Ch. 2

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Zayn and Liam's morning started out as usual for them both. Liam waking up before Zayn. Liam taking a shower and getting ready for work and then having to wake up his sweet alpha boyfriend. It wasn't much of a struggle waking Zayn up. It was a struggle to calm Zayn down before he put himself in another panic attack.

"Shh shh baby its just me. Its just me, Liam." Liam softly caressed Zayn's cheek then kissed him getting up and leaving the room to go make breakfast for the both of them.

Zayn got dressed silently and went into the living room. Zayn sat in the small oval couch looking out the large glass window. Zayn and Liam lived in a very large apartment. Second floor first door. It was the perfect apartment for them.

Two beds two bath with a large living room that had one large window. It over looked everything outside. Liam came over to Zayn holding a tray of food for the two of them.

"You know I suck at making eggs so I made cereal. Your favorite." Zayn smiled taking the cereal from Liam and eating while still looking out the window.

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"I wanna get a job

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"I wanna get a job." Zayn said after taking his first bite of cereal.

"What?" Liam stopped cleaning the stove looking at Zayn shocked.

"I-I wanna get a job. You have one." Zayn got up going in the kitchen behind the island facing Liam.

"I have one so I can pay the bills and take care of you." Liam smiled softly.

"Well I don't want to be stuck here anymore. I wanna be out there. It looks beautiful and I dont want to be alone anymore."

"Your not alone you have me." Liam was beginning to panic.

Zayn sighed and shook his head leaving the kitchen going back to there room.
Liam was sat in his large office at the 10th floor in his building looking down at everyone. He could clearly see his and Zayn's apartment from the view. There was a knock on the door that took Liam out of his own thoughts. Liam turned around in his chair and looked to the door seeing Niall walk in.

"What would my lovely student like today?" Liam asked trying to be as professional as possible.

"Just wanted to know why you haven't been answering my calls and why you didn't meet me at Charlie's for lunch or why Zayn didn't answer the door?" Liam froze.

He went to my apartment? Wait why didn't Zayn answer? Shit, loud bangs or the sound of the doorbell going off sends him into a panic attack. Liam shot up grabbing his jacket quickly and running out of his office with Niall quickly following behind him.

"Liam answer my questions! What is going on?" Niall demanded after getting in Liam's car with him.

"I have to check on Zayn. Did you knock or ring the doorbell?" Liam asked driving as fast as he could in the small streets of the small town.

"I knocked several times hoping you or Zayn would answer but neither of you did." Niall huffed crossing his arms over his chest.

"You possibly put Zayn into a panic attack with the knocks. Loud noises are one his many fears." Liam ran his fingers through his hair nervously.

"Oh my god. I- I didn't know. I'm so sorry Liam. Can I talk to him and apologize?"

"No hes not ready to meet you. Especially now I have to calm him down before he hurts himself. Ill go in and check on him then ill drive you home."

"No its fine my apartment isn't that far from here. I can walk just tell Zayn I said sorry." Liam nodded running up the stairs to his and Zayn's apartment.

When Zayn entered he saw a shattered glass cub on the floor and knew Zayn must of fled when the banging started.

"Zayn? Zayny? Baby?" Liam called softly going to his and Zayn's room.

When Liam walked in Zayn was in the corner of the room crouched in a ball covering his head. Liam slowly approached Zayn knowing how to handle this type of situation. It has happened plenty of times the first few times were the hardest.


Zayn just finished pouring Zayn his wine in the glass cup when there was banging on the door. Zayn quickly stopped what he was doing staring at the door getting flashbacks of his father.

Double flashback...

"Trisha you fucking unlock this damn door right now!" Yaser yelled hitting the door with so much forced it shook the wall around it.

Trisha held 5 year old Zayn in her arms for dear life. Zayn stared at the door as its hinges fell off. Yaser suddenly kicked the door make it fall down. Trisha cried holding Zayn while Yaser pried Zayn from his mother. Yaser took off his belt and began to pelt Trisha with it. Zayn scrambled to the corner watching as his mother got beat by his father.

"You stupid little cunt! You never *smack* ever *smack* fucking ever *smack* lock a damn door *smack* on me *smack* ever *smack* again!" Yaser finally gave Trisha a blow to the face with his foot.

Zayn looked away as Yaser walked away but kicked Zayn's side causing him to cry and fall to the floor in a fetal position.

End of double flashback...

The banging didn't stop as far as Zayn knew which he was right it didn't. The doorbell then rang. Zayn dropped the glass cup just as Liam came in. Zayn ran past him into there room hiding under the bed.

"Zayn hold on!" Liam ran to answer the door grabbing there pizza from the man and paying him.

Liam ran back to his and Zayn's room finding him under the bed shaking like a chihuahua.

"Zayn baby please come out from under there. It- it was just the pizza guy. Come on out dinner is here."

Zayn's shaking finally after about twenty to twenty five minutes. Liam stayed laying on the floor looking at Zayn. After about fifteen minutes Liam held his arm out under the bed softly petting Zayn's back in a calming manner.

"Stop thinking about him Zayny. He's not here. He's never gonna be here. Its just me and you. No ones here besides me and you." Liam softly spoke to Zayn trying to lure Zayn out of his torture chamber of a mind.

End of flashback...

Yeah that was the last time they ever ordered pizza or anything in general. Liam got a P.O box so whatever he got ordered was sent there instead of there apartment. Liam softly traced patterns on Zayn's leg paying close attention to his shaking being reduced.

When Zayn had stopped shaking he slowly looked to Liam and grabbed his hand lightly pushing it away.

"Niall said he's sorry. He didn't know. He thought I was home but ive already told him if hes ever gonna come over here its when im bringing him. So its sort of my fault I should of been paying attention." Zayn wanted to disagree but got up and laid on there bed pulling the covers over him.

Liam sat on the floor facing the bed.

"Have I ever told you how cute you look like that?" Zayn nodded silently.

Liam smiled and kissed Zayn's temple getting up then leaving there room to give Zayn his rest.

KJ: Hello my lovely people and lovely readers and writers! Yes another chapter! Hope you all liked it! I did a double flashback! Thats like a flashback within a flashback!

I also gave another unseen story of Zayn's childhood! Now we know why he's afraid of banging sounds and doorbells! Well we don't know about the doorbell yet but just wait for a future chapter on that fearful childhood. Anygays love you all, goodnight, morning, and or afternoon!

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