ninja," Alter hits a blow to Lloyd's stomach. He staggers back, coughing up blood.

"C'mon Soph..don't be like this.." Lloyd coughs, wiping the blood off of his face.

"Why do all you think this a cartoon? Things don't happen because you say stuff idiots," Alter comes at him again, but her attempt futile as Lloyd moved out of the way and kicked her into a tree.

"Damn, that hurt," Alter steps off the tree and wipes the blood off of her mouth and forehead. "I think I suffered some brain injuries," Alter let's out a laugh. Lloyd takes the advantage and runs at Alter. Throwing a series of blows as Alter tries to block them.

Lloyd lands multiple punches and kicks Alter backwards. Alter lands on her hand and spins on it, then jumps off of it.

Lloyd jumps towards her with his hands glowing green. Alter's hands glow black and aims them at Lloyd. He also aims his hand at her.

Alter and Lloyd's fist meet and cause a wave of green and black to go around them and the glow getting brighter then dimmer. While both of them are screaming.

"I'll destroy you!" Alter yells and takes her other hand and attempts a punch.

"You just give me my cousin back!" Lloyd yells back and blocks her punch then twists it.

Alter let's out a scream and falls down. "You little-!" Alter hollers and runs towards Lloyd. He lands on his feet and hides between the shadows. Alter stops running and looks around for the green of Lloyd's gi.

Lloyd jumps from the bushes behind her and hits her with his green power balls. Alter staggers forwards, coughing up blood. Lloyd comes again, hitting her from all angles, completely losing his temper.

Alter tries to block the shots, but fails. Then let's out a scream and a black shield surrounds her and it goes out. Making Lloyd fall backwards. He lands on the ground, and tries to get back up.

"Finally," Alter whispers and walks towards Lloyd, holding onto her stomach and wiping the blood flowing from her head and mouth.

Lloyd tries to put up a shield while getting up, and Alter reaches him, her hand glowing black. Her eyes turn completely black and that solid color starts to take over her.

"Finally! I can get rid of you Green Ninja!" A darker and deeper voice says in place of Alter's strong and imitating voice.

Lloyd looks at the solid black eyes in horror.

"Sophie...are you gone..?"

A/n: I've got school and man it's taking up a lot more time than I thought. That and basketball, so please excuse my really late updates, I'm trying!

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