Chapter 15

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(Time Skip)

I still don't like this guy, I probably never will. Baird has explained everything about Ravens plan of coming here. She knew about me this entire time. She's used me-- and I didn't think straight, I was just full of negative thoughts and anger. I took it out on (Y/n). She did this to save my life-- now that I'm back, I'm going to save her...again.

(Danny)- " So your weak compared to Raven?"

(Baird)- " Yeah, I don't take life when I feed from people. If I want to be as strong as her-- I'd have to take life. Which I don't believe I should take from innocent people. Man-- do you not listen the first time?"

(Danny)- " Huh? Sorry, I wasn't listening"

(Baird)- " Your full of yourself aren't you?"

(Danny)- "Sorry-- I don't want to talk to a guy who slept with my girlfriend!" yeah, still holding a grudge between them. I know there was something going-- even if i was around Raven. just them two being together-- put thoughts in my mind. 

(Baird)- " First of all, she's not your girlfriend anymore.Secondly, I didn't sleep with her." They didn't? I guess I was wrong..

(Danny)- " What-- you didn't-- but I thought you two were..."

(Baird)- " I mean-- I like her and everything. Even when I kissed her--"

(Danny)- " You kissed (Y/n)!"

(Baird)- " I care about her,man. She's too cute.." Cute! Yeah, I know she's cute! That's why she's my girlfriend-- ex, whatever! He's not allowed to call her cute!

(Danny)- " What the hell?!"

(Baird)-" You broke up with her, you idiot."

(Danny)- " That was a mistake-- I was high in Raven's spell or something"

(Baird)- " Whatever man, you caused her pain and I was there for her."

(Danny)- " Your sister caused the pain--once we get rid of Raven, (Y/n) is coming back to me"

(Baird)- " To you?  What makes you think-- she'll go running back to your arms?"

(Danny)- " Because she always does."

(Baird)- "Right-- There can be a chance she might run into my arms."

(Danny)- " What? Yeah right, dude"

(Baird)- " Look, I know that we both care about (Y/n)'s safety. We gotta be on the same side right now. We'll see what (Y/n) wants when we get her back. So right now...truce?" he held out his hand. He's right, for (Y/n)'s sake. It'll be good to team up....but just this once!

(Danny)- " Truce." I gripped tight on his hand, both agreeing to the plan.

(Baird)- " Tucker's got a plan, I'll let him explain-- but he said he forgot something in your room. Tools, I think" he lets go of the truce grip.

(Danny)- " Yeah-- its upstairs, I'll show you" I headed upstairs to get whatever Tucker needs. I remember him leaving it upstairs. I opened the door to my room-- realizing it's a mess. Bed sheets wrinkled, a certain smell still lingering inside. Baird entered in and turned back to me.

(Baird)- " You slept with Raven-- and here I thought she was lying.."

(Danny)- " That was a mistake also-- I was under her control-- or whatever." I walked in seeing her beanie and a left over t-shirt.

(Baird)- " Hey-- I don't want to know, I wont tell (Y/n). You gotta tell her."

(Danny)- " Shit..she might not even take me back once this is all over.."I say as I scratch the back of my neck. 

Avalanche [Danny Phantom x Reader] ((BOOK 2 of "Phantom" )) [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now