Chapter 6

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(Time Skip)

My sister and I swing in unison, I was going higher than her now-- I forgot how much fun going to the park was, specially when theres little people around. Me and her talk about childhood memories.

(Y/n)- " Remember when Dad took both of us fishing, and somehow he managed to fall in the lake" I laugh before I can tell her.

(Sister)- " Oh yeah-- we didn't catch anything...Dad bought a fish at the market and gave us $20 bucks not to tell mom what happened"

(Y/n)- " and till this day she still doesn't know.."

(Sister)- " I doubt she'll even care" she jumps off the swing and lands perfectly on her feet. I swung back and once I went forward I let go of the swing chain and landed with knees slightly bent. I still got it...I grabbed my phone from my pocket and checked the time. It's 4! Fucking finally! Shit...I've been talking with my sister for way too long. I check my phone and look at the 5 messages I've sent Danny...they were delivered but he hasn't read them yet, relax-- he'll be at the pizzeria... I should start walking to the pizzeria-- I've got a far walk....

(Y/n)- " Danny's out of school by now..."

(Sister)- " You excited about your birthday date?" she teases

(Y/n)- " Yeah-- just....remember this morning we were talking about Raven?"

(Sister)- "Yeah"

(Y/n)- " If I ask you to lie to me would you do it?"

(Sister)- "Um..sure?"

(Y/n)-" Should I be worried about Raven at this point?"

(Sister)- " I'm not gonna lie-- but I do think you should keep your eyes open." Good advice, lets just hope I take it...with these emotions they will get the better of me.

(Y/n)- "Okay-- I gotta go this way-- you think you can make it home  on your own?"

(Sister)- " Yeah-- good luck on your date!" she heads off waving goodbye.

(Time Skip)

I get to the pizzeria and I'm an hour early, better to be here early than late. I enter in and grab a booth. So many people in here...I feel awkward with just me by myself. I check my phone and looked to Danny's texts....still hasn't read them, now Im starting to get really freakin' worried. I replied to him with a worry text, asking him where he is.

(Waiter)- " Can I start you off with some a drink?" a male waiter came by-- this guy looks new, I've never seen him work here before. Got dark medium brown hair and some beard stubble, nice set of green eyes. He looked like he didn't want to work-- he stares off somewhere and rolls his eyes and looks back at his note pad.

(Y/n)-"Yeah...some water, please?" I say with a slight cough.

(Waiter)- " Water-- gotcha.."  I stare at my phone and still nothing...I am an hour early for our date so, I guess I can just chill-- and eat some appetizers while I'm here.

(Time Skip)

I stare at the small pizza I ordered about an hour ago....My face rested on my hand on the table...still waiting for Danny. I looked around the pizzeria and almost nobody is in here, just me and a few people. I checked my phone 57 is now-- 9 o'clock, this place closes in about 30 minutes. Is Danny in trouble by some ghosts.....or is Raven the cause of him being super late? I don't know what to believe--- should I be mad at him or myself for not going to school? I checked my phone once more because I thought I felt a vibration-- but my phone just turned black, it died on me...

Avalanche [Danny Phantom x Reader] ((BOOK 2 of "Phantom" )) [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now