Chapter 16

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(Time Skip)


Raven laughs a excited and wicked laugh. We just rode the giant drop ride... let me tell you, I was scared at first but then the feeling of it afterward....felt amazing. Nothing but the adrenaline  rush, what ride to go on next? 

(Raven)- " That is some fun ass shit!" she stuck her hand out for a high five. I slapped her hand-- giving her the high five. She placed her arm around the back of my neck. We walked together side by side, without a care in the world. We just want to fucking ride roller coasters!

(Raven)- " Huh, it's so much having you around when you're not so uptight. Feeding from you tastes so much better...I must have really gotten under your skin" she giggles a bit,

(Y/n)- " you did, but now you're just awesome to hangout with." I laugh with her. She places a hand on someone passing by--feeding from him. Raven licks the tips of her fingers, pretending she has some leftover crumbs on them.

(Raven)- " Tucker's smart for telling us to be here today...people taste great today."

(Y/n)- " My turn" her arm that is already on me, her palm faces down and grabs my left shoulder. She gribs it for a quick second and releases.

(Raven)- " Your energy is too good. I'll save that for later...let's go ride more rides before the guys get here" 


(Tucker)- "Guys! Were here! Oh my god--we got to ride that...and that one..." Tucker went on and on as soon as we got through the entrance gates. Why did we listen to him? Why the amusement park?......we could have gone to the park or something...

(Sam)- " Baird, is Raven here with (Y/n) already?"

(Baird)- " Yeah- she texted me half hour ago"

(Danny)- " Great, now what?"

(Tucker)- " We have fun you guys!" he shouts holding onto (Y/n)'s sisters shoulders.

(Sam)- " Where are they anyway?"

(Baird)- " Uhh, last I heard was she was by the giant drop ride, I think"

(Danny)- " Then lets go fine them"

(Tucker)- " I'll meet you guys...later, gonna ride some rides..." I grabbed on Tucker's shoulder and pilled him along with me as we all went together walking away from a ride he wanted to go on.

(Time Skip)

The park was full of families, who couldn't wait to get on these rides. I enjoy rides myself but this isn't why were here. Tucker on the other hand, we had to stop twice for him to ride some of the roller coasters. I just want to get (Y/n) back in my arms. I miss her gently touch. It's been far too damn long. I just hope she doesn't go running to mostly ghostly over here. Even if she comes running to either of us, its going to be her choice who she wants to be with-- I don't want to make her unhappy. Ahh--don't think about this now Danny, you'll figure it out later. Everywhere I look all I see are tons of people....So many girls with the same color hair as (Y/n). I heard shouting and a lot of swear words coming from the Batman ride.

(Baird)-" Found them" he said with a sigh.

I see Raven and (Y/n), arguing with a group of three guys. What now? What did Raven do? 

(Raven)- " Get lost, losers! "

(Y/n)- " Fucking douchebags!"

(Baird)-"Hey, hey-- what's going on?" Baird grabbed a hold of Raven's shoulder pulling her back away from the group of guys. I went ahead and grabbed (Y/n) away from them too. She shoves me away...kinda hurts me a bit...

(Y/n)- " Don't touch me." even though she said that..causing my feelings to be cracked a little bit. I still reached out to her.

(guy2)- " Hey-- you guys get lost!"

(Baird)-" Relax man, we know them"

(guy3)- "Yeah sure"

(Y/n)- " Get the hell out of here before we kick your ass!" I step in front of her, using my body to push her back away from them. She presses against my back to talk smack to those guys some more.

(Danny)- " (Y/n), relax-- calm down...what's wrong with you?" she ignored me to shout more at the those guys who are now walking away.

(Y/n)- " I'm fan-fucking-tasic " I look back to Baird who was talking to Raven, calming her down as well.

(Baird)- " What happened to you two?"

(Raven)- " Fucking dicks cut in front of us" 

(Baird)- " They're going, they're gone."

(Y/n)- " Yeah--fucking assholes.." she utters under her breathe. She is completely different, she seems more loose and swears a lot more than usual. She moves away and stands by Raven. So this is what I did, she's by raven side like I I know how (y/n) felt. I look to the rest of our team. Tucker admiring the roller coasters as the cart does a loop. Sam looking like she isn't having a good time. (Y/n)'s sister who's by Tuckers side, holding onto his shirt-- shyly having little bit of fun.I look to Baird who gives me a look like we must play it cool.

(Raven)- " Anyway, now that you're all here...lets have some fun! Great Idea Tucker"

(Tucker)- " Thank you, I know I'm awesome" Raven looks to Tuckers side, eyeing the person next to him

(Raven)- " Who's this little runt?"

(Danny)- "(Y/n)'s sister"

(Raven)- "Hmm, another one of her.."

(Baird)-" She's not part of the deal."

(Raven)- " That's too bad, (Y/n)'s energy pretty good-- I'll probably move onto her once I'm done with this one" they way she was speaking about (Y/n) like a juice box, it disgusts me. she's not an item you can feed from and throw away. I swear Raven, i'm going to send your ass back to the ghost zone.

(Y/n)- " What's everyone standing around-- lets go ride some fucking rides!" she slaps my shoulder and runs off. I look to Baird who was confused as I am. Is this really (Y/n) after Raven fed from her? 

(Baird)- " What did you do to her, Raven?"

(Raven)- " I don't know, I'm taking large portions...but I like how she's loosening up" she slaps Baird's shoulder and goes where (Y/n) is going. What the hell are those two?!

Avalanche [Danny Phantom x Reader] ((BOOK 2 of "Phantom" )) [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now