Ch. 4

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Do I knock or do I ring the doorbell?

Niall thought staring at the door of Zayn and Liam's apartment.

Zayn's gonna freak out on either one of those. Then Liam is gonna cancel our date.

Niall took out his phone and dialed Liam's number waiting for him to answer.

"Yeah?" Liam answered in a raspy tone.

"Did you just wake up?" Niall asked.

"No, I just finished giving Zayn a blowjob."

"Shh! Don't just say stuff like that!" Zayn whined.

Liam chuckled watching as Zayn brushed his hair and tried to fix his outfit as good as it already was.

"Well I'm here. I didn't know if I should knock or ring the doorbell so I'm just stood here waiting." Liam nodded to Zayn to go answer the door while he finished getting dressed.

"Zayn's coming to the door let me finish getting dressed." Liam said then hung up.

Zayn let Niall in and they both chatted together.

"I'm glad that your with him. Our relationship wouldn't be very good if it was just us. So thank you." Zayn smiled thanking Niall.

"I'm pretty sure you two would have a great relationship. I mean sure you two wouldn't be able to have children together since your both alphas but you two can have sex? Kind of? I'm sorry I don't know how two alpha sex works."

"It doesnt. Its either makeout and handys or blowjob with blowjob. Sort like a sixtynine?" Liam smirked as Zayn's face went full pink.

"Just go, have fun but please dont drink." Liam nodded kissing Zayn's forehead.

"I wouldn't touch a single shot for you." Liam whispered kissing Zayn on the lips then leaving with Niall.


Young Zayn was sitting in the living on the floor staring at the tv as much as he could. The couch was way to dirty for Zayn to sit on it. Yaser left the couch soaked in old beer and of course cans of beer. The tv was so dirty that Zayn could barely see the tv. Zayn used his shirt sleeve to try to wipe away the muck off the tv as much as he could.

Once Zayn managed to get as much off as he could he sat back down and watched the tv on a low volume. Trisha was in Yaser's room tied to the bed after Yaser's latest rape and beating. Yaser went out to the bar wanting to take Zayn with him but the bar banned children after the Zayn incident.

Zayn heard Yaser's car drive up the rock gravel drive way. Zayn's tried to get up quickly but buckled back down after a shooting pain spread through his leg. Zayn limped his way to his room but once he got to his doorway Yaser walked in.

"Ahh, see your walking again? Good, I wouldn't want to break any of your bones anyways." Zayn's eyes widened when he smelt the usual alcoholic smell off of Yaser.

Zayn heard a swishing sound and looked down to Yaser's hand. Of course a bottle of whiskey. Zayn gulped and tried to look away but Yaser's hand gripped his chin making him look up at him.

"Don't ignore me boy!" Yaser yelled.

Zayn shakily nodded but it was too late. Yaser smashed the bottle against the wall shattering it. Yaser pointed the broken end of the bottle at Zayn in a threatening manner.

"You know what happens when people especially you ignores me?" Yaser smirked drunkly.

Zayn shook his head holding the side of his doorway with one hand.

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