Chapter 14

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something came up...and I got to go back into the real world tomorrow :P 

It may or may not take up typing time...*sigh*

If only I can enter a video game world right now...*looks at computer screen. Phases through current steam game: Resident Evil 4* 


(Time Skip)

Baird called Raven about an hour ago, He persuaded her to come to my house--I am not going to be happy to see her...I just want to knock her ass out....but I'm not going to do that. I gotta pretend to be on her side. Fucking-A- man. Tucker was in the living room messing with the thermos. Sam was watching tv with her feet on the coffee table. Baird was outside tuning his bike or something. The front door opens, closing right after. I thought it was Baird coming back inside but it wasn't, it was my sister.

(Y/n)- " Hey, wheres mom and dad?"

(Sister)- "They wanted to hangout without they dropped me off." They wanted to spend time without her? Does that mean they're working out their problems? I don't want to get ahead of myself but I kinda hope they get back together. I noticed Tucker sneakily gaze at my sister and back at the thermos. this the first time they're meeting in person? Aww how cute. 

(Y/n)- " Have you guys...met each other yet?" I asked to the both of them.

(Tucker)- " Uhh-- this is the first"

(Sister)- " Hi, Tucker" she shyly waves a hand. Tucker says it back to her. My sister walks pass me and heads over to Tucker. They began to quietly have a conversation with her asking what's he's working on. The front door opens once more and looking over my shoulder, this time it was Baird. He was wiping his hands on a dirty rag.

(Baird)- " She's here" I straightened out my back and gave him an annoyed look.

(Y/n)- " Is Danny with her?" he sighs and moves his head side to side. Damn it, where is she keeping him, I asked tucker if he was home but he wasn't. Is she keeping him in her cauldron-- where she makes her evil potions? Did she fly over here on her evil fucking broom stick? 

(Baird)- " Relax." Baird steps closer and rubs my arm.

(Y/n)- " Okay-- okay, I'm good. Don't you dare feed away my anger...I might need it if she does something"

(Baird)- " If you keep a cool head."

(Y/n)- " I'm good, let's go talk to your fucking bitch of sister" I walk passed him,I felt his hand touch my shoulder as I go by. I halt in front of the door. My shoulders roll and relax and hands cool and unclenched. 

(Y/n)- " I was a little over the line..I'm sorry" He slightly smirks and tilts his head.

(Baird)- " Let's go" he smiles and hovers his hand at my lower back. We exit the door and made it onto to the porch. There she stood leaning on the porch railing with her arms crossed.

(Raven)- " Look who's smiling and happy with my brother"

(Y/n)- " Raven, nice to see you" I say as I approached her.

(Raven)- " She seems a little happy at the moment. Feeding from your girlfriend, huh, Baird?" she smirks at him.

(Baird)- " (y/n) has something to talk to you about"

(Raven)- " Really, that's why you brought me out here, I could have been at home...Banging the shit out of Danny" she wickedly smiles towards me. I felt the flame inside my chest and run coarse through me.I don't believe her-- she's trying to get me made right now. Stick to the plan (Y/n). I swear to god-- if Baird takes this away...Im killing him and Raven. I was about to leap to attack her but I felt a hand place on my back. The sudden anger was gone.

Avalanche [Danny Phantom x Reader] ((BOOK 2 of "Phantom" )) [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now