Ch. 6

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"I want to not be fearless anymore Liam! What alpha is scared of the stuff that I am scared of?! None! So why should I be scared of it? I don't deserve this." Zayn cried.

"I know baby, I know you don't deserve this but I think its best that we avoid this. You can't even leave the house without running back in and almost having a anxiety attack." Zayn rolled his eyes even though he knew it was true.

"Why don't we just move slowly? Like one fear at a time. I know a friend that has two dogs himself and I could get him to see if we can meet them. They are very friendly and well trained. I also know that there is a pool in my downstairs basement. See we could start with those, but the friend and the dogs we would have to travel because hes in LA." Zayn looked to Liam with hope.

"I-I don't know. Give me his number and we schedule something." Niall and Zayn both smiled happily.
Two days rolled around and it was Monday afternoon. Liam Payne once again slouched in his office chair staring at his pen twirling in his hand. Liam stared at his phone with a glare till he snatched it and called the number Niall sent him.

"Hello?" A unfamiliar British voice answered.

"Hi I'm Liam Payne. You'r friend Niall uh told me to call you and see if we can have a discussion about something. Are you busy right now?" Liam took out his pad and paper getting ready to write anything if needed.

"What would this discussion be about?" The british man asked.

"First off I want to know your name and who exactly you are. Niall told me you had two dogs but he said nothing about who you are."

"If you wanna buy my dogs im not selling them."

"I don't want your dogs i-. My boyfriend is terrified of dogs any dog it doesn't matter how small or big it is or how behaved it is. He terrified okay I can't get my boyfriend to go outside because hes scared hes gonna get attacked by one. So Niall told me to call you to see if we can meet up and have you help me help my boyfriends fear. Its okay if you say no-"

"Sure. I like helping people. You also sound like you really care about your boyfriend so yeah ill help you. By the way my name is Louis, Louis Tomlinson."

"Holy shit your Louis Tomlinson! Oh my god this can't be real. Niall wheres the fucking cameras this is a fucking prank!" Liam shouted jumping up from his chair.

"Liam I would know if Niall would want to prank anyone because he always tells me when hes gonna prank someone even told me he was gonna prank me before he could. He didn't mean to though. So when should we set this up? Ill hire my private jet to get you and your boyfriend when ever you want."

Liam and Louis spent the last hour on how to they want things to go and what time and day they will be going to LA.
Liam, Zayn and Niall all were sat on the jet getting ready to leave to LA.

"He's not scared of jets as well right?" Niall whispered to Liam watching as Zayn took a seat next to the window.

"No, being in a moving vehicle actually calms him a lot. It takes away all of his stress. Mainly because when we were on the run he was always at ease by being in a moving vehicle." Liam took a seat next to Zayn smiling at the calm features Zayn had.

"On the run?" Niall asked.

"I- ill tell you later." Niall nodded and pulled his headphones out and sat back waiting for take off.
Louis was waiting at the airport in front of the limo when Liam, Zayn and Niall appeared.

"Louis!" Niall shouted running to hug Louis.

"You all ready to leave?" Louis asked opening the door.

Liam helped Zayn in while Niall and Louis got the bags.

"I've never seen Zayn this calm before." Niall whispered to Liam once he got in the car.

"A lot of travel quiets him down." Niall nodded laying his head on Liam's shoulder and sleeping.

The rest of the car ride was silent. When they got to Louis mansion Zayn's nerves came back as quick as he saw the dog in the window.

"Its okay thats a room thats locked. The dog wont hurt you." Liam whispered to Zayn even though it didn't help at all.

Louis led Liam, Zayn and Niall inside and got them all situated and got ready to meet the large Labradooble.  Zayn's hand clutched Liam's hand with a very hard grip. Liam bit his bottom lip to ignore the pain his his left hand.

"Zayn this is Bruce he is my girlfriends dog-"

"You can just say beard you know." Niall cut in.

Louis sighed and glared at Niall which shut him up.

"My beards dog, yes im gay but the media can't know that yet."

"I already knew you were gay I just thought you weren't ready to admit it." Liam mumbled.

Zayn's hand began to sweat and tighten around Liam's hand just watching as Louis large dog stared at him.

"So do you want to pet him first? Or do you have your own way of getting to him?" Louis asked.

"Yeah." Liam got up pulling Zayn with him and they both sat down in front of the dog.

Liam extended his free hand to the dog and gently pat his head.

"Do what I just did Zee." Zayn shakily extended his hand to the dog and left his hand on the dogs head.

Zayn's eyes opened and smiled seeing the dog doing nothing but staring at Zayn's wrist.

"See now move your hand." Zayn smiled and began to gently pet the large dog.

Bruce the dog lightly licked Zayn's hand then laid down closing his eyes. Zayn smiled and continued to pet the dog not being scared of it anymore.

"Thank you." Liam mouthed to Louis.

KJ: Hello my lovely people and lovely readers and writers! Yes another chapter! Hope you all liked it! Sorry for the long ass wait but I have been busy with school and drama. I'm gonna graduate a year early so I have to focus a lot on school and lately everyday after school i get home and pass the fuck out.

Like having two english classes and two math classes is hard. Also I constantly eat candy throughout the day so like of course im gonna be tired. I never get sugar highs i get like really tired though. Anygays love you all, goodnight, morning, and or afternoon!

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