Ch. 9

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"Zayn this fish is called a piranha they eat human peoples flesh like a zombie. Good thing because I already fed then our wolf, the little mutt bit me and decided that he wanted to end his life in this here pool. Thats why theres a lot of hair in the pool." Yaser told Zayn holding him on his hip.

"Fish bad?" Three year old Zayn asked.

Yaser shook his head and slowly lowered Zayn closer to the pool of piranha's.

"Yaser no!" Trisha yelled running to Yaser and trying to take Zayn away from him. Yaser tsked at Trisha and held Zayn away from Trisha.

"No! Please Yaser! Don't fo this! He's just a baby!" Trisha cried tears streaming down her face.

Yaser rolled his eyes at Trisha's crying. "If I wanted my son to dir in a pool of fish I would choose sharks, don't be a fucking bloke." Trisha cried reaching for Zayn but Yaser held Zayn away still.

Zayn giggled seeing one of the piranha's jump up at him. Sadly one bit Zayn's finger while Zayn was holding his hand out to the pool. Trisha screamed pushing Zayn and quickly snatching a screaming/crying Zayn.

"Mama!" Zayn cried clinging to Trisha.

Trisha carefully swatted the piranha off Zayn's finger. Trisha gasped at the blood quickly escaping the wound.

"He's fine Trisha, he just needs a small bandaid to stop the bleeding." Yaser said slowly getting up off the floor.

"He needs medical attention!" Trisha yelled putting pressure on Zayn's finger.

Yaser slapped Trisha glaring at her till her tears stopped.

"He will get the damn medical attention he needs when I say he needs it. Now get in the house before I force you to walk in on your hands and knees like the bitch you are." Trisha quickly ran inside the house.

Yaser had called his family mesic, Yusiv Malik, another alpha in the blood line of course. That was bad luck on Trisha's view when Yaser's alpha family members came over. They would come over and do what they came to do and Yaser would offer her body to them like she was sex toy to them.

"Give him so pain meds when he starts to complain, until tuen he just needs to sleep." Yaser nodded and pointed to his room when a tied up Trisha Malik laid, completely naked.

"No, I already have a wife to pleasure. I don't do sloppy seconds anyways." Yaser chuckled and led Yusiv out the front door.
End of flashback
Zayn stared at the multiple tanks of fish standing as fad away as he could or wish to.

"You don't have any piranha's do you?" Liam asked frantically looking at the names on each tank.

"We actually have them but we keep them in the back to not scare the children. Do you want to take a look?" Liam shook his head and continued to look at the other fish.

"No I just want to make sure boyfriend doesn't have a panic attack. He's terrified of them." The store clerk nodded and began to give Liam some information about the plenty of fish to choose from.

"Is there any particular fish that you would like?" Liam shrugged then nodded.

"Uh I actually have no clue. Something you barely have to take care of, sort of like a fake plant but instead a live fish. Something you don't need to feed everyday." The store clerk nodded and pointed to a tank of strange looking fish.

"You only need to feed them once a month and they barely do anything so they are easy to take care of." Liam nodded pulling out his phone and paying for the fish online.

"My secretary will come and get them, I'm Liam Payne by the way." The store clerk nodded and wrote it down on his notepad.
Liam was in his office buying christmas presents for Zayn an Niall along with a few of his best workers that deserved a present.

"So you finally found a way to take up that empty space." Niall commented admiring the fish tank.

"I had to make sure Zayn didn't have a panic attack in the store when I got those fish." Niall chuckled but quickly hid it when Zayn glared at him.

"Another fear I can add to my list of my boyfriends, boyfriends fears." Liam rolled his eyes and continued to search for presents online.

"Online shopping or grading, or emails?" Niall asked sitting Liam's lap.

"All three actually. You shouldn't be on my lap, I don't want you seeing the answers to your next test after christmas break." Niall sighed and stayed where he was.

"What are you doing for christmas by the way?" Niall asked.

"Zayn and I are going to my moms for christmas like we always do." Liam smiled happy to see his mother again.

"Your spending christmas without me! Without your favorite student! I am so hurt! More hurt than Christina Agulera's song hurt." Niall placed his hand on his chest with a fake hurt expression.

"Zayn and I always spend Christmas together at my moms. We always hope that he will see his mom and we aren't giving up on that hope." Liam mumbled sadly.

"I still don't understand your family or your background but I won't budge in just till me when the time comes that you feel you need to tell me." Niall got up and kissed Liam's cheek and left his office.

KJ: Hello my lovely people and lovely readers and writers! Yes another chapter! Hope you all liked it! Anygays not much to say. Love you all, good afternoon, night, and or morning!

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