Chapter 11

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(Few Days Later)

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(Few Days Later)

It's still really hard seeing Danny in school, specially that little moment we had a few days ago. When I look at's hard to read his face. Sometimes we exchange looks but its difficult to know what were saying in our heads. I avoid eating at lunch... Baird has offered to pick me up after school everyday..he's really been there for me. It's Saturday and we made plans to do something-- we didn't know what. I let my hair down for once, it's too pretty to put it up. I was dressed and ready to go.

(Dad)- " Where are you going missy?" Dad puts his dad voice on.

(Y/n)- "Going out"

(Dad)- " With Baird?"

(Y/n)- "Yeah"

(Dad)- " I like that kid, even though I don't find his choice of transportation safe"

(Y/n)- " It's fine, dad. I'll be fine" The doorbell rang, Baird is here. I head towards the door and opened it. He stands there in black ripped slim jeans, worn out vans, a black t-shirt and a black beanie. He smiles his goofy grin.

(Baird)- " Hey"

(Y/n)- " Hey, umm.." I hear Dad approaching in.

(Baird)- " Uh-- hello sir. I'm Baird" he extends out his hand for my dad to take.

(Dad)- " Nice to finally meet you, Baird. You two must be really good friends" he shakes his hand

(Baird)- " We are." he smiles looking to my dad then me. Danny would have done this if Raven wasn't around, Baird took his place. Kinda brings me down..

(Dad)- " Well, take good care of her..she's a handful" he says as he whispers that last part. Baird chuckles.

(Y/n)- " Dad.."

(Dad)- " I'm kidding.." he covers the side of his mouth near me. Probably telling Baird he's not, he's embarrassing me.  I step out and stood next to Baird.

(Baird)- " I will,I'll make sure she doesn't get herself into trouble"

(Dad)- " Be careful on that bike of yours"

(Baird)- " I'm a safe driver, I'll drive extra careful"

(Dad)- " Alright."Dad extending his hand out for a goodbye, Baird shook it.

(Baird)- " Have a goodnight sir.."

(Dad)- " You too, and don't need to kiss my ass" Dad chuckles, I snicker a bit-- I cover my Mouth trying not to laugh.

(Baird)- " Right..." he snaps his fingers.

(Dad)-" Have a goodnight you two." Dad closes the door. I turn to Baird full on laughing.

(Y/n)- " Oh man, I wasn't expecting that"

(Baird)- " Neither was I"

(Y/n)- " you were totally kissing my dads ass"

Avalanche [Danny Phantom x Reader] ((BOOK 2 of "Phantom" )) [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now