Ch. 11

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To say the small boat ride was enjoyable was half a life. Niall enjoyed it, watching the moon and stars reflect off the water, seeing a couple of birds fly down and land floating on the water. It was all beautiful in Niall's eyes. Zayn how ever was hugging his knees to his chest trying to ignore the fear in his chest. Every movement he heard spiked fear all over him.

"If you want ai can turn the boat around and we can go back to the beach." Zayn shook his head and slowly extended his legs out no longer hugging them.

"I can not be afraid of something I drink everyday." Zayn said slowly lowering his hand in the salty sand water.

"Yo don't drink salt water everyday Zayn. You drink led water or filtered water depending on how you get it."

A fish has quickly swam past Zayn's hand the tail of the fish grazing his fingertips. Zayn screamed pulling his hand out the water cradling it like an injured child.

"What happened?" Niall asked examining Zayn's non injured hand.

"Something touched my hand." Zayn whimpered petting his hand.

"Zayn a fish swam by your hand it didn't even bite you. Stop acting like you just stuck your hand in boiling water." Niall immediately regretting saying that once Zayn's eyes grew wide and he was silent.


"Trisha look at this!" This Japanese man can stick his hand in boiling hot water and it doesn't even harm him at all!" Yaser exclaimed eyes growing wide staring at the broken tv his full interest in the man on tv.

"That's very dangerous he should get that checked out." Trisha replied placing the potato's in the boiling pot of water.

Yaser looked to five year old Zayn sitting on the floor playing with a beer can and an old polly pocket he had found in the lake behind his house.

"Zayn come here." Yaser demanded.

Zayn slowly rose and slowly walked to Yaser standing two feet away from him.

"You see that man on the tv? That's some voodoo shit right there. You wanna try and see if you can do that?" Zayn shook his head and tried to walk away but Yaser had a grip on his wrist.

"Did you forget what the adult alpha is in this house?" Yaser growled his grip tightening on Zayn's wrist.

"Momm-" Yaser slapped Zayn's mouth, the loud sound getting Trisha's attention.

Trisha was quick to run to the living room and see Zayn and Yaser.

"Zayn!" Trisha cried seeing his mouth more red than usual.

"Trisha go to our room now!" Yaser yelled pointing to there room.

Trisha shook her head cradling Zayn to her chest.

"Trisha don't fucking make me repeat myself. Zayn disrespected me, he will be punished." Trisha gulped thickly and slowly let Zayn go running to there room.

"Now lets play what that man was playing. I want to see how tough my petty little alpha is. Are you as strong as your amazing alpha dad like me? Or are you as weak as your slut of a mother?" Yaser easily picked up a crying and kicking Zayn and headed to the kitchen.

Yaser gripped Zayn's arm and slowly lowered his hand in the boiling pot. Zayn screamed and thrashed in Yaser's hold trying to get out of Yaser's grip. Zayn used his feet to kick the pot to the floor spilling all the contents onto the floor. The boiling water splashed on Yaser's bare legs burning them. Yaser yelled dropping Zayn to the floor. Zayn took this opportunity to run out the front door.

Zayn saw a snow bank against the tree and shoved his hand in sighing as his hand cooled off.

End of flashback

"Oh my god Zayn did you just have another moment? I'm sorry I didn't mean to trigger that on you. I wasn't thinking about what I was saying. Come on lets go, I got the boat back to the dock, this date was just to be bad to be a date." Niall helped Zayn out the boat and both walked to Niall's car in the parking lot.

Niall drove Zayn back home to his and Liam's flat and left immediately. Not wanting to deal with Liam's wrath. Zayn quietly walked in the flat going straight to his and Liam's room.

"How was the date?" Liam asked eyebrow raised.

"We went to the beach then took a boat ride, I had another flashback about the shark attack. Then I stuck my hand in the water and a fish touched me scaring me. Niall yelled at me, I had another flashback. All I want to do is shower right now." Liam nodded leaving the room for Zayn to have his privacy.

Liam called Niall pissed that Niall had trigger two flashbacks on Zayn.

"Hello?" Niall asked nervously.

"I told you that if anything bad happens you call me! He had two moments Niall! Fucking two! How did you trigger him two fucking times Niall?!" Liam yelled into his phone enraged.

"I helped him over come his water and boat fear."

"Congrats on helping our boyfriend be less afraid of two more things. He still got triggered tonight by you! Next time you go on a date with him, I'm going too got it?" Liam heard nothing but small shuffling.

"I can't see what the hell are you doing so I would like an answer." Niall giggled and said yes then hung up quickly.

KJ: Hello my lovely people and lovely readers and writers! Yes another chapter! Hope you all liked it! If anyone of you heard I am deleting my reddie story. I already got someone to take hold of the story so that I don't just throw it away to be a waste. Anygays love you all, good morning, afternoon, and or night!

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