Ch. 5

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"Atlantis under the sea under the sea." Zayn softly sang while he cleaned the kitchen counter.

When the rap part came on Zayn hummed to the rest. When Zayn finished cleaning the counter he ventured off to the living room.

Zayn looked out the seemingly large window looking out above the city. Zayn bit his bottom lip holding the washcloth close to his chest.

"I can do it." Zayn smiled setting the washcloth on the couch and heading to the front door.

Zayn put his flats on with a coat as well and opened the door then heading downstairs to the entrance.

Once Zayn got out with a huge smile he set one step on the steps till fear strikes him.

Barking was filling Zayn's ears. Zayn looked to his left seeing a child running down the sidewalk with a dog playfully chasing her. Zayn quickly ran back inside and back to his apartment.

"I couldn't do it. Stupid dog." Zayn sat down on the floor in front of the window watching as the child and dog passed the apartment with glee.

Zayn turned around staring up at the ceiling tears running down his cheeks.
Liam wasn't having much of a great day either. Niall was home sick so he had no one to talk to that he actually wanted to listen to. All his students were stressed for the exams and the elevator was only stopping at the third floor so he had to take the stairs to get to his office on the fifth floor.

Liam laid his head on the cold surface of his giant desk in his office.

The annoying long beep had taken away his quietness.

Liam lightly pressed to button on the phone and waited for the front desk to start speaking.

"Mr Payne your 2:30 meeting is here. Do you want to reschedule because of the elevator problem?"

"No Stacy tell them to meet me in my classroom. They don't need to walk up those stairs." I answered the got up stretching.

The meeting was even more tiring.

"Thank you for your time Mr Payne. We hope to see you again for more information." Liam nodded tiredly then took out his phone.

"I haven't checked on Zayn in a while." Liam shrugged and called Zayn.

"Yes?" Zayn's answered with a crack in his voice.

"Whats wrong?" Liam asked fully awake now.

"Nothing just was uh sleeping." Zayn lied.

"I can tell when you lie to me Zayn. I don't see the reason why you still think you can." Zayn rolled his eyes and laughed a bit.

"I watched Marley and me okay? I can't help it. I didn't want him to die."

"Its just a movie Zee. Also why would you watch a dog movie when your afraid of dogs?"

"Because I am doing my own home therapy on how to face my fears on dogs. First watch movies and videos then I meet them but behind a glass window." Liam nodded making an appointment for a dog meeting.

"Got it. I'm coming home now. Theres nothing for me here besides a broken elevator."
Zayn was hurrying to finish cleaning the apartment the whole time Liam was getting home. In a small city you would expect there not to be much traffic but when theres a large building and a college not that far your bound to be stopped while driving because of students going from a school to a building in the middle of the day.

Liam had walked in while Zayn was tying the curtains and pinning them to the wall.

"Why are you doing that?" Liam asked chuckling in his words.

"Because they need to be out of the way. How else am I supposed to clean the floor? With a vacuum?" Liam shook his head knowing that they can't have a vacuum.


"Zayn today since your slut of a mom decided that she wanted to be a fucking pussy and pass the fuck out with a high ass fever your gonna clean the house. I have friends over tomorrow night and I want the house cleaned today while im at work. So this is a vacuum." Yaser rolled the large vacuum to four year old Zayn.

Zayn stared at the very large vacuum then jumped when it turned on. A light shown on the bottom and a loud noise coming from it.

Yaser turned it off and continued talking not noticing that Zayn wasn't listening to a thing.

"You got all that?" Yaser asked.

Yaser frowned when Zayn didn't answer. Zayn stared at the large vacuum in fear and confusion.

Yaser growled under his breath then snapped. Yaser grabbed a fistful of Zayn hair making him look at him.

"Did you get what I said or not?!" Yaser yelled.

Zayn shakily nodded not wanting another lie to happen.

Yaser smiled letting go of Zayn's hair then pushing him down.

"Good now when I get home tonight this place better be fucking spotless. You fucking got it?" Yaser hissed.

Zayn nodded getting up slowly. When the door slammed shut Zayn stared at the vacuum then clicked a random button.

Within seconds Zayn's long sleeve shirt was being sucked up by the vacuum.

"Mommy!" Zayn yelled struggling to get his shirt off the vacuum.

Zayn pushed the vacuum down and saw the bottom of the vacuum. Zayn's eyes widened.

"Mommy! Mommy! Moooommy!" Zayn screamed as loud as he could but the vacuum was to loud.

Zayn thrashed and kicked freaking out even more. Zayn saw the plug and pulled on it over and over till it came out the wall. The vacuum then turned off. Zayn yanked his shirt from the vacuum and ran away into his room going straight to the closet.

End of flashback

Zayn and Liam were both sat at the island counter eating there dinner for the night.

"Liam I want to get a job." Zayn spoke breaking the silent.

"Uh yeah I don't think thats a good idea." Liam replied chuckling a bit his eyes not leaving his phone.

"But, I don't want to be here forever. Also what kind of alpha am I if I'm scares of everything. Alphas are supposed to be fearless. I'm the exact opposite it. Getting a job might change that." Liam sighed and turned his phone off turning to face Zayn.

"You can't even the leave the house without coming back in panting like you ran a marathon. How do you think you will get a job if you leaving the house is the hardest thing to do before you go." Zayn sighed and looked down.

"I left the house today." Zayn mumbled.

"Where did you go?" Liam tensed with fear and shock.

"The steps. Then I went back inside. I saw a dog chasing a child and-"

"Its fine. Please at least tell me before you leave the house. I wanna make sure that you have someone with you as in me." Zayn nodded silently. 

KJ: Hello my lovely people and lovely readers and writers! Yes another chapter! Sorry for the extremely long wait I was at my sisters and she had absolutely no wifi at all. But while I was there I was able to write two new chapters for daddy dom but i put it in my notes and I forgot to save it. So yeah those two chapters are shit gone.
I am home now so I have wifi I can write again! Anygays love you all, good afternoon, night, and or morning.

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