Chapter 3

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(The Next Day)

Christ-- I don't know what to wear...I'm running late. I hope I'm not like this tomorrow on my birthday. I take a random shirt on the floor and smelled it-- it's clean. I slipped it over my head. I tugg it down and i just realized im wearing Danny's shirt favorite shirt. I'll wear it for today, he'll probably like it that I'm wearing his shirt. I was already in leggings again and now for my hair. I just grabbed every strand of hair and tied it in a messy bun, its tuesday-- the second laziest day of the week. I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth. Mom left breakfast-- but no time, I'm late to meet Danny.Oh shit-- I forgot my bag in my room. AfterI rinsed my mouth and I went back in my room. Just when I entered-- Danny phased through. It startled me.

(Danny)- " Sorry-- was wondering what's taking you so long?"

(Y/n)- " Woke up late-- my bad" I say as I shuffle around my room looking for my backpack.

(Danny)- "It's right there" he knew what I was looking for, he grabs it and hands it to me. I see Danny eyes my outfit.

(Danny)- " You always look good in my shirts" I give me a little tease and pose in this outfit. He scratches the back of his head and laughs.He hides a little blush around his cheeks. 

(Y/n)- " Okay-- let's go before we miss first period"

(Time Skip)

We made it to school grounds, we are so late for first period-- thanks to me .I feel bad for dragging Danny behind too. We enter class and darts there eyes at us.

(Mr. Lancer)- " Mr. Fenton, Miss (L/n)-- nice of you to finally join us"

(Danny)- " Sorry Mr. Lancer-- there was traffic on the way" he jokes.

(Mr. Lancer)-" Take your seats please..." he continues with the lesson. Tucker and Sam spot us, we take our seats and I lay my head down to rest. Tucker ad Danny talk and Sam whispers to me.

(Sam)- " Why are you guys late?"

(Y/n)- " My phone alarm didn't go off..." I sigh remembering it--- pisses me off actually. I look over to the empty desk that is Ravens chair. She's late too, maybe..the entrance door opens and in coming in Raven...with a E-cigarette  in hand. Mr. Lancer, with shocked eyes and angry brow.

(Mr. Lancer)- "Fifty shades of gray! Raven-- there is no smoking in class" he exclaims.

(Raven)-" Relax Lancer-- it's strawberry flavor-- wanna try?" she offers out her hand.

(Mr. Lancer)- " Take your seat Raven-- and I'll talk to you after class." Raven shrugs and sits at her desk.She slouches in her chair and puts her arms behind her head to recline. Sam and Raven whisper to one another. I lay my head back on my desk and close my eyes.

(Time Skip)

Lunch finally came through-- I'm starving. I told Danny and the rest of the gang that I'll meet them at the cafeteria. I make my way to my locker and unlocked. I grabbed my bag lunch-- suddenly my locker closed with hand leaning against it....only one person does that, and it annoys me.I look to see Dash flashing his flirty eyes at me.

(Y/n)- " What do you want, Dash?"

(Dash)- " You know the new girl, Raven, Right?"

(Y/n)- " Yeah" where is he going with this?

(Dash)- "I'm just letting you know, I'm gonna stop trying to get you back and start going after her" he's trying to get me back? He hasn't done anything? I don't care if he's gonna go after Raven-- like she's gonna get with Dash.

Avalanche [Danny Phantom x Reader] ((BOOK 2 of "Phantom" )) [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now