Chapter 7

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(Danny)- " Boom! I got you again!"

(Tucker)- " The frag grenade didn't even touch me! What the hell!?" Tucker shouted at the rage of the video game.

(Raven)- " Thanks for letting us hangout at your house, Sam. My ps4 wasn't working at my house and I was dying to play this game! I wanted to share with all of you"

(Sam)- " No problem, it's fun hanging out at my house when my parents aren't here "

(Tucker)- " Man!" Tucker stands on his feet in the heat of the moment. Snacking on popcorn and soda-- these are the best days hanging with my friends and playing video games.

(Raven)- " Oh-- Danny, again I'm sorry about your phone getting ruined. I shouldn't have gotten angry" she apologized for the 4th time. During a one on one match with the two of us-- I beat her so bad she got mad and she accidentally spilled her soda on my phone, it's busted but who cares-- I can always get a new one. I smash the action button on the remote causing Tucker to die by my grenade again.

(Tucker)- " Dude! Oh my go-- I'm about to break this game."

(Danny)- " Please don't, I'm having way too much fun."

(Raven)- "You guys hungry? Order anything and I'll pay"

(Sam)- " I'll pay-- it's alright." hmm. I am getting a little hungry...Sam gets her phone and starts to dial something.

(Tucker)- " Hey, Danny--- where's (Y/n)?" he says not taking his eyes off the screen.

(Danny)-" I don't know-- oh gotcha!" I shout, Tucker rages again.

(Sam)- " Guys what do you want?" I looked at Tucker and he looks right back, we already new each other so well..

(Danny)- " Chinese!"

(Tucker)- " Pizza!" I guess not...but we were close!

(Danny)- " Pizza?"

(Tucker)- "Chinese?" we say questioning our choices. The word pizza-- sounds familiar but I can't put my finger on it....

(Sam)- " Okay...I'll order both"

(Tucker)- " Pizza and Chinese..." he scoffs.

(Danny)- " and chinese....PIZZA!" oh my god! I forgot about (Y/n)'s birthday dinner! I stood up dropping the remote on the floor. Tucker felt the pain of a remote hitting the floor hard.

(Tucker)- " Now you agree with me, oh--by the way I killed you"

(Danny)- " No! Pizza! I forgot I was suppose to meet (Y/n) at Nick and Charlie's for her birthday!" I place my hands on my head scratching my hair-- I'm in deep shit!

(Tucker)- "It's her birthday? She didn't say anything?"

(Raven)- " Is that why she wasn't here today?"

(Sam)- "she didn't tell me anything?"

(Danny)- " Oh my g-- what time is it?" I grabbed my phone and pressed the home button but I fucking forgot it was broken!

(Danny)- " Tucker-- give me your phone!" he tosses his phone and I checked the time, 9:45..fuck! I'm almost 3 hours late! She's...probably still waiting at the pizzeria.

(Danny)- " I think I can make it! I gotta go!"

(Tucker)- " Goodluck-- tell her I said Happy Birthday!"

(Sam)- " Me too!"

(Raven)- " Danny wait! You said you and I are gonna verse each other?"

(Danny)- " I gotta go! Next time!" I grab my bag and rush out of Sam's room. Once I was out of the house I go ghost and fly to the pizzeria. How can I be so stupid, I forgot her birthday-- and I miss out on her birthday dinner! I just hope she's still there. I made it to the pizza place and swtich back to my normal form. I ran to the front-- but I was too late, I cup my hands to see inside the glass, the lights were out and it was closed.

(Danny)- " God damn it!" maybe she's still home, maybe I can make it in time before she gets to bed. I turn to my other form and took flight to her house. Please be awake...please be awake....I got there moments later, I hovered through her window.I see her, she's in bed-- maybe I can make it up to her by saying goodnight... I make my self invisible-- I was about to phase through-- but her door opens coming in her mom. I move away form the window-- wait, why? They can't see me... I looked back at her window to see her dad follow in after. That's her dad? oh-- I should avoid him at the moment....He heads towards the window-- he can't see me at least. He takes the curtains and closes them... it's too late, I'm too late.....

Avalanche [Danny Phantom x Reader] ((BOOK 2 of "Phantom" )) [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now