Chapter 18

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hopefully everyones having a good day :D 



I hear (Y/n) slowly waking up, she was tossing and turning in her sleep. She was sweating, looking at her made me worry. I leaned over from my chair to closely see her, I brushed her hair back behind her ear. Yep, she's definitely sweating.... I wipped my fingers on my pant leg. She starts to open her eyes slowly, groaning.

(Danny)- " Hey, feeling better?" she gives me a slow curl of a smile. It quickly turns upside down and she headbutts my head. I place my hands on my forehead and stumble back. 

(Danny)- " ow!-- son of a--" I grunt with sigh. That was a hard headbutt. (Y/n) was about to do more when she remembered she was tied up.She wiggles around to get some of the rope loose but she doesn't know--I double tied those knots.

(Danny)- " Don't bother, you're not getting out..not for a while anyway"

(Y/n)- " Is this you trying to help me or sleep with me? " my eyes widen by her response. What? I'm trying to help her...sleep with her? I wouldn't-- no. no. no-- I wouldn't do that..unless she wanted to-- and she brought it up-- I'm...gonna stop thinking about it now...

(Danny)- " No--no..uhh..I'm trying to help you"

(Y/n)- " There's no point, where's Raven.?"

(Danny)- " You're not going back to her-- I can tell you that."

(Y/n)- " I'll get out of here..."

(Danny)- " the mean time, you want something to eat, or to drink" she sighs, and nods.

(Danny)- " What do you want?"

(Y/n)- " Some water?" she says in the most cute voice i've ever heard. I could almost let her out.

(Danny)- " Got it" I left my room and headed downstairs. Just as I reached the bottom step, the bell rings. I unlocked the top lock and opened the door. There stood the rest of the team. Tucker-- in souvenirs. T-shirts...hats, he even brought a giant stuffed animal.

(Tucker)- " Danny! Where the hell have you been, man! You missed it! "

(Sam)- " Trust didn't miss anything" she taps my shoulder and waltz right inside. She makes herself comfortable no the always.

(Danny)- " Where's (Y/n)'s sister?"

(Tucker)- " Took her home," I made space for Tucker to enter in. He walks in carrying the giant stuffed animal and placing it next to Sam on the couch. I took the time to close the door and get a glass of water for (Y/n).

(Sam)- " Where's Baird and (Y/n)?"

(Danny)- " Upstairs." she gives me a look, like I'm stupid. OH! Wait..

(Danny)- " Oh! I mean..(Y/n)'s upstairs-- Baird's not with her-- Baird's it's complicated."

(Sam)- " Complicated..complicated how ? "

(Danny)- " Uhh...come see for yourself" Sam and Tucker follow me heading upstairs. Entering my room, lay a tied up (Y/n), waiting for her glass of water. I looked back to my friends who were very confused.

(Dany)- " It's not what it looks like.."

(Tucker)- "You guys are into some weird kink..?"

(Sam)- " Why is she tied up?" 

Avalanche [Danny Phantom x Reader] ((BOOK 2 of "Phantom" )) [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now