Ch. 13

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Liam smiled at his mother as she wandered the kitchen opening and closing drawers.

"Mom I can just show you where everything is." Liam laughed as his mother glared at him shaking her head.

"If my son knows all the ways around my kitchen I have to know all the ways around yours." Karen said pulling out a pan from behind the island.

"The pots and pans are under the island, the cups and bowls are above the sink, the silverware is next to the fridge and the alcohol is in the library. Anything else you need to know?" Liam smirked as his mother sighed and turned away.

"I want to know why you couldn't just wait till I found everything myself." Karen whined making the pancakes.

"Make some for me and Zayn please." Liam said walking out the kitchen to his and Zayn's room.

Zayn was already dress and getting ready to confront his father.

"You know you don't have to do this." Liam said sitting on there bed facing Zayn.

"He won't leave me alone. My mom even told me that it was best. She and the police have the plan all ready." Liam nodded hating the plan they had.

"You're just bait for Yaser."

"Just because you found out I am a omega doesn't mean you have to treat me like one. I'm not as delicate as I was before. I'm stronger now. I'm more fearless. I'm ready to fight Yaser. I'm ready for him to be gone out of my life for good."

Liam an Zayn both ended up in the kitchen silently eating there breakfast that Karen had made for them.

"So lets go over the plan one last time since I won't be there."

"Mom will meet Yaser at the abandoned Nando's back parking lot. I will be in moms car waiting for mom to give me the sign to come out. Then when I do the police will come and they will arrest Yaser once and for all."
"I'm not ready for this Zayn. I know you want to act brave just for me but I'm scared shitless right now. I'm so scared this will fail." Trisha cried into Zayn's shoulder.

"Mom please don't be scared about. I'm just as scared, trust me. I don't want to do this I just want to go home with Liam and Niall. We have to do this though. I want Yaser gone just as much as you want him gone." Trisha took a deep breath and nodded exiting the car once she saw Yaser.

"Bring me my son Trisha. I don't want to play anymore games." Yaser demanded spitting his cigarette to the concrete.

"Why? Why can't you just leave us alone? He's done nothing to you to make you hate him. Please Yaser just let him go and you can move on from this and forget about Zayn and me." Trisha begged.

"I can't do that, Zayn is an alpha that need to be with his real family he needs to be straight, strong, and like every other Malik." Trisha glared as Yaser and flipped him off.

"You're sick, Zayn did nothing to be put into this horrid family." Yaser rolled his eyes and pulled out his gun.

Zayn then emerged from Trisha's car immediately going to Trisha.

"There's my boy, get in my car Zayn, say goodbye to your whore of a mother." Zayn stood by Trisha's side shaking his head.

"I'm not going with you. Leave me and my family alone. I am so ashamed of being your son." Yaser's eye thined and he pointed the gun at Zayn.

"You wanna continue to trash the Malik generation and be the trash we throw out everyday or do you wanna be a Malik and stay alive?"

"Yaser Malik you are corner put your gona down and get on the floor!" Police scattered around the three everywhere.

"Zayn you have five seconds before you become a wanted orphan." Trisha tried to push Zayn away to get in front of him but Zayn stayed in front of Trisha.

Yaser took a step closer only to be shot at by multiple cops. Yaser on reflex pulled the trigger shooting Zayn. Zayn fell to floor clutching his chest. Liam ran out a cop car running to Zayn. Trisha cried holding a bleeding Zayn in her arms.
Liam, Niall, Karen, and Trisha were all at the hospital waiting for news on Zayn. Trisha was crying and shaking in Karen's hold. Niall was hugging Liam holding back his cries just occasionally sniffling. Liam stayed silent the whole time. He knew that Zayn didn't make it.

"Zayn Malik?" The family immediately got up rushing to the surgeon.

"Please tell me my baby is alright." Trisha begged wiping her nose.

"Were we able to remove the bullet but not save Zayn. I am so sorry for your loss. We tried everything we could to bring him back." Trisha screamed breaking down to the floor.

Niall burst into tears hugging Liam. Liam remained emotionless at the words the surgeon had said. Liam hated himself for not showing his emotions, especially after the death of a family member. Especially his best friend, his boyfriend, his lover. His whole world just died and he didn't show one ounce of emotion.
Its been 2 weeks following Zayn's death. Trisha had once again left without a trace of her left behind. Niall had moved in with Liam. Karen had went back home too heartbroken to stay at the place that Zayn called home.

"Liam I'm back from the doctors. I cant really tell if this is great news or not considering our situation. Also the mail came in and I got another news paper once again the same damn news like always." Niall dropped the news paper and the mail on the island where Liam was cooking dinner.

"What did they say?" Liam asked his eyes never leaving the food.

"I'm pregnant. He even gave me an ultrasound to prove that I am since the last three times I denied it. Can we really handle a baby after everything that has happened?" Liam nodded.

"We are ready, I think Zayn would want us to be ready. He's always liked kids and always wanted them to have a good childhood unlike his."

KJ: Hello my lovely people and lovely readers and writers! Yes another chapter! Hope you all liked it! I am starting the epilogue next! Anygays love you all, good afternoon, night, and or morning!

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