y/n = your name
y/b/n = your best friend's name
d/n = dragon's name
y/t = your town's name
e/c = your eye colour
d/k = dragon kind
o/d/n = other dragon's name.•••••••••••••••••••
Your POV
suddenly we hear a squeal, making Hiccup and I jump back quickly. I look and see y/b/n and the gang behind a tree. They all glare at y/b/n and she's blushing furiously.
As soon as they realise we saw them their eyes widen.
"Hey guys!!" Snotlout says loudly, smiling nervously.
"We were just uh, OH WHAT A COINCIDENCE YOU GUYS ARE HERE TOO?!" Fishlegs says, acting surprised.
"Yeah, we were totally not following you and we were totally not eavesdropping when you guys were talking, ha ha." Tuffnut says.
"You idiot!" Ruffnut yells and hits Tuff's head, making me giggle.
"Uh-okay. Can you guys leave now?" Hiccup asks. His cheeks are still red and he's biting his lip.
"Yeah, come on guys!" Astrid says quickly while pulling everyone with her.
"Well that was awkward..." I mumble. Hiccup scratches the back of his back nervously.
"Y-yeah." He stutters, not saying anything else.
"But, uh.... I really meant what I said, you know.." he blushes.
"I-I thought you liked Astrid? I mean, I know you guys broke up but uh..."
"Well.... it hadn't been feeling the same for a pretty long time..." he mumbles. I nod and there's a long silence.
I look up at him, and then I notice that he's looking at me already, causing me to blush again. He grabs my hands with his and puts them on his shoulders.
I really need to stop blushing..
His hand cups my cheek and he leans in slowly.
Oooohhhh myyyy goooshhh
He closes his eyes and I close them as well, and then our lips touch softly. My stomach is going crazy and my legs feel like jelly. I've never felt anything like this before.
The kiss is soft, gentle but quick. He pulls away slowly and he blushes a little. He has an adorable smile on his face and his hand is still on my cheek.
We don't say anything, we just stare at each other for a few minutes.
Suddenly d/n comes between us and I hear Toothless laugh, making Hiccup and I laugh too.
"So uh, shall we go back?" I ask him. He nods and I walk to d/n but then he grabs my hand. I turn around to face him and he's looking at me.
"Uh... what are we now?" He asks me.
"What do you want us to be?" I ask. He blushes and comes a little closer.
"Okay.. uh.. how do I ask this.. Thor please help me... I uh... do you... would you.. can we... uh.." I giggle and kiss him to make him stop talking. His eyes widen and he makes a cute sound, but kisses me back.
I just made the first move.. wow...
I pull back and he looks at me surprised.
"Does that answer whatever you wanted to ask?" I ask him. He chuckles and nods. I hear d/n and Toothless groan, as if they're saying 'stop kissing I want to go back!' I giggle and let go of Hiccup. We go on our dragons and notice that the gang is gone, they're probably at Berk. How did they follow us?
"I can't believe they followed us.." Hiccup mumbles as if he's reading my thoughts.
"I really had fun today, thanks Hiccup." I say making him smile that cute smile that makes my heart melt.
"Me too." He says.
"So uh, I'll see you tomorrow then?" He nods.
"Yeah.. see ya tomorrow... good night."
"Good night Hiccup." I say and he turns around to walk to Toothless. Just when he's about to jump on him, he turns back to me and quickly runs back to me. He pecks my cheek and says a quick 'bye' before leaving. The smile on my face gets bigger and when he's gone I hear a squeal behind me. I turn around quickly and see y/b/n jumping up and down while looking at me.
"OH MY GOOOSHHH!!" She squeals, hugging me tightly.
"Y/b/n... air.." I gasp. She lets go of me quickly and pulls me back into the house, closing the door. She pushes me on a chair and sits down across me.
"tell me EVERYTHING!" She says while leaning her head on her hand.
"Um, you spied on us while we were there, so I'm pretty sure you know everything." I say and she blushes.
"Well not a lot, I mean I could hear your voices but I couldn't understand what you were saying since we weren't close enough... hehehe.." she chuckles nervously.
"Okay.. well where do I start, uuuhhh he took me to the place where he found Toothless first...."
After telling her everything she's jumping up and down while squealing.
"You guys are so cute!!" She says excitedly.
"I'm worried about one thing though." She says, turning serious out of a sudden.
"About what?" I ask.
"Well.. we're gonna leave this place one day right? Will you come back or are you going to stay in our world?" She asks me.
I sigh and look down.
"I-i don't know. This place is wonderful, but in our world I've got my fa-friends.." I say quickly. I don't really have family, because I have no idea who they are. I've been an orphan for as long as I can remember, and nobody ever adopted me. But when I turned 18 I wasn't a child anymore so y/b/n and I decided to live together.
I've got some amazing friends out there, and y/b/n has her family. But I'm starting to get attached to these people so much... how will I be able to leave?
"You've got a looong time to decide though, so no stressing! Just enjoy your time with him." She says and I nod.
"Lets go to bed now. It's pretty late, and tomorrow we're going to train with weapons."
"Okay, night y/b/n I say while I get up.
"Good night y/n." She says before going to her room. I go in mine as well and change into my night gown quickly. D/n sits down in the corner of my room and closes her eyes. I lay under the covers and close my eyes.
Today was amazing.. is the last thing I think before falling asleep.
Well, I hope you guys liked the chapter! I'm sorry if it's not that exciting yet, but the "cool" stuff will start soon 😏😂.I really enjoy reading your comments by the way, it makes me happy to see that people like my story :)). But, if you've got any tips I want to hear those as well, I want to improve because I know I'm not that good at writing yet!
Anywaayy, see you guys in the next chapter!
Xxx Damla

Between Two Worlds (Older Hiccup x reader) COMPLETED
Fanfictionthis takes place after httyd2! It does not include spoilers for httyd3, I came up with this before the trailer of httyd 3 came out Y/n y/l/n is an 18-year-old girl who has a giant reading obsession. One of her favourite series includes the "How To...