Chapter 3

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"What's going on?!" Lloyd questions, running into the bridge. "There's some man, blowing up everything," Zane answers. "Well, what are we standing around for?! Let's go!" Cole cries.


They all turn around to see Wu, with Misako coming in with a rolled up piece of paper.

"A...prophecy?" Everyone guesses. "Not necessarily," Misako begins. "You have to make this snappy, people are in danger," Kai states. "I won't take long. Just hear it out,"

The Twin of Shadow

Having only one life

Shall see it's force be taken

To a land of fright

To that who does, bid farewell

For light is not in your sight

"What the heck is that supposed to mean?!" Jay cries. "Let's figure it out later, we gotta save those people!" Nya argues. "Exactly, let's roll," Lloyd says and runs out of the bridge with everyone close behind.


The ninja all reached the area of attack. Sure enough, there's a hooded man blowing everything up. The hood blew off, and showed a surprisingly good looking, old man. "He still got it," Nya mumbles. Kai raises his eyebrow at his sister. "What? I'm just complimenting the guy," Nya says. "Forget that! Let's deal with him already!" Cole calls out. The man turns, his blood red eyes looking right at the ninja. They all stop in their tracks. The man's stare sent a weird feeling in them, it made them uneasy. "Not who I'm looking for," he says simply and waves his hand dismissively. A black wave throws the ninja straight into a building.


"We gotta stop him!" Lloyd cries, trying to get up but couldn't. The man steps through the hole made in the wall. "No need to worry. I'm not staying here any longer, I'll return home for now," the man smiles and then disappears. The ninja look at each other, completely lost.

"Did he just...?" Jay questions.

"Teleportation?" Zane also questions.

"How'd he get us all with one strike?" Lloyd asks.

"I think that attack left some damage, besides throwing us into a wall and making us basically immobile," Kai concludes.

"Still, this guy is clearly a threat. We need to deal with him," Lloyd says.

"We know, we know. But he took off, and we don't know where he went. We're just gonna have to wait for him to come back," Cole states.

"So, you're saying we just go home..?" Lloyd looks insulted. "Yeah..besides, you're acting a little over the top," Cole answers. Lloyd sighs, knowing there's nothing else they can do. "Let's at least help the people around here first," Nya suggests. Nodding, everyone agrees.


Pulling themselves together, the ninja managed to help the townsfolk. The sun started to set as the ninja wrapped up their help.

"Thank you!" The townsfolk said as the ninja flew off.

"I'm glad we at least managed to get their town back together," Jay smiles. "It's nice seeing people smile," Nya mentions. "It also feels nice helping people," Lloyd adds. "I just hope everyone there will be alright," Kai sighs. "They should be fine. We managed to help them a lot, which is good," Zane concludes. "What about helping those close to us?" Cole asks. Everyone stops talking. Cole didn't specifically name the person, but they all know who he's talking about.


The ninja land at the dojo. Sophie's siting at the far end of the piece of land. Not looking in her direction, the ninja run inside. Shutting the door behind them, they all let go of the breath they didn't realize they were holding in. "We're terrible," Nya speaks. "You said it," Lloyd mumbles. "We're terrible and scaredy cats," Jay adds. "I never thought I'd actually be this scared of her..." Kai's voice trails off. "I never thought we'd be so scared as to never mention her name," Zane adds. "Ugh. Why can't we do anything?!" Cole sighs, leaning against the door and leaning his head on there.


"He's crazy powerful," Wu mumbles to himself. "So what are we supposed to do? Even you couldn't beat him!" Lloyd cries. "I'm more worried about Sophie, ever since this man appeared..." Misako doesn't continue. Everyone looks at her as if she had a forbidden word. "Wait. What does she have to do with it?" Kai asks. "The man is her Great Uncle. Brother of the Overlord. There's bound to be something," Wu doesn't finish. "What's up with you guys not finishing your sentences?! Give us a straight and clear answer!" Jay cries. "It would be a million times better if you could do that," Zane agrees. "So...what are we going to do about our fear?" Nya questions. "We have to talk to her at some point...when did her name ever even become a forbidden word?" Cole adds.

The red light catches the ninja's attention. Looking at each other, they rush towards the bridge. "It's the same dude!" Jay points out. "Let's go give him a piece of our minds," Kai cracks his knuckles. "That is bad for you," Zane reminds him. "Let's do this!" Lloyd exclaims. The ninja run out, the sun high in the sky.


The ninja came back, defeated.

They didn't have the energy to even go inside. Well, they just dropped on the floor in front of the entrance. So, Misako and Wu brought them things to eat and drink outside, basically tended to them for the rest of the day.

"Twice in one day," Lloyd sighs, shaking his head. "Don't beat yourself up over it," Kai reassures him. "Yeah, we'll figure out a way to stop him somehow," Cole looks determined. "I agree with Cole. Let us stick to the positive side," Zane agrees. "I totally agree with that plan," Jay adds. "Awesome! Then let's try to stay positive!" Nya smiles.

Her smile fades when she looks around the area. "I don't see Sophie anywhere.." Nya mummers. "What's wrong?" Kai asks. "I don't see her..." Nya's voice trails off. "What do you mean you don't see her she's right-" Kai looks but doesn't see anyone there. They check the entire area around.

No Sophie.

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