this takes place after httyd2! It does not include spoilers for httyd3, I came up with this before the trailer of httyd 3 came out
Y/n y/l/n is an 18-year-old girl who has a giant reading obsession. One of her favourite series includes the "How To...
100 T H O U S A N D READS??!!! How did that even happen?! I'm so close to crying right now
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I had to stop typing because i started cryi g djdjdjjd GUYS I don't think you all understand how much this means to me. I started writing as a way to cope with being bullied five years ago and when I found out about Wattpad, I was more than happy to start sharing my thoughts and ideas. When I realised I could make a httyd fanfic, a film series that I basically grew up with I knew I just had to do this and I remember growing so attached to the story as I wrote more. I'm aware that this isn't my best story but I definitely felt an emotional connection to the story and the people who kept commenting for me continue it. I remember being so delighted when I had 10+ read and that number had multiplied by so much... I still can't believe that this is real, just wow... thank you guys so so so much for still reading between two worlds to this day. I keep reading your comments, trust me I do. I can't even put into words how thankful I am for each and every single one of you so,,,, all I can do is send some heart memes I guess
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