Chapter 8

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(The Next Day)


I took one last look in the mirror before I head out, I'm a little early for school. I take my hair and tie in a high ponytail. Okay, I look decent....another one of Danny's old t-shirts and a pair of skinny jeans. I grab my bag and headed downstairs.

(Dad)- " Where are you heading out this early?" dad asked once I got to the bottom of the stairs.

(Y/n)- " Gonna go..see--" I play with my thumbs..making me pace my words.

(Dad)- " Are you gonna see Danny?" he says as he reclines back on the single sofa. I was gonna see Danny..I want to hear his reason for skipping out on dinner last night. I place my hands in my back pockets.

(Dad)- " Give it time-- it's too early for you to see him."

(Y/n)- " I guess...I'm gonna go to school-- maybe go to the library and study" I say clutching my bag strap on my shoulder

(Dad)- "Alright-- be careful." I head out of the house and once I closed the door behind me, I froze, I looked across the street to see Danny's house. Should I go over and talk to him? I don't know-- right now I want to see him but I don't think I can handle it. The hours I waited for him...makes me angry but at the same time he was probably fighting a ghost. I step out from under the porch and leave away from school.

(Time Skip)

I see the sign of Nick and Charlie's pizza. It's open this early? I opened the glass door and entered inside. People were already here eating pizza-- that's kinda cool. I look around and I spot Baird, the waiter from last night. He's in work already? I head over to him and he spots me right away. He smirks and continues to clean tables and toss used dishes in a bin.

(Baird)- " Ain't it a little early to be eating pizza?" he chuckles wiping the table.

(Y/n)-" It's perfect time for pizza" I smirked.

(Baird)- " Don't you have school or something?"

(Y/n)- " Yeah-- in about half an hour?"

(Baird)- " What're you doing here then?"

(Y/n)- " I was going to go see Danny...but I chickened out"

(Baird)- " Danny-- your boyfriend right?" he leans up puting the damp rag over his shoulder. He focuses on what I have to say.

(Y/n)- " Yeah" as I sigh.

(Baird)- " Hmm.. Looks like you could Dr. Baird. Please-- step into my office" he leads his arms to the booth behind him the one he just cleaned. I give off a low chuckle and sat inside the booth.

(Y/n)- " This isn't going to charge me or anything right?"

(Baird)- "No-- only if you don't take the Dr.'s advice."

(Y/n)- " Hmm.. We'll see"

(Baird)- " So talk to me, what's going on behind that head of yours"

(Y/n)- " Danny, this chick-- I don't know what to do"

(Baird)- "I'm going to tell you my honest opinion...I'd say screw Danny and that chick."

(Y/n)- " It's not that easy-- I wish it was.."

(Co-worker)- " Baird-- you going?" someone called out to him from the kitchen.

(Baird)- " Yeah! I'm off the clock.." he turns to talk to his co-worker than faced back to me.

(Y/n)- " Working here seems fun"

(Baird)- " Was that suppose to be sarcastic?"

(Y/n)- " Sort of"

(Baird)- " You-- you're funny...I like that." I chuckle and take a quick look at my phone. I should get going if I'm going to make it to school. I know I'll see Danny there-- but ugh....I hate being a teenager sometimes.

(Y/n)- " I should get going or else I'm gonna be late"

(Baird)- " Want me to give you a ride?" he says as we both step out of the booth. His offering a ride? He drives a motorcycle-- I always wanted to ride one, it'll be so cool.

(Y/n)- " I don't want to bother you" I say pretending not to be a bother-- but I actually do want to get a ride.

(Baird)- " It's fine-- this way you don't be late for school" I think about it some show I'm thinking about taking his offer. Yup- done thinking.

(Y/n)- " Sure, okay" he nods and he leads the way out. I follow him to the back of the pizzeria and I see his black and blue motorcycle, let me tell you-- it looks pretty amazing. He goes up to it and takes the helmet that was on the side of the motorcycle.

(Baird)- " You can wear this" he hands it to me.

(Y/n)- " What about you?" I ask as I put the helmet over my head, I stuffed my ponytail into the helmet. Aww man-- I hope my hair doesn't get misshaped by this thing.

(Baird)- " I'll be alright" he mounts onto the bike, turning it on with a key. He revs up the engine, startling me. He did that on purpose! I can see him snickering-- don't you try to hide it. I playfully punch his arm.

(Baird)- " Hey-- don't hurt the driver" he says putting his hands up.

(Y/n)- " Okay-- do I get on?" he laughs ay my attempt to figure out how I'm going to get on.

(Baird)- " Look-- it ain't that hard, give me put your foot there, and mount on" I do as he instructed. I sat behind him-- feeling the bounce of the engine below me.

(Baird)- " Ready?"

(Y/n)- " Yeah." I say,muffled by the helmet

(Baird)- " Hang on sweetheart" I place my hand at his waist loosely-- once we start moving I fully wrap my arms around him. Oh my god-- this is so cool! If only I can feel the wind in my air.

Avalanche [Danny Phantom x Reader] ((BOOK 2 of "Phantom" )) [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now