Chapter 5

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I gasp leaning up in bed-- I finally woke up from that shitty nightmare. Holy shit-- I wipe the multiple sweat drops falling down my forehead. I lean over to my bed side and reached over to my phone. I pressed the home button and see it's 9 already started. Thank god I'm not going to school today. I lay back in bed and take in a breath and exhale. Danny said he would come visit me in the morning...maybe he was late. I push the blankets with my feet to move it away from me-- it's too damn hot. I'm gonna take a shower-- I got up and went to my closet. I gathered some skinny jeans, a white crop top and a red flannel shirt. Danny likes the color red on me. I gathered my clothes and headed to the shower.

20 mintues later, I got dressed and blew dry my hair. I am ready for my birthday with Danny later.....just a shit ton of hours to go. I went downstairs-- thank party, I head into the kitchen-- where I hear laughter and dishes clanking together. I know who's laugh that is.

(Y/n)- "Good morning!" I see my Dad and my Sister eating breakfast with mom. They were for once laughing together.

(Dad)- "There she is, the birthday girl!" he gets up from the nook and came at me with a hug.I miss my Dad, and my Sister...

(Sister)- " Hey! Dad and I got you a's from the both of us" she grabs a nicely wrapped preset...the same one from my dream.

(Dad)- " I hope you love better" he jokes. I grab it and tear it open.

(Y/n)- " It's a laptop...I love it!" I acted like I did, I do love it-- it's just really weird how my dreams end up coming true. I hugged my Sister and my dad.

(Sister)- " I set it up for you already....your password is Cranberries" she whispers.

(Y/n)- " Why cranberries?"

(Sister)- "I was drinking cranberry juice when I was coming up with your password."

(Dad)- " So-- your mother told me your seeing a boy." 

(Y/n)- "That's right" 

(Dad)- " Do I have to start giving him a hard time?" he jokes putting up a fist. 

(Y/n)- " No dad-- put those guns away" I laugh pushing his fist down. not yet-- I'll let you know...

(Y/n)- " Thanks, for the gift...I love it" I hug it in my chest. I swear-- feels like my dreams come true, it happened when Reapers came, and it sure is happening again. I sat with my normal family and have breakfast with them, I like this-- this is nice. I better enjoy it while it lasts before mom and dad start fighting.

(Time Skip)

I sat in the living room with my head upsisde down and my legs leaning back on the couch. I lay there watching tv with my sister while mom and dad argue in the kitchen. I knew it was too good to be true. My sister is was in the recliner chair on her phone--probably texting with Tucker...I check my phone and it's the 1pm, still no message from Danny, he's probably busy..he's at school after all. Relax-- he's at school-- and you'll see him later on tonight.

(Sister)- " never texted me about this Danny guy." she finally looks up from her phone screen.

(Y/n)- "I texted you about him...a few times"

(Sister)- " I've searched him on social media" That's my sister alright-- stalking my boyfriend before I introduce her to him

(Y/n)- " And...what did you dig up?"

(Sister)- " His profile says he's still single" I quickly turn upright on the couch. His profile says he's single ? he didn't change it? I feel my chest gain so much weight-- it bothers me just a litte bit.

(Y/n)- " I don't care-- it's his profile" I scoff with no tension of caring but oooh--- I do for some reason

(Sister)- " Let me tell you-- he is a looker..." Looker as in good looks I hope...nothing more.

(Y/n)- " I know" Thank you, Mr. and Mrs. Fenton.

(Sister)- " He has a ton of friend requests from people outside of Amity college girls and random chicks" I didn't really want to hear that..

(Y/n)-" I bet..."

(Sister)- " Alright-- what's eating you?" she sets her phone aside.

(Y/n)- " Nothing....just this new girl came into town and she's basically, kinda..stealing my life here" I sigh.

(Sister)- "Mhmm, please go on" she says pretending to be a therapist.

(Y/n)- " Her names hair--rocker chick."

(Sister)- " is she stealing your life?"

(Y/n)-" You know I hate drama--but I get this feeling she's stealing Danny away from me."

(Sister)- " And did you tell Danny?"

(Y/n)- " No...should I?"

(Sister)- " I would"

(Y/n)- " No...I don't want to start something, and become a jealous girlfriend"

(Sister)- " Hmm..let me see if I can find something on this Raven chick" she grabs her phone and starts stalking.

(Y/n)- " Okay Sis-- I think you spying on my boyfriend or my friend is getting a little extreme" I say as I reach over to the coffee table and drink some water to calm my overwhelming feelings and thoughts.

(Sister)- " I'm just making sure this guy is great as you say.." she says locking her phone and putting it away

(Y/n)- " Did Tucker tell you how to hack or something....that's why you're spying on him?"

(Sister)- " he taught me a little bit....that's not the point."

(Y/n)- " Hmm.."

(Sister)- " What time are you meeting him, you keep looking at your phone so much"

(Y/n)- " I'm not meeting him till later.." I say with a deep sigh.

(Sister)- " Why don't we go out-- you got time to kill"

(Y/n)- " I don't want to leave the house..." in the background I can hear my mom and dad arguing growing louder.

(Y/n)- " Okay-- why not, let's go to the park or something..." I say getting up from the couch.

(Sister)- " Park sounds fun" 

Avalanche [Danny Phantom x Reader] ((BOOK 2 of "Phantom" )) [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now