Chapter 10

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Sorry I've been gone and not posting, Been playing a lot of Runescape ....... don't ask. Anyways-- I love the comments you guys post, so comment away xD 

I don't have anything else to say so on with the chapter!


(Time Skip)

I sat on the swing in the park. I whimper and try not to let people hear me crying, Danny broke up with me..he was protecting Raven..why her? My phone vibrates, I grab it and saw the many messages from Sam and Tucker, none of them form Danny. I sniff my nose before snot comes out, I got no tissues to help me. I hear an engine approaching. I lift my head up to see Baird in the distance-- parking his bike. I get off the swing and head towards him. He takes off his helmet and hangs it on the side of the bike. He heads towards me, I look up towards with puffy red eyes.

(Y/n)- " You did say to call when I need a friend.." I say with a crack in my voice.

(Baird)- "Come here..." He sighs. He reaches out with one arm and pulled me in for a hug. I couldn't help but cry into his chest, I barely know him and yet it seems like we know each other a lot already.

(Time Skip)

I sat in the cold chily place..I tug on Baird's sweater too keep it from falling off my shoulder. It was nice of him to take me for a ride, and to get some frozen yogurt. He's really being a nice guy...

(Baird)- " Alright, here you go....I didn't know what toppings you would like so... I put a little bit of everything." He sets a big cup of yogurt full of toppings, all these look so good and some not but with my feelings I might as well just eat everything.. He sat down and started eating his. I chuckle to myself, hiding my smile..

(Baird)- " There we go, I got a smile outta you" he says eating a spoonful of peanuts with yogurt.

(Y/n)- " Thanks, Baird" I say as I take the spoon and dig into the yogurt and look for the toppings I'm craving right now. I ate a spoonful of oreo chunks, let me tell was good with the vanilla yogurt. yeah ..right now this is hitting the spot.

(Baird)- " You want to talk about what happened?"

(Y/n)- " Not really.." I spoke with a mouthful.

(Baird)- " Okay, we're not gonna talk about it" he says while waving the plastic pink spoon.

(Y/n)- " This is really chose good toppings"

(Baird)- " I come to this place at least once a week, it's too damn good" he chuckles.

(Y/n)- "Next time you come here, please invite me"

(Baird)- " You got it" 

(Two Days Later)

I toss and turn, hugging my blankets...I can't go back to sleep. I stare at my window-- the sun slowly creeping in. Please....reverse back to a month ago when it was just Danny and I. The day Reapers disappeared....I wish Raven never showed up. She ruined everything. Danny, you took her side than broke my heart... I feel a tear escape and slowly drips to the side of my face. I wiped it away with my blanket. Two days past by and yet I still feel the heart break feeling inside me....please give me a sign, a sign to let me know this will be over soon. I hear small taps on my window, I quickly leaned up--no one was there....I see a little pebble thrown into my window. I'm confused-- who could that be? I know it's not Danny..he would have phased through my window or something. I removed my covers and stood up frmo bed. I walked towards my window and looked to see who's throwing pebbles. I look down to see a familiar face.....Baird, he was ready to throw another one when he saw me. He lazily waves his hand as a hello. I give a lazy smile-- I unlock my window and raise it up. I lean down and rest on my elbows on the ledge.

Avalanche [Danny Phantom x Reader] ((BOOK 2 of "Phantom" )) [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now