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Imagine Hiccup looking at you like ^^ OOOOHH MYYY GOOOSHH 😱😭😍. ok sorry let's get to the story.

y/n = your name
y/b/n = your best friend's name
d/n = dragon's name
y/t = your town's name
e/c = your eye colour
h/c = your hair colour
d/k = dragon kind
o/d/n = other dragon's name.


Your POV

Hiccup and I are taking a walk together through Berk with our dragons. He's free this afternoon, and so was I so we decided to spend some time together.

It's been very fun here, and honestly I don't think I ever want to leave. The people are just amazing and I'm so used to life in Berk now.

I notice that Hiccup stops walking, making me stop as well and frown a little.

"What's wrong?" I ask him.

"I-I though I heard someone following us." He mumbles, making my eyes widen slightly.

"W-what?" I stutter. He squeezes my hand a little.

"Don't worry, I probably heard it wrong. I think it was just a kid playing or something." I nod, still not completely convinced that it wasn't dangerous, but I decide to let it go anyway. I notice d/n and Toothless watching their surroundings carefully, which worries me even more.

Suddenly a tall figure jumps in front of us, making me gasp. Our dragons immediately jump in front of us, ready to attack.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." I put my hand on d/n's head, making her calm down a it as Hiccup does the same.

"W-who are you?" I ask, my voice shaking slightly.

"That is none of your business madam." She says harshly. The voice sounds feminine, so I assume it's a woman.

"What do you want?" Hiccup asks while pulling me behind him a little bit.

"Revenge." Is all she says before disappearing suddenly. I frown and look at Hiccup.

"W-what in the name of Thor was that?" I ask him.

"I don't know. But we need to go to Gothi. Right now." He says and I nod. We jump on our dragons and fly towards Gothi's house, where we see her outside.

"Gothi! Could you help us please?" She looks up and nods. We start explaining what happened when we were taking a walk. We get Gobber so he can translate what she writes for us, and then she starts scribbling in the sand.

"The war could start at any minute now. Prepare you and your dragons. It's going to be a very tough fight, but you are strong and you will win." We both nod.

"C-could some people die?" Hiccup asks. Gothi nods sadly and I can feel Hiccup grabbing my hand and squeezing it a little bit.

She tells us a bit about preparing, like that we should have a weapon with us the whole time, and the dragons should wear armour since this is going to be the biggest war ever.

And it's scaring me so much.

I know Hiccup is scared too. He seems calm, but I can see the fear in his eyes. He tries to hide it, I know that, and he does this because he's the chief. He thinks that he should stay strong the whole time, but that's not good for him.

When we leave I stop walking and turn to Hiccup.

"Hey, are you okay?" I ask softly. He looks at me and shakes his head.

"It's j-just that.... I-I don't want any-anyone getting hurt." He sighs. I cup his cheek with my hand and rub it softly. He leans his head in my cheek and closes his eyes.

"I'm scared that I won't be able to protect everyone, and then it will be my fault that people die." He says. He sighs and then takes a deep breath.

"I-I seem like I know what I'm doing most of the time, I know that. But honestly, sometimes I really don't know what I'm doing." He squints his eyes a bit, as if he's trying not to cry.

"I'm not like my dad. I can't be like him. He was so brave and smart and-"

"He had rough times as well." I interrupt him. He looks at me and sighs softly.

"And even if you're not like him, that doesn't make you a bad chief, Hiccup. I've talked to some people of the village, and I've never heard one bad word about you. They always say how brave you are, and how you've changed Berk completely. They love you." I say.

"Maybe people will get hurt. Maybe the worst will happen. But that won't be just your fault. You're still human, and you can't be there for everyone, and everyone in Berk knows that." He sighs again and puts his hand on mine that's on his cheek.

"Can-can we go to my house maybe? I-I want to rest a little." He says and I nod.

"Of course."

"Will you stay with me?"

"If you want me to I will, of course." He smiles and kisses my forehead.

"Thank you so much for being there for me, y/n." I smile.

"You're welcome. I'll always be there for you."


"Your house is really pretty." I say while looking around. I've been in his house-or well I've seen it from outside, but now I get to take a good look.

"My mom is outside helping the villagers with their dragons, so she'll be here later." I nod. "Would like to stay for dinner with us? My mother really wants to meet you." My eyes widen slightly and I bite my lip.

"Uh-yeah sure.." I say quickly. Hiccup turns to me and I can see he's worried.

"Hey, what's wrong?" He asks me. I look down at my hands and sigh.

"What if your mom doesn't like me?" I ask softly. I can hear him chuckle and he lifts my face by my chin up slowly.

"She'll love you, don't worry." He says and kisses my forehead. I close my eyes and smile.

"Noowww, let me show you my room! I've put some of my inventions there!" He takes my hand runs up the stairs quickly, making me giggle. He's so cute when he gets all excited.
Sooo I hope you all liked this chapter!! Thank you soooo much for 650 reads, I can't believe it 😱💜. It makes me really happy seeing that you all like the story ^_^. I don't have much to say right now, sooooo I'll leave now 😂. A comment and/or vote would be very appreciated ^_^
Xxx Damla

Between Two Worlds (Older Hiccup x reader) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now