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Four years later...
"Daddy wake up?" Niall smiled and nodded pulling his four year old son out of his seemingly large crib.

"Lets go wake daddy up Z." Niall held his rather small four year old on his hip and walked to his and Liam's room.

Niall gently placed 'Z' on the bed next to Liam. 'Z' lightly slapped Liam's face till he woke up holding Z's hand in his.

"Good morning Z." Liam tiredly smiled at his son.

"Good morning daddy, Papa said it was gonna be a good day today because its my birthday!" Z smiled brightly.

"Yeah it is. Happy fourth birthday Z." Liam began to pepper Z's face with kisses.

Liam cared his two year old son to the kitchen and sat him down in his chair in front of the island. Niall pulled a cake from the fridge saying 'Happy birthday Zayn!'.

Niall lit the four candles and began to softly sing happy birthday to Zayn with Liam softly humming.

"Blow out your candles." Niall said slowly pushing the cake towards Zayn.

Zayn smiled blowing out the candles. Liam swiped a small bit of frosting on his finger and spread it on Zayn's cheek.
"One slice of cake made him that energized. I began to think he was going to explode from all the energy he had." Liam said to Niall who was hanging into his pajamas. (AKA thong)

"Should we be worried that he still doesn't have his mark yet? Zayn got his at 1, and I got mine at one, you got yours at two, I'm just worried he might be a beta." Niall sighed sitting on the bed besides Liam.

"A beta isn't a bad thing. I know its rare to be a beta but he is showing signs of being one. I would love him no matter what." Niall nodded and cuddled up to Liam.

"If Zayn is a beta he will be wondering why he had to be a beta his whole life. Like every other beta out there. Beta's hate there lives because they suck."
Three years later...
Young Zayn Payne ran into Niall and Liams room finding them changing his younger brother Bear Payne into his onesie.

"Daddy! Papa! I got it! I got my mark! I saw it in the bath!" Zayn exclaimed throwing his shirt off and showing his mark on his chest.

"Your a beta baby." Niall said tears in his eyes.

"Is that bad?" Zayn asked crawling on his parents bed.

"No it means your better than any omega and alpha." Liam said kissing Zayn's forehead.

"Can we go visit Zayn tomorrow? I want to show him my marking." Liam and Niall both nodded happy hes proud of his marking.
Next day...
Liam held Zayn's hand as he walked up the small hill to Zayn's gravestone. Next to his was Trisha's gravestone. They had found her a year later. She hung herself in a motel surrounded by pictures of Zayn. She had a smile on her face.

"Tell him that you got your marking." Liam said urging Zayn forward.

Zayn dropped to his knees and unbuttoned his shirt opening it.

"Zayn I got my marking im a beta. I wanted to be an omega like you but they said a beta was better. I cant wait to find out what Bear is. I hope hes an omega, omegas are pretty and funny. Thank you for the beta marking. Papa told me that you gave it to me. Which makes my marking even better." Zayn got up and dropped a white flower in front of the grave and walked back to the car with Liam.

"Did you tell him?" Niall asked once Liam and Zayn got in the car.

Zayn nodded smiling brightly at Bear in his car seat.

"Is Zayn gonna give Bear his marking too?" Zayn asked cooing at Bear.

"Probably, all the passing alpha's and omega's give everyone there markings." Zayn stared out the window up at the clouds in awe.

"I hope Zayn give Bear an omega marking. Bear can be as amazing as Zayn and you." Niall blushed looking in the mirror at Zayn.

"Thank you Zayn." Niall whispered looking up at the sky.

KJ: Hello my lovely people and lovely readers and writers! Yes another chapter! Hope you all liked it! Anygays not much to say but I am so glad I finally finished this story. Sad but happy ending for everyone that likes sad endings and happy endings. Anygays love you all and thank you for sticking with me through this whole story! Love you all, good afternoon, night, and or morning!

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