Ch. 8

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"Today is daddys birthday so we have to be really nice for him. We also have to dress up really nice too." Trisha smiled at four year old Zayn while adjusting his bowtie on his neck.

"How old is daddy turning?" Zayn asked in his cute four year old toddler voice.

"I prefer not to say because when people mention his age he gets mad and claims they are calling him old. So don't ask daddy what his age is." Zayn nodded and smiled at Trisha.

"Now wanna help mommy prepare for his birthday dinner and dessert?" Zayn nodded slowly.

"Its okay if you dont want to sweetie. I know your scared and so is mommy. Mommy can handle him hurting us. Okay? So go in the living room and clean it please." Trisha handed Zayn a dish rag and a bucket of soap and water.

While Zayn cleaned the living room as best as he could Trisha made a cake and poured two glasses of champagne. Really hoping that Yaser doesn't get mad today and throw the glass at Zayn.

"Zayn are you finished? Daddys dinner is done and I want you to be in your room when he comes home." Zayn immediately ran to his room about to close the door but forgot that Yaser punched a whole through it making it useless to lock or even close.

"Just go hide in your closet like always sweetie." Trisha made a quick trip to Zayn and kissed his forehead then went back to finishing the rest of the dinner.

One large steak for Yaser, mashed potatos, with a side of corn and gravy. A ham sandwich for Zayn with a plastic green cup of lemonade. Then Trisha left herself to watch them eat waiting till after Yaser goes to sleep to eat or wait till he leaves for work the next morning to eat.

Yaser walked in obnoxiously kicking the door open already shit faced drunk.

"Happy birthday to me bitch!" Yaser yelled throwing his glass beer bottle at Trisha.

Soon Yasers friends and brother came in. They as well were just as drunk, maybe even more drunk than he is.

"Shes all yours boys." Yaser smirked pointing to Trisha.

"No, Yaser please. I-I made dinner. See." Trisha shakily pointed to the table.

"You didn't make any for anyone else? What? Do I look like I spend my birthday with a whore all my by myself!?" Yaser yelled shoving the contents from the table to the floor angrily.

"No! I-I'm sorry. Please forgive me Yaser." Trisha whimpered walking backwards away from Yaser as he slowly stalked to her.

Trisha bumped into Yasers brother who grabbed her by her arms holding her still.

"Take her to my room. She needs to learn not to disobey me." Yaser smirked holding Trisha's chin in his hand.

"Zayn's in his closet right?" Yaser smiled widely nodding his head making Trisha nod hers as well.

"Stay away from him!" Trisha yelled angrily.

Yaser turned to her and slapped her harshly.

"Last time I checked omegas are never allowed to yell at there alpha!" Yaser hissed punching her then kicking her.

"Do what you want with her boys. Make sure she gets what she deserves." Yaser got back to striding to Zayn's room.

"Zayny. Come out of the closet for me. You know that just means your gay and you know being gay is a sin. You dont want to be a sin do you?" Yaser opened Zayn's closet doors seeing the trembling boy sitting in the corner.

"Aww you got all dressed up for daddy huh? Thats nice. Ill make sure to give mommy some props for making you presentable for me and my boys. Lets go now mommy ruined dinner so we get to go straight to dessert." Yaser said grabbing Zayn's arm and leading him to the kitchen.

Yaser placed Zayn on his booster seat making sure to buckle him in so he doesn't escape.

Yaser took out the cake and placed it in front of Zayn.

"Wanna try some?" Yaser asked swiping his finger across the top and licking the icing off.

Zayn frowned shaking his head. The next hour was pure torture for Zayn. Listening to his mothers cries of pain while his father ate the cake slowly while drinking champagne.

End of flashback

"Zayn? Hello? Earth to Zayn." Zayn shook his head and smiled at Liam not noticing his face wet with tears.

Liam and Niall both had a concerned face staring at Zayn. Liam got a napkin and wiped the tears off Zayn's face.

"Whats happened this time?" Liam asked know it was another flashback of Zayns.

"Today is my dads birthday."

"Well as far as I know your father is a horrible man and he is far away from us. We're fine and content in your backyard where no one can disturb us." Niall smiled laying a hand on Zayn's knee.

Zayn nodded smiling a bit then looking to Liam.

"If I ever see that man he will be dead before he even asks about you or your mom." Liam grumbled.

"Okay well clearly we should change the subject because I know that no one wants to think about a abuser and no one wants to be a serial killer!" Niall gritted slapping Liam's shoulder.

Liam huffed and ate his sandwich keeping a watchful eye on Zayn.

KJ: Hello my lovely people and lovely readers and writers! Yes another chapter! Hope you all liked it! Anygays not much to say because like I said I was gonna post this chapter on friday but I changed my mind and wanted to post it today since I finished this chapter early. Anygays love you all, good afternoon, night, and or morning!

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