Chapter 19

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(Time Skip)

(Danny)- " Whoa....what.." I grunt as I sat up. I was on the cold dirty floor. I was in my own cell-- just like Baird's. Shit, where is he? I stood up stretching my back. Wait... I'm dressed in these prisoner clothes again?! At least I'm not wearing that stupid hat. I was still in my phantom form, I'm surprised I haven't changed back yet. I started to examine my cell room, checking any place for weak spots. Nothing....god damn it. A loud buzzer goes off, I eye the room but nothing. A click sound happens and the wall behind me raises up. What the hell is this? I walk out of my cell...and it lead to...the prisoners courtyard?

(Baird)- " Danny!" I hear Baird call my name. He jogs his way over to me.

(Danny)- " Man, what the hell is going on?"

(Baird)- " What do you mean?"

(Danny)- " What the hell is all this-- this wasn't like this when I was here?"

(Baird)- " You've been here before?"

(Danny)- " Yeah, couple years ago. It's all different now...Walker wasn't kidding"

(Baird)- " How'd you get out?"

(Danny)- " I just walked out...humans are ghosts in the ghost zone."

(Baird)- " Well...that ain't gonna work now. Both of us can't get out"

(Danny)- " I know..." I scratched the back of my head hard--trying to think of a plan to get both of us out of here.

(Time Skip)

Baird was doing some exercises while I lay on a bench with my arm behind my head. I toss a small rock up and catch it on the way down. I don't know how long I've been here but (Y/n) is probably really worried about us. A few other ghost prisoners walk past me the eye. I think I remember them,but I bet they sure do remember me.

(Baird)- " Instead of....sitting on your ass.....figure...out--how were gonna get out of here" he says in between sit ups.

(Danny)- " I'm trying, I tried to phase through these walls in my human form but you saw how that worked out"

(Baird)- " Damn it. "

(Danny)- " Got me curious, but how are you related to Walker?"

(Baird)- " My dad is his older brother."

(Danny)- "Shit..why is Walker into the whole prison deal?"

(Baird)- " My dad and Walker weren't on the same page, with them both being different types of ghosts-- they went they're separate ways. They still agreed on Walker keeping the prison open with him running it."

(Danny)- " Where does Raven fit into all of this"

(Baird)- " She was always Walker's favorite. He never liked me."

(Danny)- " Well...there was no way Walker was able to afford his new upgraded prison"

(Baird)- " I don't know."

A buzzer goes off, ahhh!!!-- what is it now?

(Announcer)- " Prisoner 022786, get back in your cell." I look at my shirt to see the prison number, they're not calling for me. Baird stood up and looked around the other prisoners. I spot the numbers on the back of a prisoners shirt-- the number they just called out.

(Danny)-" Baird, that's you"

(Baird)- " What?"

(announcer)- " Prisoner 022786, get back in your damn cell! "

Avalanche [Danny Phantom x Reader] ((BOOK 2 of "Phantom" )) [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now