Ch. 7

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Zayn stared at the pool as if it was filled with blood but it was just filled with water that would slowly kill him in his thoughts.

"Zayn you know you dont have to do this. We can do this another time like a year or so later?" Niall rolled his eyes at Liam.

"He's right though you can back out but I just think it would be better if you get this done. Its just as quick as taking a bath." Niall joked.

"I don't take baths I take showers." Zayn replied.

"Then should we have done the bathtub instead of the pool?" Niall asked to Liam.

"No, the pool is my choice. You can't learn to swim or like water in a bathtub." Liam sighed and took his shirt off placing it on the lawn chair.

Liam slowly got in the pool staring at Zayn carefully.

"Okay so just hold onto the rails and walk slowly to me." Liam said pointing to the rails going into the pool.

Zayn shakily nodded and let his feed touch the water then stood on the steps.

"See! Progress already. If i was the already loving boyfriend that I am I would of pushed you in and potentially let you drown till you find out you can float, but since I love you so much I'm not gonna do that." Zayn and Liam both shot Niall a glare making Niall quickly sit down on one of the lawn chairs.

By 20 minutes Zayn's lower body was fully in the water and Zayn was clutching Liam for dear life.

"Babe do you wanna try to just float now or do you wanna get out?" Liam asked rubbing Zayn's back tenderly.

"I wanna get out. I'm cold." Zayn muttered into Liam's neck shivering from the cold pool water.

Liam still clutching Zayn walked to the steps then got out still holding Zayn like a koala.
"Thank you, here." Liam said handing Niall a cup of soup then a answer sheet for the next quiz that he is gonna have.

"I could do without the soup because I myself am a cook but thank you for the answers." Niall smiled kissing Liam till Zayn walked in with a towel on his head.

"Now that you got that pool fear over that means your not afraid of the ocean or beach right?" Niall chuckled.

"No I wont ever go to the beach." Zayn replied looking down.

"Are you just afraid of the beach in general or just afraid of the water at the beach?"

"Both." Liam and Zayn replied.

"Okay then lets go to the beach tomorrow, I don't have class so we fucking good!" Niall cheered.

"You may not have class tomorrow but I have work tomorrow so no beach." Niall pouted then slowly formed a smirk.

"How about I take him to the beach? You can trust me right?" Niall looked to Zayn seeing Zayn shaking his head and turning away.

"You said you would of pushed me in that pool possibly letting me drown and die." Niall frowned crossing his arms over his chest.

"Zayn your staying here while I'm at work and Niall your not staying here while I'm at work. I love you but I certainly don't trust you to be alone with my boyfriend." Liam said kissing Zayn's forehead.
Niall couldn't stop thinking about Zayn during the night. Zayn wasn't like other alphas. He was more of a omega than an alpha.

"That can't be right though. I saw his mark when he was in the pool. It was an alpha mark. It looked weird though. It didn't look like a regular alpha mark.

KJ: Hello my lovely people and lovely readers and writers! Yes another chapter! If you dont already read my other story daddy dom then you should know that my updates wont be on time and all that shit. Anygays not much to say besides uh holy shit! Niall might find out that Zayn isn't an alpha before Zayn even finds out he isnt an alpha! Lol just kidding Niall may be sexy and smart but he aint that smart. The only person that knows that Zayn isn't an alpha is Zayn's mama. Trisha Malik. Anygays love you all, good afternoon, morning, and or night!

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