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It was years later after Zayn moved in with the Payne's. Liam and Zayn's relationship had blossomed from just friends. Liam had began to grow feelings for Zayn but didn't want to accept them because Zayn was an alpha. Liam accepted it as time went one. When Liam's school dance came he asked Zayn to be his date.

Sadly Karen stopped that before it could even happen claiming Zayn couldn't go. Zayn still accepted it and Liam brought Zayn outside in the backyard and watched the stars with him. That was Zayn's first kiss and first date.
Zayn 22, Liam 24

It wasn't too early but it was early enough for work for Liam. Liam woke up and smiled at his sleeping boyfriend before he decided it was time to get up. Liam slowly but quietly got out of bed and grabbed clothes then went into the shower. Once Liam was done with his shower and getting his morning wood taken care of he got on his knees in front of Zayn and slowly shakes him. Zayn of course immediately freaks out and shoots up in bed panting while shaking.

Liam smiled softly at Zayn waiting for him to calm down before helping him get dressed.

"Good morning my lovely alpha." Liam smiled brightly.

Zayn nodded getting out of bed still shaken up from his nightmare. They were never stopping. They were all his memories, his childhood memories.

"What I dont get a good morning?" Liam sat down on the bed watching Zayn change into his clothes for the day.

"Good morning my lovely alpha." Zayn mocked.

"You know you don't have to mock me." Zayn chuckled then left the room with Liam following behind.

"What do you want for breakfast?" Zayn asked.

"You." Liam smirked kissing the back of Zayn's neck.

"I meant something you can eat and digest." Liam groaned pulling away then sitting on the stone white counters.

"What ever you feel like making. I'm all yours till lunch then I have to go to work." Zayn nodded taking out the eggs and bacon.

"Have you find another Omega yet?" Zayn asked quietly.

"Uh no. Um I am looking but with my job and the business with the students and the grades I don't exactly have much time to search." Zayn knew he was lying.

"Oh well why don't you take a break? Hire a substitute."

"I can't hire a substitute for a business Zayn you know that."

"Take the day off for the business hire a substitute for the class." Zayn smiled handing Liam his plate of sunny side up eggs with two pieces of bacon on the side with one slice of toast.

Liam looked down that the smiley food with a smile himself

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Liam looked down that the smiley food with a smile himself. Liam looked back to Zayn seeing his back facing him back at the stove.
Liam smiled walking into his giant building and school. Yes he had his own building a school was inside that building. Theres a school five blocks from the building but sadly last year half of the school was taken down by an earthquake. The school is on a hill. The people that built it were off on where to build it.

So half of the school was practically hanging off the edge. When the earthquake hit that half of the school collapsed down the hill. It was only six classrooms and three bathrooms but it was still a big impact on the school. So Liam generously gave up his second and third floor to turn into those six classrooms and three bathrooms. Sadly during the collapse one of the six teachers passed away.

Liam offered to take that teachers classroom. Of course Zayn thought it was a bad idea when Liam told him but Liam still went with it. Being a business man in a small town and a teacher wasn't that hard.

"Hello everyone as you all know its the weekend so why are you here?" Liam asked Niall his college student that was sitting in a desk not that from Liam.

"I can't come to see my lovely boyfriend?" Niall asked with a fake pout.

"Oh no you can come see me anywhere but my house." Niall smiled getting up from the desk and going to Liam.

Niall looked up at Liam wrapping his arms around his neck and kissing him. Liam smiled into the kissed wrapping his arms around Niall's waist.

"I am so glad that this isn't illegal." Liam mumbled against Niall's lips.

"Oh trust me everyone is glad its not illegal they are also very glad that you made it not illegal mr president of this really small town." Liam rolled his eyes playfully.

"No I swear ever since then I have walked into classrooms and caught about five teachers fucking there students. Six if you add us." Niall smirked bitting his bottom lip.

"Oh god you know that drives me crazy when you bite your lip." Liam growled huskily.

"I know that, thats why I did it. I just want to drive you as crazy as I can. So crazy you might just have to go to an asylum." Niall whispered into Liam's ear.

"Funny that you think I would do that. Who's gonna watch Zayn?" Niall's smirk fell and he pulled away.

"I will, when you give me the chance to meet your lovely other half." Niall said sitting down on Liam's desk.

"Niall you know hes not ready. Last week my my assistant came over because she needed to give me my folder that got switched. Zayn was shaking so much he couldn't move. Sees hes not ready when he is ill tell you and you can meet him." Liam smiled softly kissing Niall's forehead.

Niall smiled and nodded getting off the desk and kissing Liam's cheek then leaving the classroom. Liam sat down at his desk taking out the test from the other day and began to grade.

KJ: Hello my lovely people and lovely readers and writers! Yes another chapter! Hope you all liked it! If you are following me on instagm its ripjaytd by the way you would know that I got into an argument twice today! Yeah thats not my new record but guess what.

The first one was dumb legit that bitch was defending the twins. At first she was till she just went batshit crazy and started commenting random ass shit on random post of mine mentioning the twins when those post had nothing to do with the twins then she just started getting worst! She just started throwing random ass insults! She was like she was on tourettes! Then she just stopped and then another fight happened.

So like this girl started watching the flash and I wanted to play around and just give her a small spoiler. Then she freaked the fuck out! Like she got her friends to just attack me. They were acting like it was the end of the world! Like okay thats fine act like fucking 3 year old that cant have a damn motherfucking cookie before dinner thats fine. Then one of her friends are like you should pay for her netflix account now. I was whoa bitch I said one spoiler I didn't spoil the whole damn show for her.

But nope she acted like I did. But what ever if she and her friends want to act petty thats not my problem. Anygays love you all, goodnight, morning, and or afternoon!

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