Chapter 20

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Danny went back for Baird-- thank god. Just waiting for them to catch up, walker and his guards are coming after us. They caught up and I made sure for them to get out first. There was the specter speeder. The engine was on and ready.

(Sam)- "come on!"

(Tucker)- " We can't keep the system down-- they're gonna lock us out!"

(Sam)- " Close it now!" once Danny and Baird passed through the prison, the gates close on Walker and his guards. We caught our breath for a quick second. I pushed them into the speeder.

(Y/n)- "get us out-- now!" I shouted to Sam and she stepped on the pedal. I held onto the seat to keep me from bouncing and shuffling around like the rest of the guys. Finally...we got them back.

We got a safe distance away from the prison, far enough for them to not go after us. Sam stopped the speeder parking it on a floating platform. She sighed. I pat her back to show she did a good job being the getaway driver. I head over to Baird and Danny who were talking to each other.

(Y/n)- " How are you guys?"

(Danny)- " We're fine" he says as he takes off the prison shirt and tossing it out the window. I grabbed some spare clothes I brought just in case. They were Danny's but Baird could use them. I handed them to him.

(Danny)- " Those are my clothes!"

(Y/n)- " You're wearing a jumpsuit right now-- he needs it more than you" Baird chuckles and says thanks. I stood up and went over to Tucker and my sister.

(Y/n)- " Good job, you guys."

(Sister)- " Well, thanks to the grand master hacker-- we wouldn't have done it" she leans over and kisses tucker on the cheek. Tucker freezes in a shocked face. I chuckle and went over to Baird, who was now dressed in Danny attire. He stood up and approached me. The first thing he was was push my hair behind my ear.

(Baird)- " Before I, this is gonna suck.."

(Y/n)- " What?" he places his hand on my cheek, I held onto his hand on my cheek..he was making a painful face, he was coughing roughy. Danny came behind him and Baird stumbled back. Danny caught him and sat him down.

(Danny)- " You okay?"

(Baird)- " I'm alright...just--"

(Danny)- " You gave her some life.."

(Y/n)- " What--"

(Baird)- " Yeah, since I don't feed like Raven takes a toll on my body."

(Y/n)- " You didn't have to do that.."

(Baird)- " I wanted to, I want you to live a long and happy life" he strokes my cheek with his thumb.

(Danny)- " Alright-- for the moment of truth.." he swipes away Baird's hand away from me.

(Danny)- " Who's it going to be, me or him?" wha- now, were gonna do this front of Sam,Tucker and my Sister? I look to each of them--they were carefully listening and watching.

(Y/n)- " Now? You want me to choose--now?" Baird and Danny nodded.

(Y/n)- "I don't know...I like the both of you.."

(Danny)- " That doesn't make me feel better about the situation.."

(Baird)- " It's whatever you want (Y/n)-- we both agreed whoever you choose we'll be happy with your choice."

Avalanche [Danny Phantom x Reader] ((BOOK 2 of "Phantom" )) [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now