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y/n = your name
y/b/n = your best friend's name
d/n = dragon's name


After finally being able to control the dragon, a relieved sigh escaped my mouth. I carefully inspected the island, hoping to see someone or something familiar.

I gasped when I noticed Fishlegs walking along with Meatlug. A big smile covered my face as I heavily waved at them with my free hand.

"Fishlegs, over here!" I yelled in hopes to catch his attention, which I luckily did. His jaw dropped as soon as he noticed d/n. His eyes were seriously the size of golf balls, which I really didn't think was possible but oh well. I also didn't think I'd ever end up here, did I?

I carefully flied to the ground with d/n and get off of her before my feet make their way to the Viking and his dragon, whose jaw was almost on the floor at this point.

"W-what... how did you even... they... we..." his stammering was so amusing it made me giggle. "A white nightfury?!" I smiled brightly and nodded, my body filled with excitement.

"I know, right? She took me with her." I chuckled nervously. "I think she saw me as a threat at first." He nodded understandingly before his gaze went to d/n, who was watching Meatlug as if she were scared that the dragon would do something to her

"Hiccup will totally love this!" Fish legs exclaimed as he happily bounced up and down. I smiled and nodded. Of course he'd be, the biggest dragon nerd ever would probably faint at this very sight.

"So.. Where's everyone else?" I asked as I looked around, realising we were the only ones here

"Searching for you. We decided to split up and if we- wait crap." Fishlegs interrupted himself, making a small frown appear on my face.

"Whats wring?" I asked, my voice filled with concern. I just hoped it wasn't anything serious.

"I forgot to call the others. We said we would let each other know if we found you. Could you please wait for a bit?" He tiened to Meatlug

"Hey Meatlug, can you roar for me, girl?" He asked sweetly before his dragon let out a loud roar. I always admired the way Fishlegs treated dragons. In the books he was always described as somebody who really cared about dragons and that clearly showed right now.

I looked up when I heard multiple voices and smiled when I saw the others on their dragons. They landed and then carefully got off.

"Is someth-Y/N!" Y/b/n ran up to me and immediately wrapped me in a bone crushing hug, making me squeak.

"Y-y/b/n... oxygen.." I let out before her grip on me loosened.

"I was SO worried about you! Hiccup suddenly said you were gone and had no idea where you went and I thought I had lost my best friend forever!" She rambled as her eyes filled with tears. I smiled and rested a hand on her shoulder.

"Hey, it's okay now. I'm back and nothing bad happened." She sighed softly and nodded at this.

"I guess you're r-hold on." She froze and stared at d/n with wide eyes. I chuckled nervously and then realised the others were here too, with the same expression on their faces as they all looked at the unfamiliar dragon. Before I realised it Toothless was in front of her, shyly trying to communicate with her.

"That's..." The twins began

"A night fury?!" Astrid yelled, overtaken with shock. My gaze fell on Hiccup who seemed to have broken. He stuttered incoherent things, not understanding this situation. I chuckled softly and walked up to Hiccup.

Between Two Worlds (Older Hiccup x reader) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now