Ch. 3

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Liam was stood looking at himself in the bathroom mirror trying to fix his tie but constantly struggling with nervousness. Zayn sat on there bed staring at the struggling man till he got up and went in the bathroom finally helping Liam.

"I don't see why your nervous its just a party. Unless your giving a speech or something then I still don't see the need for you to be nervous." Zayn said fixing Liam's wrinkled tie.

"I just have this whole thing planned out and I would very much like it not to be ruined. I also would very much like you to be there with me." Liam said turning around.

Zayn's smile faltered down.

"No, L-Liam. You know I can't." Liam sighed staring at the ground with a pout.

"Please, I need a date to go with me. Mostly everyone there is gonna have a date. I need one please baby." Liam whined dropping to his knees in front of Zayn.

"No, why don't you ask uh your boyfriend." Zayn looked down at Liam, his head tilting to the side.

"I am, you are my boyfriend." Liam got up and looked at Zayn with a fake heartbroken expression.

"You know who I'm talking about. Niall would be a great date for you." Liam rolled his eyes sitting on the toilet shaking his head.

"No, I'm not taking Niall. I've already taken Niall on a date like that before. I've never taken you on one though. Also when was the last time we ever actually went on a date outside of this amazing apartment?" Zayn shrugged.

"See! Come on Zayn! Please!" Liam whined his head waving to the back.

"Is there gonna be a crowd?" Zayn asked.

"Uh yeah but its not gonna be that big its a very small crowd. Like fifteen or twenty people." Zayn still shook his head leaving the bathroom.

Liam sighed following behind Zayn but not to close.

"Please Zayn. I promise I wont even leave your side. Even if someone ask me they can talk to me in private I wont leave your side. Please!" Liam cried falling to the floor dramatically.

"Are we driving or walking?" Zayn asked.

"Well I was thinking of driving so we could get there quicker." Liam said looking up at Zayn.

Zayn's facial expressions cracked Liam up. Liam burst out laughing uncontrollably then got up wiping the freed tear away from his eye.

"I'm joking baby. We're walking. I'm not that heartless to you." Zayn let out a held in breath.

"I don't see why you find the need to scare me with my fears. Its just plane rude." Zayn pouted looking through his and Liam's closet for something to wear.

"I know and I am so sorry. I wont ever do it again. Thats why we are taking the short cut to my office just for incase of dogs. Some people walk there dogs at night. I don't want you to have another public incident." Zayn nodded putting on the outfit he had finally chosen.
When Liam and Zayn both arrived at Liam's giant office building there was people already there. Liam lead Zayn through the back door to the front where everyone was chatting away getting ready for the people's speech.

"Whats the stage for?" Zayn asked pointing to the huge stage.

"Uh there are some people here that want to give a speech to those who have worked here and retired and others that just started." Zayn nodded holding onto Liam's hand tightly.

During the wait music started playing. Slow music to be exact. Liam turned to Zayn taking both his hands in his and began to slow dance with him.

"Uh Mr Payne. Can I get a pic of you and your date dancing together?" The news photographer asked holding his camera up.

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