Merry Christmas!!!

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"Zayn baby wake up, we're here." Liam said in a smooth soft quiet voice.

Zayn shot up in the car lunging forward only to be held back by his seat belt. Liam gently undid his seat belt buckle know Zayn wouldn't be able to do it in his just awakened state.

"Look its moms house." Liam said pointing across from Zayn and pointing to Karen Payne's house. 

The other side was Zayn's old house. The abusive horror house that held all of Zayn's nightmares and fears. 

"Boys!" Karen screamed running towards Liam and Zayn engulfing them in a hug.

Zayn froze from the hug not expecting it to happen.

"Mom Zayn just woke up from the long car ride and the plane ride. He slept through both because I knew he wouldn't be able to handle both of them being awake." Karen immediately let go and apologized lightly kissing Zayn's forehead.

"Come on you two lets get inside. It freezing out. The wheather man said it was gonna snow later today around five noon." Karne, Liam,and Zayn all ran inside the large family home.


After Zayn and Liam both unpacked and settled in Zayn decided to use that settling in time to take a shower. Liam and Karen used that time to drink  hot chocolate and hot tea and... talk.

"Did you get any contact with her yet?" Liam asked sipping his hot chocolate.

"Did you check her email?" Karen nodded with a sad look.

"It said that it was taken down." Liam bit the tip of his tongue and pulled his hair.

"When I see her I have a shit ton of questions to ask her. Questions mainly about Zayn but others that I can't ask Zayn because he doesn't know the answer to." Karen frowned placing her hand above Liam's in a comforting way.


"I remember that here on this bench you and I had our first kiss together. One of the many good memories you and I have here together." Liam smiled wrapping his arms around Zayn's form.

"I hope mom is okay. I know she's gonna see me again." Liam nodded biting the inside of his cheek looking away.


Christmas morning...

Liam walked down the stairs into the kitchen seeing Karen flipping pancakes and waffle ironing waffles. 

"Good morning, Zayn still asleep?" Karen asked flipping another pancake onto a plate full of them.

"Yeah, he doesn't get to sleep in often because when I wake up he wakes up." 

"Well I made enough for all of us and left overs since I know you two are gonna want something to eat when you drive back to the airport later tonight." 


"Okay since I want to make sure that when I record and take pictures of you two I don't see any trash or wrapping paper around you two. I want these pictures to be full of smiles and happiness. Got it?" Liam and Zayn both nodded sitting opposite of each other with both there two presents next to each other.

Liam went first opening his present from Karen. It was a box of new ties that looked to cost $100 for each one which was 4 ties. 

"Well you saved Niall from nagging at me to go shopping for new ties mom. Thank you." Liam said hugging Karen then sitting back down next to Zayn.

Zayn opened his next which was a new picture of Trisha. It looked old, really old. Zayn's eye's watered and lightly caressed Trisha's cheek in the picture. 

"When was this?" Zayn asked his eyes never leaving the picture of Trisha.

"I went back to the house and found it in your old room behind your bookshelf. I looked for more but it started raining so I headed back. I go there every chance I get when I feel comfortable to be in that house." Zayn thanked Karen hugging her and letting a stray tear escape his eyes.

Liam then got an new Iphone x case. It was custom made case. It was a picture of Zayn and Liam from last Christmas kissing under the mistletoe. Zayn next got a onesie saying I may be fit but I still have a cute ass. Zayn blushed neatly folding the onesie back inside its box. Liam was having a laughing fit at Zayn's face and the present he got.

"Mom that's a sub onesie, Zayn's a alpha." Liam said in between laughs.

"I know, I saw that you liked this onesie on Instagram. I thought you wanted to get it for him." Liam laughed at his mother's cluelessness.

"Mom I liked it because Niall wanted it and I wanted to make sure I remember to get the right one from the right company." Karen oh'd and nodded.


The rest of the day was spent cleaning up the house and watching shitty hallmark movies.

KJ: Hello my lovely people and lovely readers and writers! Yes another chapter! Hope you all liked it! Because I am a fucking idiot and went to delete the new years chapter I deleted this one by accident after I had finished it. Then I went on my laptop and saw it was still there so I used what I had left on this one and published it but no wattpad deleted it after I finished it as fucking well! Then I had to redo the whole fucking chapter which I did. I had to redo it on my laptop though because wattpad is fucking up on my phone. My laptop is also fucking up because already five fucking times I would be typing up this story and my damn laptop would delete a whole fucking paragraph! 

How retarded can my damn laptop get? Oh I know because its a shitty laptop thats fucking why! Anygays I don't want to ruin your mood with my pissy one so just read the story or some shit and go on with life as I fucking struggle because I have horrible fucking shit to fucking post my damn stories! love you all, goodnight, morning, and or afternoon!

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