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y/n = your name
y/b/n = your best friend's name
d/n = dragon's name


Hiccup's pov

"Y/N!" I exclaimed while running to her as an attempt to save her, but before I knew it she disappeared. Everyone stared at me in disbelief.

"W-what was that?" Fishlegs asked with a trembling voice. I ran a hand through my hair and shook my head.

"I have no idea, but we have to find her!" I said. I shot a glance at Astrid when I heard a sigh erupt from her mouth.

"See? We shouldn't have taken them with us! Look what happened." She said while crossing her arms and glaring at me.

"Astrid... this is not the right time to argue about this." I said. She just rolled her eyes at me

"Astrid, what's up with you today? You've been acting strange.." she just scoffed at my question and shook her head.

"You wouldn't understand." She mumbled, which filled me with worry and confusion. What did she mean? She shook her head again after a small silence and looked up.

"Let's just go look for Y/n." She said as she started walking forward. Fishlegs and I exchanged worried glances but I shrugged it off since I had no idea what was going on. I was definitely going to talk to her after this.

We looked for Y/n everywhere to the point where we knew this island by heart. We looked in trees, brushes, behind and even under rocks, Toothless even swam into some lakes to see if she was in there. Every failed attempt at finding her made us more and more worried. And panic took over me when I heard y/b/n's voice.

"Guys, we checked the island and everything is completely clear!" She said as she approached us. She frowned when she noticed a certain someone was missing and I immediately felt a pang of guilt in my heart.

"Uhm.... where is Y/n?" She asked, looking around in hope to find her best friend. I sighed softly and adverted my eyes from her, not daring to look her in the eye when I have to break the news to her about her lost best friend.

"We... We don't know." I mumbled and I heard a very loud gasp. I felt a tight grip on my shoulders and looked up, widening my eyes when I saw her face very close to mine. She did definitely not look happy.

"What do you mean, 'you don't know?' She was with you guys!" She exclaimed.

"Y/b/n... we just... All we heard was a dragon and she was gone within a second!" Fishlegs said nervously.

"Where were you guys? If you were with her I'm sure that wouldn't have happened to her! Where did that dragon go with her, what even-"

"Y/b/n, calm down. Even if she was with them, the dragon would've been able to catch her. You can never be sure when things like that happen. It wasn't their fault." Snotlout said, which made her sigh and look at him. I rubbed my shoulders when she let go of me. That girl had a really strong grip...

"I know that, but she's my best friend. What if we lost her forever?" She spoke softly, her voice shaky.

"We will find her, I promise!" I said with full confidence as I walked over to Toothless.

"Okay, this is the plan. We're all going to examine this island, but now we're all splitting up. If anything happens, and I mean literally anything, just yell. The island isn't too big so at least one person will able to hear you." I explained while getting on the dragon.

"Wait a second my dear friend." Tuffnut spoke dramatically. "What if the dragon spits sticky stuff and aims at our mouths?"

"Or it makes boar pits and throws us into one!" Ruffnut gasped.

"Or maybe its whole body is made out of lava so we die when it touches us."

"Guys, let's be realistic now.." Astrid sighed. Both rolled their eyes at her and went to their dragon.

"I'm just hoping that she's not too far away.." I mumbled before taking off.


Your pov

I groaned softly as I opened my eyes carefully. I attempted to lift up my head but before I could go any further a sharp pain shot through my head. I whispered and lied back down, resting the palm of my hand on my forehead.

"Where... Where am I?" I mumbled to myself. My eyes widened when I heard a low growl that didn't really sound friendly. I wasn't going to die was I? I sat up straight and ignored the pain as I tried to find where the noise came from. I saw nothing but plants and a small lake.

"Uhm.... H-hello?" I said, my voice barely above a whisper. I stood up as quietly as I could and made sure to be cautious of my surroundings so I couldn't be attacked.

Chills went down my spine when a growl was heard again. I gulped softly and felt my legs turn in jelly when I saw a dragon appear from behind a big rock. When I realised what kind it was, I felt like I was going to faint. How was this even possible?

"This... This cannot be real." I whispered to myself. A white night fury? It had beautiful purple eyes and its body was as white as snow. I felt slightly intimidated when I saw it was looking me up and down, but at the same time I understood why. I was a strange human and for all it knew I could be out to kill it. Maybe that's why it took me. It thought we were all a threat to the island!

"I'm not here to hurt you." I said softly as the night fury came closer. I walked backwards until my back hit a tree and shook when we were almost touching. I could tell the night fury still didn't trust me which is understandable of course. Without thinking I reached out my hand to it. At first all I got was it staring at my hand, but when I closed my eyes I felt the skin of the dragon against my hand. I opened my eyes and smiled when I saw the night fury looking at me in a much friendlier way. Before I knew it I was tackled to the ground and a big tongue was licking my face which made me giggle loudly as I attempted to push its head away.

"Okay, I get it!" I laughed while I tried to wipe off the saliva. So what Hiccup said in the books was true... this doesn't get out easily...

"Okay.... Are you a girl or a boy?" I asked as I watched the dragon jumping around. As soon as my eyes landed on the backside, I knew.

"Okay, a girl!" I chucked and she sent me an adorable smile, making me giggle.

"Okay miss white night fury. It was lovely meeting you, but I should go find my friends.." I said and attempted to walk away but the dragon blocked my view immediately. Her big purple eyes showed sadness now, and that made me realise that she didn't want me to leave. She had been alone for as long as she knew probably.

"I don't think they would mind taking you with me.. There's even a dragon like you!" I said to which she jumped up and down in excitement. A soft smile appeared on my face when she made sure I could go and walked with me.

"Okay... what should I name you.." I mumbled as my eyes inspected the beautiful creature.

"D/N!" I said and she immediately reacted by looking at me. "So you like it?" I asked while smiling and she nodded. I started waking again but then remembered this was an unfamiliar island so I didn't quite know where to go. I got a small idea and slowly tried to get on D/n's back, hoping that she wouldn't try to get me to go away. At first she wasn't really do-operating but when I slowly petted her she stopped.

"Okay... how do I tell her to fly?" I asked softly and before I knew it we were up high in the air. Loud screams erupted from my mouth as I closed my eyes. This was going to be a long ride..

Between Two Worlds (Older Hiccup x reader) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now