Good News

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The couple were sat at home as they were most days, cuddled up on the sofas usual. Caitlin had recovered from the events of the previous day, still feeling insecure about the whole thing, however being around Barry made her feel a lot better, safer in general. She had her head on Barry's shoulder, his arm around her.

"You know Barry, you say that you aren't good at much, however, what you did yesterday was really incredible, standing up for me like that, especially considering that you say that you don't particularly like confrontation either. You really showed some strength, " she said smiling, shuffling up closer to him as she said it.

"Thank you, I tried my best, sorry if I didn't do as well as I should've," he said, a slight blush appearing on his face.

"You really did, you did better than you may think, even if you could've done it sooner perhaps, you still did a good job and the simple fact that you were willing to protect me is enough for me, so thank you again," Caitlin smiled, looking up at Barry with an adorable glow in her eyes.

They spent the next few seconds looking into one another's eyes, leaning against each other in their hug.

A few minutes later, the couple went off to get changed and ready for school, before linking hands and heading outside, down the many flights of stairs and outside onto the road, heading down towards Central City University.

As the approached the gates, there were much more people walking into the school, the duo being slightly later than usual. As they walked into the building, many people looked in their direction, some smiling and some even congratulating them, as their simple smiled and headed into the library for the day. They were not in there for long, as the bell then rang signalling the first lesson, which the two had together today, being Chemistry, so they both headed off towards the science department, side by side as they smiled to themselves, realising that there would not be as much trouble following them around.


Meeting at the bench for lunch together, they headed off down to the canteen, joining the fairly long queue.

"How has your day been?"

"It's been good, thanks, you?"

"It's been good, have you had any trouble?"

"No, surprisingly none at all, which makes for a nice change."

"Good," Barry replied, with a smile on his face, as the pair moved down with the queue, before eventually entering the lunch hall, purchasing some food and making their way back outside.

Neither of them had seen either Julian or Iris today, presuming that something had happened to them or they were simply staying off school to avoid the humiliation that they were at risk of receiving.

"It's nice, you know, being able to know that no one is going to come after us, make fun of us, anything like that. I became so used to it before, however, now it is just comforting knowing that I don't have to worry 24/7 about something which may happen to me,"

"Yeah, I know what you mean, it is nice. The best part is I get to be around you without needing to worry that anyone will annoy us, or make fun of us. It is also convenient that this bench is fairly out of the way of everyone's view," he said teasingly, leaning in and kissing her on the cheek.

"Very good point," Caitlin said back, returning the favour by doing the same to him.

They both showed a small tint of pink on their faces as they blushed, butterflies fluttering around in their stomachs.


It wasn't long after this that it was time to head home, Caitlin waiting for Barry to come from his lesson. This only took a minute or so, the pair meeting up and heading out of the school together. As they came onto a fairly quiet road Barry took hold of Caitlin's hand as they approached Barry's apartment. 

As they entered the building, slipped off their shoes and migrated over to the living room, the couple moved into their normal position, cuddled up against one another on the sofa. Barry reached for the remote and turned on the TV, to see a certain report on the news:

"Central City University student Julian Alberts has been arrested attempted molestation of a girl attending the same school. Eyewitness, Iris West has also been arrested for suspicion of violation of a variety of laws, including vandalism and drug use. Police are investigating further into the specificities of her crimes."

"Well, at least those two got what they deserved," Barry said, placing his hand on Caitlin's shoulder.

"Yeah, they did," Caitlin replied, burying her head into Barry's chest, peacefully resting with one another for a few minutes, smiling to themselves knowing that one, Caitlin was now safe from Julian and two, they could know that they wouldn't be at risk from anyone like that again, and could simply focus on their relationship.

"So, anything you would like to do tonight?" Caitlin asked, in a somewhat seemingly playful tone,

"Anything you want, Cait," he smiled back.

"Well, I'm in a sort of cuddly mood," she teased, leaning up and playfully kissing his cheek, before moving down to his neck, causing both to blush and smile.

It wasn't long before Barry kissed back, meeting her lips, tongues meeting, pulling apart every now and then, getting caught in the other's gaze, looking at the glow in their eyes, the blush on their cheeks and smile on their faces.

They yet again interlocked their lips, sometimes letting out a small nervous laughter, but throwing that aside and continuing to let the incredible feeling take over their minds.

They then broke out into a quick hug, creating body warmth as well as just simply enjoying the feeling of the other's arms wrapped around them. After they broke apart from this, they broke out into another make-out session, falling over on the sofa so they were now laying down, hoever lips still joined. They remained like this for a few minutes, simply enjoying the moment whilst it lasted, which was however long they wanted it to...

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