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It was a month later after Christmas had arrived. Liam and Zayn both returned to there daily routine at home. Liam went back to work as a mayor and a teacher. Zayn secretly began to look for jobs and for his mother when Liam was at work.

"Niall I don't know about tonight, I'll ask Zayn but if I am busy tonight then neither me or him are going." Niall sighed rolling his eyes.

"I can't take Zayn out if you were busy?" Niall asked.

"No, I trust you believe me, I just don't feel comfortable with him being alone with anyone else but me." Niall silently nodded with a small huff.

"Please! I've been on a date with you, I think I deserve yo be on a date with my other alpha."

"Find, If I'm not busy I am going with you two." Niall screamed into the phone excitedly.
Sadly Liam had a meeting to go to regarding multiple building and fundraisers that will be in the making process soon.

"I've never be on a date before, I'm sorry if I don't know what I am doing." Niall waved off his clueless date.

"Most dates are mainly talking and eating and getting to know each other. So what do I not know about you that I already know?" Niall asked sitting down on a towel on the beach.

"I am muslim, I am a alpha, I an afraid of a lot of things, more things than an alpha should fear. I got all my fears because of my father, he abused me and my mother. My mom had dropped me off at Karen's house to keep me safe from my dad. My mom led my dad away by running away making him think that she had me with him. I haven't seen or heard from her since I was a little boy." Niall wiped away some tears and hugged Zayn.

"I am so sorry, now K see why Liam brushes this subject off, its a touchy subject. I wouldn't even want to talk about it." Zayn bit the bottom of his lip and nodded awkwardly.

"Only my mother know the real reason he abused me, she left before she could tell me. Karen doesn't even know the reason why. My mom never told her. Another mystery for me to find out that I might never get the answer to." Niall pouted and hugged Zayn.

"At least you have Liam and Karen. Now you also have me. I'm glad to he with two doms, I'm glad to be able to make you and Liam both the happiest doms." Niall said kissing Zayn's cheek.

"Have you ever been on a boat?" Niall asked pointing to the dock full of boats.


Four year old Zayn along with father and mother were all on a small boat. Trisha was smiling while holding Zayn in her arms overlooking the ocean.

"Trisha put that boy down he has legs let him roam." Yaser said behind the cigarette in his mouth.

Trisha pouted and hesitantly place Zayn down before kissing the back of his head and forehead. Zayn ran around the boat searching for a view of the ocean, him being to short to see over the overlooking walls. Zayn saw an opening and ran to it holding onto the rope.

"Mama look at the fishy!" Zayn yelled pointing at the large shark heading towards the boat.

Trisha looked where Zayn was pointing at. Trisha saw the shark speeding it's way towards the boat along with three other sharks. Trisha quickly snatched Zayn in her arms and ran toward the stairs.

Trisha its just a fucking dolphin, get back down here!" Yaser demanded annoyed.

Trisha slowly walked down the steps holding Zayn tightly in her arms. The boat shook making Trisha stumble but quickly gain her balance and ran back up the steps. The shark jumped out the water biting onto the pole of the boat and bit it off. Trisha screamed covering Zayn's eyes even though he already saw what had happened.

"This is our stupid sons fault! He shouldn't of been antagonizing the damn shark!" Yaser hissed going up the steps and slapping Zayn.

Zayn cried holding his head and burying himself in his mothers chest. 

"I called animals control, they will be here soon." Yaser said puffing smoke out in Zayn's face.
Animals control came and escorted the shark that had jumped on there boat. Yaser, Trisha, and Zayn all went back to the beach slowly walking to the parking lot.

"You and Zayn will both be punished when we get home." Yaser hissed glaring at the two.

End of flashback

"Another fear I've got to get over with, lets do it." Zayn said in a shakey breath.

Niall smiled and paid the man in charge of the rentable boats.

KJ: Hello my lovely people and lovely readers and writers! Yes another chapter! Hope you all liked it! I am trying to finish this as fast as I can currently, I am actually really busy, with school work. I dont have much homework for my classes but I still have my online class that I have to finish within three months and I really want to finish this story before I graduate.
Anygays love you all, good afternoon, night, and or morning!

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