Chapter 12

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"!" Jay exclaims, catching his breath from the running. "About time too," Wu says, standing on top of a rock at the base of the mountain.

"So..where are we headed from here?" Nya asks, drinking from a water bottle. "We are now going towards the forest," Wu points to the trees in a distance.

"Whaaaaat?! But you said we were going to try and make it here before nightfall!" Jay looks at him with a seriously? look. "So that we can get shelter in the forest and not be exposed out here," Wu smiles.

The ninja groan, getting up from the ground and packing up their stuff. Mumbling, they follow Wu and Misako towards the forest.

"I can't tell if you guys are ninja or just a bunch of whiney teenagers," Misako chuckles.

"Anyone would be at their limit after walking so much!" Lloyd groans.

"He is correct, we can only walk so much," Zane adds, feeling very tired himself.

"Well, it's for the greater good," Wu reminds them.

"And then he's got THAT point," Jay mumbles.

"Which you really can't argue with," Nya sighs.

"Oh well..may as well put up with it since we don't have a choice," Kai crosses his arms.

"You've got a point," Cole agrees.


"We finally made it!" Jay exclaims, looking relieved. "We gotta make a camp though," Lloyd brings up. That makes everyone groan.

Wu steps into the tree filled area and his eyes widen. Misako comes up to him and gives him a concerned look. "They're here," Wu says, looking worried. "Then we've got to be careful," Misako replies, putting on a brave face. "Good point," he mumbles, then leads everyone in the opposite direction of where he was sensing them.

"Well, making a fire should be no problem," Kai says, lighting his hand on fire and playing with it. "And no problem in taking it out either," Nya smirks, splashing water on her brother's flame. Kai throws his sister a playful glare.

That started their little fight, throwing fire balls, and taking them out with water.

"Stop it!" Wu scolds them, afraid that they might get noticed by Acheron or Sophie.

The siblings stop immediately, looking confused. "I sense Acheron here.." Wu's voice trails off.

" why would we come in here then?? Or why aren't we engaging them right now??" Jay questions, confused as to Sensei's decision to tell them now and not take any sort of action.

"We'll deal with them later, not right now. Everyone is tried," Wu replies. Turning back around.

Keeping their mouths shut, the ninja follow their Sensei through the woods. Gathering any materials they need for their camp, along the way.

Eventually, towards nightfall, they all had set up camp and were eating their dinner. Soon, they plan to go to sleep.

"Mmmmm! That was some good meat!" Kai rubs his stomach, a satisfied look on his face. "That was really good," Lloyd agrees, finishing up the last of his meat.

"Of course, Zane can make anything delicious," Nya states as if it was the most obvious thing ever. "Thank you for your kind words," Zane smiles, feeling rather proud of himself.

"Was there ever any doubt about that?" Jay asks, taking a bite from the meat. "And anything, means anything," he adds. "Yeah, the meat looked really weird when we first caught it. Now look at it," Cole agrees, cleaning up his plate.

Misako and Wu also ate as well, enjoying the meat. "Ninja! Rest up well tonight, tomorrow we will battle Acheron and Sophie," Wu announces.



Acheron's eyes widened as sensed Wu and the ninja coming into the forest.

"What's up with that face?" Alter asks, raising an eyebrow and filing her nails.

"Those ninja are here.." Acheron growls. Alter stops, a giant smirk forming on her face. "Heh, can I deal with them first thing tomorrow?" Alter asks, the temptation to attack unavoidable.

"Hold your horses, you may turn back if you see them again...just stay here, besides, I can just go over and finish them now," Acheron instructs.

"And get rid of them without me? Not a chance! I want to personally end their lives for making me suffer through all that," Alter glares, thinking about all the times she had to control herself. Just because they didn't want the Overlord back.

"I know you hate them right now, but there's still a really good chance that you'll turn back to your other self if you make contact with them," Acheron argues, putting his chin in his hand.

"Argh those little-"

"Get a hold of yourself, we need a plan."

"You got an idea or something cause I don't."

"We're much stronger than them all, the only person who's a problem is that darn Wu."

"So..what do we do?"

"Oh we attack them, head on."

"Nice! Can't wait to beat the crap outta those ninja!"

"If you don't lose yourself to your other self."

"That won't happen. I almost broke one of them ya know."

"Yeah, and who came back running back saying that you were about to lose yourself?"

"Ugh you're so annoying."

"Heh, I get that a lot."

"From your brother I assume."

"Oh yeah, all the time."

"I should've known, you and the Overlord are super close. Wish I had someone like that."

"Doesn't Lloyd count? Or the ninja?"

"Lloyd and I only saw each other a total of 5 or so times. The rest of them...well, haven't known em for long."

"And?" Acheron raises his eyebrow.

"And they're annoying beyond hell. Maybe the other me liked them, but I certainly hate them. Besides, they all don't like me anyway."

"I'm surprised that you're saying that."

"Why? Clearly they do. Do you know how much it hurt to just sit there staring at the horizon and battling grief and all that?! Just because they don't want the Overlord to come back?!"

"Relax! I know that was mean, and it must've been terrible to go through that but what can we do about it now?"

"Attack them. And let me kill them...


A/n: I know, I know! I haven't updated in so long! I'm sorry! I got school and all that crazy stuff! I'm trying hard!

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